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Molecule Builder
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5 Minute Preview
Create molecules using building blocks of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements. Connect atoms by bonds, then create double or triple bonds if desired. For each completed...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoCoriolis Effect
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5 Minute Preview
The Coriolis effect causes winds to be deflected as they move across Earth's surface, resulting in circular patterns of winds. This effect is caused by two factors, Earth's rotation and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoSenses
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5 Minute Preview
Everything we know about the world comes through our senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. In the Senses Gizmo, explore how stimuli are detected by specialized cells, transmitted...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoMeiosis
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5 Minute Preview
Explore how sex cells are produced by the process of meiosis. Compare meiosis in male and female germ cells, and use crossovers to increase the number of possible gamete genotypes. Using...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoComparing Climates (Metric)
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5 Minute Preview
Compare average temperatures, precipitation, humidity, and wind speed for a variety of locations across the globe. Explore the influence of latitude, proximity to oceans, elevation, and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoGenetic Engineering
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5 Minute Preview
Use genetic engineering techniques to create corn plants resistant to insect pests or tolerant of herbicides. Identify useful genes from bacteria, insert the desired gene into a corn plant,...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoGMOs and the Environment
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FREE with no time limit!
In this follow-up to the Genetic Engineering Gizmo, explore how farmers can maximize yield while limiting ecosystem damage using genetically modified corn. Choose the corn type to plant and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEmbryo Development
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5 Minute Preview
Explore how a fertilized cell develops into an embryo, a fetus, and eventually an adult organism. Compare embryo development in different vertebrate species and try to guess which embryo...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoRiver Erosion
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5 Minute Preview
Explore how river erosion affects landscapes in the short term and over long periods of time. Describe the features of mountain streams and meandering rivers, and use a floating barrel to...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoCladograms
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5 Minute Preview
Based on the similarities and differences between different organisms, create branching diagrams called cladograms to show how they are related. Use both morphological data (physical...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoPeriodic Trends
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FREE with no time limit!
Explore trends in atomic radius, ionization energy, and electron affinity in the periodic table. Measure atomic radius with a ruler and model ionization energy and electron affinity by...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoCrumple Zones
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5 Minute Preview
Design a car to protect a test dummy in a collision. Adjust the length and stiffness of the crumple zone and the rigidity of the safety cell to determine how the car will deform during the...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoHoneybee Hive
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5 Minute Preview
Explore life in the hive by meeting workers, drones, and the queen bee herself! Visit flower patches to determine the best sources of food, and then perform a waggle dance to let the other...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoIsotopes
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5 Minute Preview
Explore what isotopes are by adding protons and neutrons to the nucleus of an atom. Plot both stable and radioactive isotopes on a graph of neutrons vs. protons, and explore how the...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoErosion Rates
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5 Minute Preview
Explore erosion in a simulated 3D environment. Observe how the landscape evolves over time as it is shaped by the forces of flowing water. Vary the initial landscape, rock type,...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFeel the Heat
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5 Minute Preview
Have you ever used a glove warmer to keep your hands warm? How about an instant cold pack to treat an injury? In the Feel the Heat Gizmo, create your own hot and cold packs using various...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoMoles
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5 Minute Preview
Understand the definition of a mole and determine the Avogadro constant by adding atoms or formula units to a balance until the mass in grams is equal to the atomic or formula mass....
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics
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FREE with no time limit!
Grow Wisconsin Fast Plants® in a simulated lab environment. Explore the life cycles of these plants and how their growth is influenced by light, water, and crowding. Practice pollinating...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoProgrammable Rover
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FREE with no time limit!
In this introduction to coding, program a rover to explore the surface of Mars. Start by using tiles to create simple programs involving moving forward or backward, turns, jumps, loops, and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFast Plants® 2 - Mystery Parent
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FREE with no time limit!
In this follow-up to Fast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics, continue to explore inheritance of traits in Wisconsin Fast Plants. Infer the genotype of a "mystery P2 parent" of a set of Fast...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoAverage Atomic Mass
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5 Minute Preview
The atomic mass for each element listed in the periodic table is actually the weighted average mass of all of the different isotopes of the element. In the Average Atomic Mass Gizmo, use a...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoMuscles and Bones
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5 Minute Preview
See how muscles, bones, and connective tissue work together to allow movement. Observe how muscle contraction arises from the interactions of thin and thick filaments in muscle cells. Using...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoConvection Cells
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5 Minute Preview
Explore the causes of convection by heating liquid and observing the resulting motion. The location and intensity of the heat source (or sources) can be varied, as well as the viscosity of...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoPolarity and Intermolecular Forces
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5 Minute Preview
Combine various metal and nonmetal atoms to observe how the electronegativity difference determines the polarity of chemical bonds. Place molecules into an electric field to experimentally...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoDNA Profiling
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5 Minute Preview
Learn how DNA is compared to identify individuals. Identify the sections of DNA that tend to differ and use PCR to amplify these segments. Then use gel electrophoresis to create DNA...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoSticky Molecules
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5 Minute Preview
Learn about molecular polarity and how polarity gives rise to intermolecular forces. Measure four macroscopic properties of liquids (cohesion, adhesion, surface tension, and capillary...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoIdeal Gas Law
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5 Minute Preview
Explore relationships between amount, temperature, pressure, and volume for an ideal gas in a chamber with a moveable piston. Discover rules of proportionality contained in Boyle's law,...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Color
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FREE with no time limit!
