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With over 500 online simulations, virtual labs, and interactive cases for math and science—there’s a Gizmo for just about everybody. Let’s find yours.
5 Minute Preview
Investigate the decay of a radioactive substance. The half-life and the number of radioactive atoms can be adjusted, and theoretical or random decay can be observed. Data can be interpreted...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEffect of Environment on New Life Form
5 Minute Preview
Using the scientific method, control the environmental conditions for a fictional alien organism in order to learn how the organism responds to changes in conditions. Sunlight, water, and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoBeat the Heat: Tackling Urban Heat Islands Using the Science of Energy
- Stem Case
Lake City's latest heat wave has more people in the hospital than ever before. Juan, a local student admitted to the hospital, lives in one of the hottest neighborhoods in the city....
Lesson InfoFast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Grow Wisconsin Fast Plants® in a simulated lab environment. Explore the life cycles of these plants and how their growth is influenced by light, water, and crowding. Practice pollinating...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoHoneybee Hive
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5 Minute Preview
Explore life in the hive by meeting workers, drones, and the queen bee herself! Visit flower patches to determine the best sources of food, and then perform a waggle dance to let the other...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoDiffusion
- Stem Case
As a physician assistant, students must learn about diffusion to save the life of a person poisoned by chlorine gas that was released into a small town following a train crash.
Lesson InfoCell Respiration
- Stem Case
As a medical toxicologist, students learn about cell respiration to save the life of a CIA agent that has been poisoned.
Lesson InfoTemperature and Sex Determination
5 Minute Preview
Observe the sex ratios of birds and geckos as they hatch in an incubator. Vary the temperature of the incubator and measure the percentages of male and female hatchlings to determine if...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoDNA Analysis
5 Minute Preview
Scan the DNA of frogs to produce DNA sequences. Use the DNA sequences to identify possible identical twins and to determine which sections of DNA code for skin color, eye color, and the...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoTemperature and Sex Determination - Metric
5 Minute Preview
Observe the sex ratios of birds and geckos as they hatch in an incubator. Vary the temperature of the incubator and measure the percentages of male and female hatchlings to determine if...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFlower Pollination
5 Minute Preview
Observe the steps of pollination and fertilization in flowering plants. Help with many parts of the process by dragging pollen grains to the stigma, dragging sperm to the ovules, and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoIsotopes
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5 Minute Preview
Explore what isotopes are by adding protons and neutrons to the nucleus of an atom. Plot both stable and radioactive isotopes on a graph of neutrons vs. protons, and explore how the...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoTime Estimation
5 Minute Preview
Try to estimate the passage of time by selecting a time interval, clicking the Start button, and clicking Stop when you think the interval has passed. The estimate and percent error are...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Color
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Observe how different colors of light are reflected or absorbed by colored objects. Determine that white light is a combination of different colors of light, and that one or more component...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEyes and Vision 2 - Focusing Light
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5 Minute Preview
Once light enters the eye, it must be focused on the retina. Manipulate the pupil diameter to regulate the amount of light that enters then eye, then change the lens shape to focus light....
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEyes and Vision 3 - Sensing Light
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5 Minute Preview
Observe how photoreceptors on the retina are stimulated by different colors of light. Determine that cone cells are stimulated by specific colors of light and enable us to see color, while...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoDisease Spread
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Observe the spread of disease through a group of people. The methods of transmission can be chosen and include person-to-person, airborne, and foodborne as well as any combination thereof....
Lesson Info Launch GizmoRainfall and Bird Beaks
5 Minute Preview
Study the thickness of birds' beaks over a five-year period as you control the yearly rainfall on an isolated island. As the environmental conditions change, the species must adapt (a...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoNatural Selection
5 Minute Preview
You are a bird hunting moths (both dark and light) that live on trees. As you capture the moths most easily visible against the tree surface, the moth populations change, illustrating the...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoHardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
5 Minute Preview
Set the initial percentages of three types of parrots in a population and track changes in genotype and allele frequency through several generations. Analyze population data to develop an...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoGrowing Plants
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5 Minute Preview
Investigate the growth of three common garden plants: tomatoes, beans, and turnips. You can change the amount of light each plant gets, the amount of water added each day, and the type of...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoGermination
5 Minute Preview
Plant seeds and watch how many sprout. Examine what factors affect germination. Vary the amount of heat, water, and light the seeds get. Practice designing controlled experiments and using...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoReverse the Field
5 Minute Preview
Measure the time required to write a word when the mouse behaves in a normal fashion and when the direction of motion is reversed from left to right, up to down, or both. Run several...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoNumber Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
5 Minute Preview
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoDichotomous Keys
5 Minute Preview
Use dichotomous keys to identify and classify five types of organisms: California albatrosses, Canadian Rockies buttercups, Texas venomous snakes, Virginia evergreens, and Florida...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoHearing: Frequency and Volume
5 Minute Preview
Test your hearing range by listening to low-, medium-, and high-frequency sounds. Compare the relative loudness of sounds at each frequency to create an equal-loudness curve. In a quiet...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoHuman Homeostasis
5 Minute Preview
Adjust the levels of clothing, perspiration, and exercise to maintain a stable internal temperature as the external temperature changes. Water and blood sugar levels need to be replenished...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoParamecium Homeostasis
5 Minute Preview
Observe how a paramecium maintains stable internal conditions in a changing aquatic environment. Water moves into the organism by osmosis, and is pumped out by the contractile vacuole. The...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoMicroevolution
5 Minute Preview
Observe the effect of predators on a population of parrots with three possible genotypes. The initial percentages and fitness levels of each genotype can be set. Determine how initial...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoCollision Theory
5 Minute Preview
Observe a chemical reaction with and without a catalyst. Determine the effects of concentration, temperature, surface area, and catalysts on reaction rates. Reactant and product...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEvolution: Mutation and Selection
5 Minute Preview
Observe evolution in a fictional population of bugs. Set the background to any color, and see natural selection taking place. Inheritance of color occurs according to Mendel's laws and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEvolution: Natural and Artificial Selection
5 Minute Preview
Observe evolution in a fictional population of bugs. Set the background to any color, and see natural selection taking place. Compare the processes of natural and artificial selection....
Lesson Info Launch GizmoReal-Time Histogram
5 Minute Preview
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoForest Ecosystem
5 Minute Preview
Observe and manipulate the populations of four creatures (trees, deer, bears, and mushrooms) in a forest. Investigate the feeding relationships (food web) in the forest. Determine which...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoPlants and Snails
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Study the production and use of gases by plants and animals. Measure the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in a test tube containing snails and elodea (a type of plant) in both light and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoPrairie Ecosystem
5 Minute Preview
Observe the populations of grass, prairie dogs, ferrets and foxes in a prairie ecosystem. Investigate feeding relationships and determine the food chain. Bar graphs and line graphs show...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoCirculatory System
5 Minute Preview
Trace the path of blood through a beating heart and the network of blood vessels that supplies blood to the body. Take blood samples from different blood vessels to observe blood cells and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoPond Ecosystem
5 Minute Preview
Measure the temperature and oxygen content of a pond over the course of a day. Then go fishing to see what types of fish live in the pond. Many different ponds can be investigated to...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoMeasuring Trees
5 Minute Preview
Measure the height, diameter, and circumference of trees in a forest. Count growth rings to determine the age of each tree. Grow the trees for several years and investigate how growth is...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoWater Pollution
5 Minute Preview
Get to know the four main types of pollution present in the environment, and then look at a variety of real-world examples as you try to guess what type of pollution is represented by each...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoGreenhouse Effect
5 Minute Preview
Within this simulated region of land, daytime's rising temperature and the falling temperature at night can be measured, along with heat flow in and out of the system. The level of...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoSeed Germination
5 Minute Preview
Perform experiments with several seed types to see what conditions yield the highest germination (sprouting) rate. Three different types of seeds can be studied, and the temperature, water...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoOsmosis
5 Minute Preview
Adjust the concentration of a solute on either side of a membrane in a cell and observe the system as it adjusts to the conditions through osmosis. The initial concentration of the solute...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoRNA and Protein Synthesis
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5 Minute Preview
Go through the process of synthesizing proteins through RNA transcription and translation. Learn about the many steps involved in protein synthesis including: unzipping of DNA, formation of...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoMouse Genetics (One Trait)
5 Minute Preview
Breed "pure" mice with known genotypes that exhibit specific fur colors, and learn how traits are passed on via dominant and recessive genes. Mice can be stored in cages for future...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoIdentifying Nutrients
5 Minute Preview
Use a variety of real-world lab tests to analyze common food samples in order to determine if the food is a carbohydrate, a protein, or a lipid. Tests that can be performed include:...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoChicken Genetics
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Breed "pure" chickens with known genotypes that exhibit specific feather colors, and learn how traits are passed on via codominant genes. Chickens can be stored in cages for future...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoGreenhouse Effect - Metric
5 Minute Preview
Within this simulated region of land, daytime's rising temperature and the falling temperature at night can be measured, along with heat flow in and out of the system. The amount of...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoRabbit Population by Season
5 Minute Preview
Observe the population of rabbits in an environment over many years. The land available to the rabbits and weather conditions can be adjusted to investigate the effects of urban sprawl and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFood Chain
5 Minute Preview
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoPhotosynthesis Lab
5 Minute Preview
Study photosynthesis in a variety of conditions. Oxygen production is used to measure the rate of photosynthesis. Light intensity, carbon dioxide levels, temperature, and wavelength of...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFast Plants® 2 - Mystery Parent
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
In this follow-up to Fast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics, continue to explore inheritance of traits in Wisconsin Fast Plants. Infer the genotype of a "mystery P2 parent" of a set of Fast...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoSight vs. Sound Reactions
5 Minute Preview
Measure your reaction time by clicking your mouse as quickly as possible when visual or auditory stimuli are presented. The individual response times are recorded, as well as the mean and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoDye Elimination
5 Minute Preview
When a foreign substance such as a drug is ingested, it often remains in the bloodstream for a long time. This Gizmo models the elimination of substances from the bloodstream using water...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoHuman Evolution - Skull Analysis
5 Minute Preview
Compare the skulls of a variety of significant human ancestors, or hominids. Use available tools to measure lengths, areas, and angles of important features. Each skull can be viewed from...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoInheritance
5 Minute Preview
Create aliens with different traits and breed them to produce offspring. Determine which traits are passed down from parents to offspring and which traits are acquired. Offspring can be...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoHomeostasis
5 Minute Preview
Control a simulated person running on a treadmill. Your challenge is to use clothing, exercise, and sweat to maintain a constant body temperature as air temperature goes up and down....