Observe how different colors of light are reflected or absorbed by colored objects. Determine that white light is a combination of different colors of light, and that one or more component...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFrog Dissection
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5 Minute Preview
Use a scalpel, forceps, and pins to dissect realistic male and female frogs. Organs can be removed and placed into organ system diagrams. Once the dissections are complete, the frog organ...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFingerprinting
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5 Minute Preview
Collect fingerprints from simulated crime scenes using a camera, fingerprinting powder, and tape. Classify fingerprints into groups and subgroups, then identify minutiae. Match collected...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEyes and Vision 2 - Focusing Light
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5 Minute Preview
Once light enters the eye, it must be focused on the retina. Manipulate the pupil diameter to regulate the amount of light that enters then eye, then change the lens shape to focus light....
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEyes and Vision 3 - Sensing Light
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5 Minute Preview
Observe how photoreceptors on the retina are stimulated by different colors of light. Determine that cone cells are stimulated by specific colors of light and enable us to see color, while...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoWhole Numbers with Base-10 Blocks
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5 Minute Preview
Use base-10 blocks to model, add, and subtract whole numbers. Learn about place value using flats (hundreds), rods (tens), and cubes (ones). Group or ungroup blocks as needed to add or...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoLucky Duck (Expected Value)
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5 Minute Preview
Pick a duck, win a prize! Help Arnie the carnie design his game so that he makes money (or at least breaks even). How many ducks of each type should there be? What are the prizes worth? How...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoRadians
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5 Minute Preview
As factory belt operator, your job is to move boxes just the right distance on the belt, so they can be stamped for delivery. Your only controls are the radius and rotation of the belt’s...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEarthquake-Proof Homes
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5 Minute Preview
Design a house to withstand an earthquake and protect the people living inside. Select a location in San Francisco, then choose the design and materials for a foundation, frame, walls, and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFlood and Storm-Proof Homes
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5 Minute Preview
Build a home to survive a flood or a hurricane and protect the people inside. Choose materials and a design for the foundation, frame, walls, and roof of the house. Add "extras" such as...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoGMOs and the Environment
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FREE with no time limit!
In this follow-up to the Genetic Engineering Gizmo, explore how farmers can maximize yield while limiting ecosystem damage using genetically modified corn. Choose the corn type to plant and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoPeriodic Trends
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FREE with no time limit!
Explore trends in atomic radius, ionization energy, and electron affinity in the periodic table. Measure atomic radius with a ruler and model ionization energy and electron affinity by...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics
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FREE with no time limit!
Grow Wisconsin Fast Plants® in a simulated lab environment. Explore the life cycles of these plants and how their growth is influenced by light, water, and crowding. Practice pollinating...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoProgrammable Rover
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FREE with no time limit!
In this introduction to coding, program a rover to explore the surface of Mars. Start by using tiles to create simple programs involving moving forward or backward, turns, jumps, loops, and...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoFast Plants® 2 - Mystery Parent
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FREE with no time limit!
In this follow-up to Fast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics, continue to explore inheritance of traits in Wisconsin Fast Plants. Infer the genotype of a "mystery P2 parent" of a set of Fast...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoEyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Color
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FREE with no time limit!
Observe how different colors of light are reflected or absorbed by colored objects. Determine that white light is a combination of different colors of light, and that one or more component...
Lesson Info Launch GizmoSorry, we could not find any New STEM Cases to show you!
Sorry, we could not find any New STEM Cases to show you!

Molecule Builder
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5 Minute Preview
Create molecules using building blocks of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and other elements. Connect atoms by bonds, then create double or triple bonds if desired. For each completed molecule, write the chemical formula and, if the molecule is included in the database, observe the 3D structure. Create a variety of challenge molecules including cyclic molecules and isomers.
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Coriolis Effect
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5 Minute Preview
The Coriolis effect causes winds to be deflected as they move across Earth's surface, resulting in circular patterns of winds. This effect is caused by two factors, Earth's rotation and frame of reference. In the Coriolis Effect Gizmo, students will build their understanding of this phenomenon using the analogy of two kids playing catch: first on a train, then on a merry-go-round, and finally on Earth's surface.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
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5 Minute Preview
Everything we know about the world comes through our senses: sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. In the Senses Gizmo, explore how stimuli are detected by specialized cells, transmitted through nerves, and processed in the brain.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
- New!
5 Minute Preview
Explore how sex cells are produced by the process of meiosis. Compare meiosis in male and female germ cells, and use crossovers to increase the number of possible gamete genotypes. Using meiosis and crossovers, create "designer" fruit fly offspring with desired trait combinations.
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Comparing Climates (Metric)
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5 Minute Preview
Compare average temperatures, precipitation, humidity, and wind speed for a variety of locations across the globe. Explore the influence of latitude, proximity to oceans, elevation, and other factors on climate. Observe how animals and plants are adapted to climate and their environment. This lesson uses metric units.
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Genetic Engineering
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5 Minute Preview
Use genetic engineering techniques to create corn plants resistant to insect pests or tolerant of herbicides. Identify useful genes from bacteria, insert the desired gene into a corn plant, and then compare the modified plant to a control plant in a lab setting.
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GMOs and the Environment
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FREE with no time limit!
In this follow-up to the Genetic Engineering Gizmo, explore how farmers can maximize yield while limiting ecosystem damage using genetically modified corn. Choose the corn type to plant and the amount of herbicide and insecticide to use, then measure corn yields and monitor wildlife populations and diversity. Observe the long-term effects of pollutants on a nearby stream ecosystem.
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Embryo Development
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5 Minute Preview
Explore how a fertilized cell develops into an embryo, a fetus, and eventually an adult organism. Compare embryo development in different vertebrate species and try to guess which embryo belongs to each species. Use dyes to trace the differentiation of cells during early embryo development, from the zygote to the neurula.
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River Erosion
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5 Minute Preview
Explore how river erosion affects landscapes in the short term and over long periods of time. Describe the features of mountain streams and meandering rivers, and use a floating barrel to estimate current speed. Witness the changes that occur as mountain streams erode downward and meandering rivers erode from side to side.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
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5 Minute Preview
Based on the similarities and differences between different organisms, create branching diagrams called cladograms to show how they are related. Use both morphological data (physical traits) and molecular data to create the simplest and most likely cladograms. Five different sets of organisms are available.
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Periodic Trends
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FREE with no time limit!
Explore trends in atomic radius, ionization energy, and electron affinity in the periodic table. Measure atomic radius with a ruler and model ionization energy and electron affinity by exploring how easy it is to remove electrons and how strongly atoms attract additional electrons. View these properties on the whole periodic table to see how they vary across periods and down groups.
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Crumple Zones
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5 Minute Preview
Design a car to protect a test dummy in a collision. Adjust the length and stiffness of the crumple zone and the rigidity of the safety cell to determine how the car will deform during the crash. Add seat belts and/or airbags to prevent the dummy from hitting the steering wheel. Three different body types (sedan, SUV, and subcompact) are available and a wide range of crash speeds can be used.
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Honeybee Hive
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5 Minute Preview
Explore life in the hive by meeting workers, drones, and the queen bee herself! Visit flower patches to determine the best sources of food, and then perform a waggle dance to let the other bees know where to go. Can you help the bees find enough food to save the hive?
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
- New!
5 Minute Preview
Explore what isotopes are by adding protons and neutrons to the nucleus of an atom. Plot both stable and radioactive isotopes on a graph of neutrons vs. protons, and explore how the neutron:proton ratio of stable isotopes changes from lighter to heavier elements.
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Erosion Rates
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5 Minute Preview
Explore erosion in a simulated 3D environment. Observe how the landscape evolves over time as it is shaped by the forces of flowing water. Vary the initial landscape, rock type, precipitation amount, average temperature, and vegetation and measure how each variable affects the rate of erosion and resulting landscape features.
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Feel the Heat
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5 Minute Preview
Have you ever used a glove warmer to keep your hands warm? How about an instant cold pack to treat an injury? In the Feel the Heat Gizmo, create your own hot and cold packs using various salts dissolved in water and different bag materials. Learn about exothermic and endothermic processes and how energy is absorbed or released when bonds are broken and new bonds form.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
- New!
5 Minute Preview
Understand the definition of a mole and determine the Avogadro constant by adding atoms or formula units to a balance until the mass in grams is equal to the atomic or formula mass. Manipulate a conceptual model to understand how the number of particles, the number of moles, and the mass are related. Then use dimensional analysis to convert between particles, moles, and mass.
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Fast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics
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FREE with no time limit!