Lesson Info Launch GizmoMouse Genetics (Two Traits)
5 Minute Preview
Breed "pure" mice with known genotypes that exhibit specific fur and eye colors, and learn how traits are passed on via dominant and recessive genes. Mice can be stored in cages for future...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoH-R Diagram
5 Minute Preview
A collection of stars visible from Earth can be arranged and classified based on their color, temperature, luminosity, radius, and mass. This can be done using one or two-dimensional...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoHuman Karyotyping
5 Minute Preview
Sort and pair the images of human chromosomes obtained in a scan. Find differences in the scans of the various patients to find out specific things that can cause disease, as well as...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoCell Division
5 Minute Preview
Begin with a single cell and watch as mitosis and cell division occurs. The cells will go through the steps of interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis. The...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoVirus Lytic Cycle
5 Minute Preview
Release a lytic virus in a group of cells and observe how cells are infected over time and eventually destroyed. Data related to the number of healthy cells, infected cells, and viruses can...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoCell Structure
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5 Minute Preview
Select a sample cell from an animal, plant, or bacterium and view the cell under a microscope. Select each organelle on the image to learn more about its structure and function. Closeup...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoRainfall and Bird Beaks - Metric
5 Minute Preview
Study the thickness of birds' beaks over a five year period as you control the yearly rainfall on an isolated island. As the environmental conditions change, the species must adapt (a...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoDigestive System
5 Minute Preview
Digestion is a complex process, involving a wide variety of organs and chemicals that work together to break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate wastes. But have you ever wondered...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoWater Cycle
5 Minute Preview
Control the path of a drop of water as it travels through the water cycle. Many alternatives are presented at each stage. Determine how the water moves from one location to another, and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoBuilding DNA
5 Minute Preview
Construct a DNA molecule, examine its double-helix structure, and then go through the DNA replication process. Learn how each component fits into a DNA molecule, and see how a unique,...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoDrug Dosage
5 Minute Preview
A drug prescription must be carefully planned to maximize benefit while avoiding an overdose. In this Gizmo, you can give a patient one or more pills and monitor the levels of medication in...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoUnit Conversions 2 - Scientific Notation and Significant Digits
5 Minute Preview
Use the Unit Conversions Gizmo to explore the concepts of scientific notation and significant digits. Convert numbers to and from scientific notation. Determine the number of significant...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoAir Track
5 Minute Preview
Adjust the mass and velocity of two gliders on a frictionless air track. Measure the velocity, momentum, and kinetic energy of each glider as they approach each other and collide....
Lesson Info Launch GizmoInclined Plane - Sliding Objects
5 Minute Preview
Investigate the energy and motion of a block sliding down an inclined plane, with or without friction. The ramp angle can be varied and a variety of materials for the block and ramp can be...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoOcean Mapping
5 Minute Preview
Use a sonar on a boat to remotely measure the depth of an ocean at various locations. Describe multiple points on the ocean floor using their latitude, longitude, and depth. View maps of...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoSolubility and Temperature
5 Minute Preview
Add varying amounts of a chemical to a beaker of water to create a solution, observe that the chemical dissolves in the water at first, and then measure the concentration of the solution at...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoDensity via Comparison
5 Minute Preview
Using four beakers of liquids with known densities, estimate the density of a variety of objects. Place each object into each beaker to see whether it sinks or floats, and then use this...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoAdditive Colors
5 Minute Preview
Control the intensity of red, green, and blue spotlights. Additive colors can be observed where the spotlights overlap. The RGB value of any point can be measured. Just about any color can...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoLaser Reflection
5 Minute Preview
Point a laser at a mirror and compare the angle of the incoming beam to the angle of reflection. A protractor can be used to measure the angles of incidence and reflection, and the angle of...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoUniform Circular Motion
5 Minute Preview
Measure the position, velocity, and acceleration (both components and magnitude) of an object undergoing circular motion. The radius and velocity of the object can be controlled, along with...
Lesson Info Launch GizmopH Analysis
5 Minute Preview
Test the acidity of common substances using pH paper. Materials including soap, lemon juice, milk, and oven cleaner can be tested by comparing the color of pH strips to a standard scale.
Lesson Info Launch GizmopH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator
5 Minute Preview
Test the acidity of many common everyday substances using pH paper (four color indicators). Materials including soap, lemon juice, milk, and oven cleaner can be tested by comparing the...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEclipse
5 Minute Preview
Observe solar and lunar eclipses as the Moon orbits Earth. The full and partial shadows of the Moon and Earth can be displayed, and the Moon can also be dragged around Earth. See what the...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoHeredity and Traits
- Stem Case
As a bee scientist, students help a honey farm that has low honey production due to wasps. Students learn about bees, heredity and traits to determine which traits will help the bees defend...
Lesson InfoRoller Coaster Physics
5 Minute Preview
Adjust the hills on a toy-car roller coaster and watch what happens as the car careens toward an egg (that can be broken) at the end of the track. The heights of three hills can be...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoDetermining a Spring Constant
5 Minute Preview
Place a pan on the end of a hanging spring. Measure how much the spring stretches when various masses are added to the pan. Create a graph of displacement vs. mass to determine the spring...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoPith Ball Lab
5 Minute Preview
Pith balls with positive, negative, or no electrical charge are suspended from strings. The charge and mass of the pith balls can be adjusted, along with the length of the string, which...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoPulley Lab
5 Minute Preview
Use a pulley system to lift a heavy weight to a certain height. Measure the force required to lift the weight using up to three fixed and three movable pulleys. The weight to be lifted and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoMagnetism
5 Minute Preview
Drag bar magnets and a variety of other objects onto a piece of paper. Click Play to release the objects to see if they are attracted together, repelled apart, or unaffected. You can also...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoSolar System
5 Minute Preview
Explore our solar system and learn the characteristics of each planet. Compare the sizes of planets and their distances from the Sun. Observe the speeds of planetary orbits and measure how...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoPendulum Clock
5 Minute Preview
Find the effect of length, mass, and angle on the period of a pendulum. The pendulum is attached to a clock that can be adjusted to tell time accurately. The clock can be located on Earth...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoPattern Finder
5 Minute Preview
Observe frogs jumping around on colored lily pads. Find, test, and reason about patterns you see in their jumping.
Lesson Info Launch GizmoWaves
5 Minute Preview
Observe and measure transverse, longitudinal, and combined waves on a model of a spring moved by a hand. Adjust the amplitude and frequency of the hand, and the tension and density of the...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoErosion Rates
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5 Minute Preview
Explore erosion in a simulated 3D environment. Observe how the landscape evolves over time as it is shaped by the forces of flowing water. Vary the initial landscape, rock type,...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoPlants and Snails
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Study the production and use of gases by plants and animals. Measure the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in a test tube containing snails and elodea (a type of plant) in both light and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoChicken Genetics
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Breed "pure" chickens with known genotypes that exhibit specific feather colors, and learn how traits are passed on via codominant genes. Chickens can be stored in cages for future...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Grow Wisconsin Fast Plants® in a simulated lab environment. Explore the life cycles of these plants and how their growth is influenced by light, water, and crowding. Practice pollinating...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFast Plants® 2 - Mystery Parent
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
In this follow-up to Fast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics, continue to explore inheritance of traits in Wisconsin Fast Plants. Infer the genotype of a "mystery P2 parent" of a set of Fast...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoDisease Spread
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Observe the spread of disease through a group of people. The methods of transmission can be chosen and include person-to-person, airborne, and foodborne as well as any combination thereof....
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Color
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5 Minute Preview
Observe how different colors of light are reflected or absorbed by colored objects. Determine that white light is a combination of different colors of light, and that one or more component...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoBeat the Heat: Tackling Urban Heat Islands Using the Science of Energy
- Stem Case
Video Preview
Lake City's latest heat wave has more people in the hospital than ever before. Juan, a local student admitted to the hospital, lives in one of the hottest neighborhoods in the city....
Lesson InfoDiffusion
- Stem Case
Video Preview
As a physician assistant, students must learn about diffusion to save the life of a person poisoned by chlorine gas that was released into a small town following a train crash.
Lesson InfoCell Respiration
- Stem Case
Video Preview
As a medical toxicologist, students learn about cell respiration to save the life of a CIA agent that has been poisoned.
Lesson InfoHeredity and Traits
- Stem Case
Video Preview
As a bee scientist, students help a honey farm that has low honey production due to wasps. Students learn about bees, heredity and traits to determine which traits will help the bees defend...
Lesson Info
5 Minute Preview
Investigate the decay of a radioactive substance. The half-life and the number of radioactive atoms can be adjusted, and theoretical or random decay can be observed. Data can be interpreted visually using a dynamic graph, a bar chart, and a table. Determine the half-lives of two sample isotopes as well as samples with randomly generated half-lives.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Effect of Environment on New Life Form
5 Minute Preview
Using the scientific method, control the environmental conditions for a fictional alien organism in order to learn how the organism responds to changes in conditions. Sunlight, water, and temperature can be varied to determine their effects on the shape of the aliens.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Beat the Heat: Tackling Urban Heat Islands Using the Science of Energy
- Stem Case
Video Preview
Lake City's latest heat wave has more people in the hospital than ever before. Juan, a local student admitted to the hospital, lives in one of the hottest neighborhoods in the city. Students are hired as the city's Chief Heat Officer to investigate and solve the problem. As the Chief Heat Officer, students look at land uses, surface air temperatures, and building materials across Lake City. Students will develop a system model to test several design solutions and give the mayor a proposal to beat the heat.
Lesson Info
Fast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Grow Wisconsin Fast Plants® in a simulated lab environment. Explore the life cycles of these plants and how their growth is influenced by light, water, and crowding. Practice pollinating the plants using bee sticks, then observe the traits of the offspring plants. Use Punnett squares to model the inheritance of genes for stem color and leaf color for these plants.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Honeybee Hive
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5 Minute Preview
Explore life in the hive by meeting workers, drones, and the queen bee herself! Visit flower patches to determine the best sources of food, and then perform a waggle dance to let the other bees know where to go. Can you help the bees find enough food to save the hive?
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
- Stem Case
Video Preview
As a physician assistant, students must learn about diffusion to save the life of a person poisoned by chlorine gas that was released into a small town following a train crash.
Lesson Info
Cell Respiration
- Stem Case
Video Preview
As a medical toxicologist, students learn about cell respiration to save the life of a CIA agent that has been poisoned.
Lesson Info
Temperature and Sex Determination
5 Minute Preview
Observe the sex ratios of birds and geckos as they hatch in an incubator. Vary the temperature of the incubator and measure the percentages of male and female hatchlings to determine if temperature has an effect on sex.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
DNA Analysis
5 Minute Preview
Scan the DNA of frogs to produce DNA sequences. Use the DNA sequences to identify possible identical twins and to determine which sections of DNA code for skin color, eye color, and the presence or absence of spots.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Temperature and Sex Determination - Metric
5 Minute Preview
Observe the sex ratios of birds and geckos as they hatch in an incubator. Vary the temperature of the incubator and measure the percentages of male and female hatchlings to determine if temperature has an effect on sex.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Flower Pollination
5 Minute Preview
Observe the steps of pollination and fertilization in flowering plants. Help with many parts of the process by dragging pollen grains to the stigma, dragging sperm to the ovules, and removing petals as the fruit begins to grow. Quiz yourself when you are done by dragging vocabulary words to the correct plant structure.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
- New!
5 Minute Preview
Explore what isotopes are by adding protons and neutrons to the nucleus of an atom. Plot both stable and radioactive isotopes on a graph of neutrons vs. protons, and explore how the neutron:proton ratio of stable isotopes changes from lighter to heavier elements.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Time Estimation
5 Minute Preview
Try to estimate the passage of time by selecting a time interval, clicking the Start button, and clicking Stop when you think the interval has passed. The estimate and percent error are recorded. Compare different techniques for estimating time, as well as the average error for long time intervals versus shorter intervals.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Eyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Color
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Observe how different colors of light are reflected or absorbed by colored objects. Determine that white light is a combination of different colors of light, and that one or more component colors may be reflected when white light is shone on an object. Understand that we see an object when light reflected from the object enters our eye.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Eyes and Vision 2 - Focusing Light
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5 Minute Preview
Once light enters the eye, it must be focused on the retina. Manipulate the pupil diameter to regulate the amount of light that enters then eye, then change the lens shape to focus light. Determine the changes in lens shape needed to maintain focus as the object distance changes. This is a followup to the Eyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Colors lesson.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Eyes and Vision 3 - Sensing Light
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5 Minute Preview
Observe how photoreceptors on the retina are stimulated by different colors of light. Determine that cone cells are stimulated by specific colors of light and enable us to see color, while rod cells are stimulated by various colors and do not contribute to color vision. Experiment by varying the percentage of rod and cone cells in normal and dim light to see how rod cells help with night vision.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Disease Spread
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Observe the spread of disease through a group of people. The methods of transmission can be chosen and include person-to-person, airborne, and foodborne as well as any combination thereof. The probability of each form of transmission and number of people in the group can also be adjusted.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Rainfall and Bird Beaks
5 Minute Preview
Study the thickness of birds' beaks over a five-year period as you control the yearly rainfall on an isolated island. As the environmental conditions change, the species must adapt (a real-world consequence) to avoid extinction.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Natural Selection
5 Minute Preview
You are a bird hunting moths (both dark and light) that live on trees. As you capture the moths most easily visible against the tree surface, the moth populations change, illustrating the effects of natural selection.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
5 Minute Preview
Set the initial percentages of three types of parrots in a population and track changes in genotype and allele frequency through several generations. Analyze population data to develop an understanding of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Determine how initial allele percentages will affect the equilibrium state of the population.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
Growing Plants
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5 Minute Preview
Investigate the growth of three common garden plants: tomatoes, beans, and turnips. You can change the amount of light each plant gets, the amount of water added each day, and the type of soil the seed is planted in. Observe the effect of each variable on plant height, plant mass, leaf color and leaf size. Determine what conditions produce the tallest and healthiest plants. Height and mass data are displayed on tables and graphs.
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5 Minute Preview
Plant seeds and watch how many sprout. Examine what factors affect germination. Vary the amount of heat, water, and light the seeds get. Practice designing controlled experiments and using the scientific method.
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Reverse the Field
5 Minute Preview
Measure the time required to write a word when the mouse behaves in a normal fashion and when the direction of motion is reversed from left to right, up to down, or both. Run several experiments in each mode to see if your brain and muscles are able to adapt to the new direction of motion. Determine which type of inversion is easiest to adjust to and whether you can train yourself to function normally when the inversion is present.
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Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
5 Minute Preview
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones.
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Dichotomous Keys
5 Minute Preview
Use dichotomous keys to identify and classify five types of organisms: California albatrosses, Canadian Rockies buttercups, Texas venomous snakes, Virginia evergreens, and Florida cartilagenous fishes. After you have classified every organism, try making your own dichotomous key!
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Hearing: Frequency and Volume
5 Minute Preview
Test your hearing range by listening to low-, medium-, and high-frequency sounds. Compare the relative loudness of sounds at each frequency to create an equal-loudness curve. In a quiet room, measure your threshold of audibility for each frequency, and compare your results to others. The volume of each sound can be adjusted.
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Human Homeostasis
5 Minute Preview
Adjust the levels of clothing, perspiration, and exercise to maintain a stable internal temperature as the external temperature changes. Water and blood sugar levels need to be replenished regularly, and fatigue occurs with heavy exercise. Severe hypothermia, heat stroke, or dehydration can result if internal stability is not maintained.
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Paramecium Homeostasis
5 Minute Preview
Observe how a paramecium maintains stable internal conditions in a changing aquatic environment. Water moves into the organism by osmosis, and is pumped out by the contractile vacuole. The concentration of solutes in the water will determine the rate of contractions in the paramecium.
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5 Minute Preview
Observe the effect of predators on a population of parrots with three possible genotypes. The initial percentages and fitness levels of each genotype can be set. Determine how initial fitness levels affect genotype and allele frequencies through several generations. Compare scenarios in which a dominant allele is deleterious, a recessive allele is deleterious, and the heterozygous individual is fittest.
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Collision Theory
5 Minute Preview
Observe a chemical reaction with and without a catalyst. Determine the effects of concentration, temperature, surface area, and catalysts on reaction rates. Reactant and product concentrations through time are recorded, and the speed of the simulation can be adjusted by the user.
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Evolution: Mutation and Selection
5 Minute Preview
Observe evolution in a fictional population of bugs. Set the background to any color, and see natural selection taking place. Inheritance of color occurs according to Mendel's laws and probability. Mutations occur at random, and probability of capture by predators is determined by the insect's camouflage.
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Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection
5 Minute Preview
Observe evolution in a fictional population of bugs. Set the background to any color, and see natural selection taking place. Compare the processes of natural and artificial selection. Manipulate the mutation rate, and determine how mutation rate affects adaptation and evolution.
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Real-Time Histogram
5 Minute Preview
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected.
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Forest Ecosystem
5 Minute Preview
Observe and manipulate the populations of four creatures (trees, deer, bears, and mushrooms) in a forest. Investigate the feeding relationships (food web) in the forest. Determine which creatures are producers, consumers, and decomposers. Pictographs and line graphs show changes in populations over time.
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Plants and Snails
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5 Minute Preview
Study the production and use of gases by plants and animals. Measure the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in a test tube containing snails and elodea (a type of plant) in both light and dark conditions. Learn about the interdependence of plants and animals.
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Prairie Ecosystem
5 Minute Preview
Observe the populations of grass, prairie dogs, ferrets and foxes in a prairie ecosystem. Investigate feeding relationships and determine the food chain. Bar graphs and line graphs show changes in populations over time.
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Circulatory System
5 Minute Preview
Trace the path of blood through a beating heart and the network of blood vessels that supplies blood to the body. Take blood samples from different blood vessels to observe blood cells and measure the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, sugar, and urea.
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Pond Ecosystem
5 Minute Preview
Measure the temperature and oxygen content of a pond over the course of a day. Then go fishing to see what types of fish live in the pond. Many different ponds can be investigated to determine the influence of time, temperature, and farms on oxygen levels.
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Measuring Trees
5 Minute Preview
Measure the height, diameter, and circumference of trees in a forest. Count growth rings to determine the age of each tree. Grow the trees for several years and investigate how growth is affected by precipitation.
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Water Pollution
5 Minute Preview
Get to know the four main types of pollution present in the environment, and then look at a variety of real-world examples as you try to guess what type of pollution is represented by each situation. All of the real-world situations can be viewed every day in different parts of the world.
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Greenhouse Effect
5 Minute Preview
Within this simulated region of land, daytime's rising temperature and the falling temperature at night can be measured, along with heat flow in and out of the system. The level of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere at any given time can be adjusted, allowing the long-term effects to be investigated.
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Seed Germination
5 Minute Preview
Perform experiments with several seed types to see what conditions yield the highest germination (sprouting) rate. Three different types of seeds can be studied, and the temperature, water and light in the germination chamber can be controlled. No two trials will have the same result so repeated trials are recommended.
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5 Minute Preview
Adjust the concentration of a solute on either side of a membrane in a cell and observe the system as it adjusts to the conditions through osmosis. The initial concentration of the solute can be manipulated, along with the volume of the cell.
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RNA and Protein Synthesis
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5 Minute Preview
Go through the process of synthesizing proteins through RNA transcription and translation. Learn about the many steps involved in protein synthesis including: unzipping of DNA, formation of mRNA, attaching of mRNA to the ribosome, and linking of amino acids to form a protein.
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Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
5 Minute Preview
Breed "pure" mice with known genotypes that exhibit specific fur colors, and learn how traits are passed on via dominant and recessive genes. Mice can be stored in cages for future breeding, and the statistics of fur color are reported every time a pair of mice breed. Punnett squares can be used to predict results.
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Identifying Nutrients
5 Minute Preview
Use a variety of real-world lab tests to analyze common food samples in order to determine if the food is a carbohydrate, a protein, or a lipid. Tests that can be performed include: Benedict, Lugol, Biuret, and Sudan Red.
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Chicken Genetics
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Breed "pure" chickens with known genotypes that exhibit specific feather colors, and learn how traits are passed on via codominant genes. Chickens can be stored in cages for future breeding, and the statistics of feather color are reported every time the chickens breed. Punnett squares can be used to predict results.
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Greenhouse Effect - Metric
5 Minute Preview
Within this simulated region of land, daytime's rising temperature and the falling temperature at night can be measured, along with heat flow in and out of the system. The amount of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere can be adjusted through time, and the long-term effects can be investigated.
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Rabbit Population by Season
5 Minute Preview
Observe the population of rabbits in an environment over many years. The land available to the rabbits and weather conditions can be adjusted to investigate the effects of urban sprawl and unusual weather on wildlife populations.
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Food Chain
5 Minute Preview
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world.
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Photosynthesis Lab
5 Minute Preview
Study photosynthesis in a variety of conditions. Oxygen production is used to measure the rate of photosynthesis. Light intensity, carbon dioxide levels, temperature, and wavelength of light can all be varied. Determine which conditions are ideal for photosynthesis, and understand how limiting factors affect oxygen production.
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Fast Plants® 2 - Mystery Parent
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5 Minute Preview
In this follow-up to Fast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics, continue to explore inheritance of traits in Wisconsin Fast Plants. Infer the genotype of a "mystery P2 parent" of a set of Fast Plants based on the traits of the P1, F1, and F2 plants. Then create designer Fast Plants by selectively breeding plants with desired traits.
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Sight vs. Sound Reactions
5 Minute Preview
Measure your reaction time by clicking your mouse as quickly as possible when visual or auditory stimuli are presented. The individual response times are recorded, as well as the mean and standard deviation for each test. A histogram of data shows overall trends in sight and sound response times. The type of test as well as the symbols and sounds used are chosen by the user.
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Dye Elimination
5 Minute Preview
When a foreign substance such as a drug is ingested, it often remains in the bloodstream for a long time. This Gizmo models the elimination of substances from the bloodstream using water and dye. Add dye to a container of water, and then add beakers of pure water while removing beakers of dyed water. The amount of dye remaining is recorded after each cycle. The volumes of all containers can be adjusted, as well as the amount of dye used. This provides a good example of exponential decay.
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Human Evolution - Skull Analysis
5 Minute Preview
Compare the skulls of a variety of significant human ancestors, or hominids. Use available tools to measure lengths, areas, and angles of important features. Each skull can be viewed from the front, side, or from below. Additional information regarding the age, location, and discoverer of each skull can be displayed.
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5 Minute Preview
Create aliens with different traits and breed them to produce offspring. Determine which traits are passed down from parents to offspring and which traits are acquired. Offspring can be stored for future experiments or released.
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5 Minute Preview
Control a simulated person running on a treadmill. Your challenge is to use clothing, exercise, and sweat to maintain a constant body temperature as air temperature goes up and down. Sweating (perspiration) can be controlled automatically by the Gizmo or, for a challenge, manually by the user. Don't forget to eat and drink!
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Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)
5 Minute Preview
Breed "pure" mice with known genotypes that exhibit specific fur and eye colors, and learn how traits are passed on via dominant and recessive genes. Mice can be stored in cages for future breeding, and the statistics of fur and eye color are reported every time a pair of mice breed. Punnett squares can be used to predict results.
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H-R Diagram
5 Minute Preview
A collection of stars visible from Earth can be arranged and classified based on their color, temperature, luminosity, radius, and mass. This can be done using one or two-dimensional plots, including a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram of luminosity vs. temperature.
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Human Karyotyping
5 Minute Preview
Sort and pair the images of human chromosomes obtained in a scan. Find differences in the scans of the various patients to find out specific things that can cause disease, as well as determining the sex of the person.
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Cell Division
5 Minute Preview
Begin with a single cell and watch as mitosis and cell division occurs. The cells will go through the steps of interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis. The length of the cell cycle can be controlled, and data related to the number of cells present and their current phase can be recorded.
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Virus Lytic Cycle
5 Minute Preview
Release a lytic virus in a group of cells and observe how cells are infected over time and eventually destroyed. Data related to the number of healthy cells, infected cells, and viruses can be recorded over time to determine the time required for the virus to mature within a cell.
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Cell Structure
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5 Minute Preview
Select a sample cell from an animal, plant, or bacterium and view the cell under a microscope. Select each organelle on the image to learn more about its structure and function. Closeup views and animations of certain organelles is provided.
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Rainfall and Bird Beaks - Metric
5 Minute Preview
Study the thickness of birds' beaks over a five year period as you control the yearly rainfall on an isolated island. As the environmental conditions change, the species must adapt (a real-world consequence) to avoid extinction.
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Digestive System
5 Minute Preview
Digestion is a complex process, involving a wide variety of organs and chemicals that work together to break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate wastes. But have you ever wondered what would happen if some of those organs were eliminated, or if the sequence was changed? Can the digestive system be improved? Find out by designing your own digestive system with the Digestive System Gizmo.
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Water Cycle
5 Minute Preview
Control the path of a drop of water as it travels through the water cycle. Many alternatives are presented at each stage. Determine how the water moves from one location to another, and learn how water resources are distributed in these locations.
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Building DNA
5 Minute Preview
Construct a DNA molecule, examine its double-helix structure, and then go through the DNA replication process. Learn how each component fits into a DNA molecule, and see how a unique, self-replicating code can be created.
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Drug Dosage
5 Minute Preview
A drug prescription must be carefully planned to maximize benefit while avoiding an overdose. In this Gizmo, you can give a patient one or more pills and monitor the levels of medication in the body through time. Based on the reaction of the patient, determine the ideal levels of medication. Create a dosage schedule so these levels are maintained through time. Four types of pills, each with a different release pattern and target organ, are available for use.
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Unit Conversions 2 - Scientific Notation and Significant Digits
5 Minute Preview
Use the Unit Conversions Gizmo to explore the concepts of scientific notation and significant digits. Convert numbers to and from scientific notation. Determine the number of significant digits in a measured value and in a calculation.
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Air Track
5 Minute Preview
Adjust the mass and velocity of two gliders on a frictionless air track. Measure the velocity, momentum, and kinetic energy of each glider as they approach each other and collide. Collisions can be elastic or inelastic.
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Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
5 Minute Preview
Investigate the energy and motion of a block sliding down an inclined plane, with or without friction. The ramp angle can be varied and a variety of materials for the block and ramp can be used. Potential and kinetic energy are reported as the block slides down the ramp. Two experiments can be run simultaneously to compare results as factors are varied.
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Ocean Mapping
5 Minute Preview
Use a sonar on a boat to remotely measure the depth of an ocean at various locations. Describe multiple points on the ocean floor using their latitude, longitude, and depth. View maps of ocean depth in two and three dimensions, and use these maps to plot a safe route for ships to follow.
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Solubility and Temperature
5 Minute Preview
Add varying amounts of a chemical to a beaker of water to create a solution, observe that the chemical dissolves in the water at first, and then measure the concentration of the solution at the saturation point. Either potassium nitrate or sodium chloride can be added to the water, and the temperature of the water can be adjusted.
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Density via Comparison
5 Minute Preview
Using four beakers of liquids with known densities, estimate the density of a variety of objects. Place each object into each beaker to see whether it sinks or floats, and then use this information to compare the densities of the objects.
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Additive Colors
5 Minute Preview
Control the intensity of red, green, and blue spotlights. Additive colors can be observed where the spotlights overlap. The RGB value of any point can be measured. Just about any color can be created by mixing varying amounts of red, green, and blue light.
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Laser Reflection
5 Minute Preview
Point a laser at a mirror and compare the angle of the incoming beam to the angle of reflection. A protractor can be used to measure the angles of incidence and reflection, and the angle of the mirror can be adjusted. A beam splitter can be used to split the beam. Both plane and irregular mirrors can be used.
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Uniform Circular Motion
5 Minute Preview
Measure the position, velocity, and acceleration (both components and magnitude) of an object undergoing circular motion. The radius and velocity of the object can be controlled, along with the mass of the object. The forces acting on the object also can be recorded.
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pH Analysis
5 Minute Preview
Test the acidity of common substances using pH paper. Materials including soap, lemon juice, milk, and oven cleaner can be tested by comparing the color of pH strips to a standard scale.
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pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator
5 Minute Preview
Test the acidity of many common everyday substances using pH paper (four color indicators). Materials including soap, lemon juice, milk, and oven cleaner can be tested by comparing the color of the pH strips to the calibrated scale.
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5 Minute Preview
Observe solar and lunar eclipses as the Moon orbits Earth. The full and partial shadows of the Moon and Earth can be displayed, and the Moon can also be dragged around Earth. See what the Moon and Sun look like from Earth during partial and total eclipses.
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Heredity and Traits
- Stem Case
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As a bee scientist, students help a honey farm that has low honey production due to wasps. Students learn about bees, heredity and traits to determine which traits will help the bees defend their hives against the wasps. They then pick a new queen bee to pass on these traits to the bee colony.
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Roller Coaster Physics
5 Minute Preview
Adjust the hills on a toy-car roller coaster and watch what happens as the car careens toward an egg (that can be broken) at the end of the track. The heights of three hills can be manipulated, along with the mass of the car and the friction of the track. A graph of various variables of motion can be viewed as the car travels, including position, speed, acceleration, potential energy, kinetic energy, and total energy.
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Determining a Spring Constant
5 Minute Preview
Place a pan on the end of a hanging spring. Measure how much the spring stretches when various masses are added to the pan. Create a graph of displacement vs. mass to determine the spring constant of the spring.
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Pith Ball Lab
5 Minute Preview
Pith balls with positive, negative, or no electrical charge are suspended from strings. The charge and mass of the pith balls can be adjusted, along with the length of the string, which will cause the pith balls to change position. Distances can be measured as variables are adjusted, and the forces (Coulomb and gravitational) acting on the balls can be displayed.
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Pulley Lab
5 Minute Preview
Use a pulley system to lift a heavy weight to a certain height. Measure the force required to lift the weight using up to three fixed and three movable pulleys. The weight to be lifted and the efficiency of the pulley system can be adjusted, and the height of the weight and the total input distance are reported.
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5 Minute Preview
Drag bar magnets and a variety of other objects onto a piece of paper. Click Play to release the objects to see if they are attracted together, repelled apart, or unaffected. You can also sprinkle iron filings over the magnets and other objects to view the magnetic field lines that are produced.
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Solar System
5 Minute Preview
Explore our solar system and learn the characteristics of each planet. Compare the sizes of planets and their distances from the Sun. Observe the speeds of planetary orbits and measure how long each planet takes to go around the Sun.
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Pendulum Clock
5 Minute Preview
Find the effect of length, mass, and angle on the period of a pendulum. The pendulum is attached to a clock that can be adjusted to tell time accurately. The clock can be located on Earth or Jupiter to determine the effect of gravity.
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Pattern Finder
5 Minute Preview
Observe frogs jumping around on colored lily pads. Find, test, and reason about patterns you see in their jumping.
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5 Minute Preview
Observe and measure transverse, longitudinal, and combined waves on a model of a spring moved by a hand. Adjust the amplitude and frequency of the hand, and the tension and density of the spring. The speed and power of the waves is reported, and the wavelength and amplitude can be measured.
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Erosion Rates
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5 Minute Preview
Explore erosion in a simulated 3D environment. Observe how the landscape evolves over time as it is shaped by the forces of flowing water. Vary the initial landscape, rock type, precipitation amount, average temperature, and vegetation and measure how each variable affects the rate of erosion and resulting landscape features.
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Plants and Snails
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5 Minute Preview
Study the production and use of gases by plants and animals. Measure the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in a test tube containing snails and elodea (a type of plant) in both light and dark conditions. Learn about the interdependence of plants and animals.
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Chicken Genetics
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FREE with no time limit!
5 Minute Preview
Breed "pure" chickens with known genotypes that exhibit specific feather colors, and learn how traits are passed on via codominant genes. Chickens can be stored in cages for future breeding, and the statistics of feather color are reported every time the chickens breed. Punnett squares can be used to predict results.
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Fast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics
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5 Minute Preview
Grow Wisconsin Fast Plants® in a simulated lab environment. Explore the life cycles of these plants and how their growth is influenced by light, water, and crowding. Practice pollinating the plants using bee sticks, then observe the traits of the offspring plants. Use Punnett squares to model the inheritance of genes for stem color and leaf color for these plants.
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Fast Plants® 2 - Mystery Parent
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5 Minute Preview
In this follow-up to Fast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics, continue to explore inheritance of traits in Wisconsin Fast Plants. Infer the genotype of a "mystery P2 parent" of a set of Fast Plants based on the traits of the P1, F1, and F2 plants. Then create designer Fast Plants by selectively breeding plants with desired traits.
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Disease Spread
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5 Minute Preview
Observe the spread of disease through a group of people. The methods of transmission can be chosen and include person-to-person, airborne, and foodborne as well as any combination thereof. The probability of each form of transmission and number of people in the group can also be adjusted.
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Eyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Color
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5 Minute Preview
Observe how different colors of light are reflected or absorbed by colored objects. Determine that white light is a combination of different colors of light, and that one or more component colors may be reflected when white light is shone on an object. Understand that we see an object when light reflected from the object enters our eye.
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Beat the Heat: Tackling Urban Heat Islands Using the Science of Energy
- Stem Case
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Lake City's latest heat wave has more people in the hospital than ever before. Juan, a local student admitted to the hospital, lives in one of the hottest neighborhoods in the city. Students are hired as the city's Chief Heat Officer to investigate and solve the problem. As the Chief Heat Officer, students look at land uses, surface air temperatures, and building materials across Lake City. Students will develop a system model to test several design solutions and give the mayor a proposal to beat the heat.
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- Stem Case
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As a physician assistant, students must learn about diffusion to save the life of a person poisoned by chlorine gas that was released into a small town following a train crash.
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Cell Respiration
- Stem Case
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As a medical toxicologist, students learn about cell respiration to save the life of a CIA agent that has been poisoned.
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Heredity and Traits
- Stem Case
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As a bee scientist, students help a honey farm that has low honey production due to wasps. Students learn about bees, heredity and traits to determine which traits will help the bees defend their hives against the wasps. They then pick a new queen bee to pass on these traits to the bee colony.
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