Grow Wisconsin Fast Plants® in a simulated lab environment. Explore the life cycles of these plants and how their growth is influenced by light, water, and crowding. Practice pollinating the plants using bee sticks, then observe the traits of the offspring plants. Use Punnett squares to model the inheritance of genes for stem color and leaf color for these plants.
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Programmable Rover
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FREE with no time limit!
In this introduction to coding, program a rover to explore the surface of Mars. Start by using tiles to create simple programs involving moving forward or backward, turns, jumps, loops, and picking up rock samples. Then use text instructions to optimize your code. Use your skills to program the rover to complete six challenging missions on Mars.
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Fast Plants® 2 - Mystery Parent
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FREE with no time limit!
In this follow-up to Fast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics, continue to explore inheritance of traits in Wisconsin Fast Plants. Infer the genotype of a "mystery P2 parent" of a set of Fast Plants based on the traits of the P1, F1, and F2 plants. Then create designer Fast Plants by selectively breeding plants with desired traits.
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Average Atomic Mass
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5 Minute Preview
The atomic mass for each element listed in the periodic table is actually the weighted average mass of all of the different isotopes of the element. In the Average Atomic Mass Gizmo, use a mass spectrometer to separate an element into its isotopes. Then, calculate the average atomic mass by considering the mass and abundance of each isotope.
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Muscles and Bones
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5 Minute Preview
See how muscles, bones, and connective tissue work together to allow movement. Observe how muscle contraction arises from the interactions of thin and thick filaments in muscle cells. Using what you have learned, construct an arm that can lift a weight or throw a ball. Connective tissue, muscle composition, bone length, and tendon insertion point can all be manipulated to create an arm to lift the heaviest weight or throw a ball the fastest.
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Convection Cells
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5 Minute Preview
Explore the causes of convection by heating liquid and observing the resulting motion. The location and intensity of the heat source (or sources) can be varied, as well as the viscosity of the liquid. Use a probe to measure temperature and density in different areas and observe the motion of molecules in the liquid. Then, explore real-world examples of convection cells in Earth's mantle, oceans, and atmosphere.
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Polarity and Intermolecular Forces
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5 Minute Preview
Combine various metal and nonmetal atoms to observe how the electronegativity difference determines the polarity of chemical bonds. Place molecules into an electric field to experimentally determine if they are polar or nonpolar. Create different mixtures of polar and nonpolar molecules to explore the intermolecular forces that arise between them.
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DNA Profiling
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5 Minute Preview
Learn how DNA is compared to identify individuals. Identify the sections of DNA that tend to differ and use PCR to amplify these segments. Then use gel electrophoresis to create DNA profiles. Based on what you have learned, create your own DNA profiling test and use this test to analyze crime scene evidence.
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Sticky Molecules
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5 Minute Preview
Learn about molecular polarity and how polarity gives rise to intermolecular forces. Measure four macroscopic properties of liquids (cohesion, adhesion, surface tension, and capillary rise). Compare these properties for different liquids and relate them to whether the substances are polar or nonpolar.
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Ideal Gas Law
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5 Minute Preview
Explore relationships between amount, temperature, pressure, and volume for an ideal gas in a chamber with a moveable piston. Discover rules of proportionality contained in Boyle's law, Charles's law, Avogadro's law, and Gay-Lussac's law. Use these relationships to derive the ideal gas law and calculate the value of the ideal gas constant.
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Eyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Color
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FREE with no time limit!
Observe how different colors of light are reflected or absorbed by colored objects. Determine that white light is a combination of different colors of light, and that one or more component colors may be reflected when white light is shone on an object. Understand that we see an object when light reflected from the object enters our eye.
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Frog Dissection
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5 Minute Preview
Use a scalpel, forceps, and pins to dissect realistic male and female frogs. Organs can be removed and placed into organ system diagrams. Once the dissections are complete, the frog organ systems can be compared. Zooming, rotating, and panning tools are available to examine the frog from any angle.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
- New!
5 Minute Preview
Collect fingerprints from simulated crime scenes using a camera, fingerprinting powder, and tape. Classify fingerprints into groups and subgroups, then identify minutiae. Match collected prints to the fingerprints of suspects to identify who left prints at the scene of the crime.
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Eyes and Vision 2 - Focusing Light
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5 Minute Preview
Once light enters the eye, it must be focused on the retina. Manipulate the pupil diameter to regulate the amount of light that enters then eye, then change the lens shape to focus light. Determine the changes in lens shape needed to maintain focus as the object distance changes. This is a followup to the Eyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Colors lesson.
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Eyes and Vision 3 - Sensing Light
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5 Minute Preview
Observe how photoreceptors on the retina are stimulated by different colors of light. Determine that cone cells are stimulated by specific colors of light and enable us to see color, while rod cells are stimulated by various colors and do not contribute to color vision. Experiment by varying the percentage of rod and cone cells in normal and dim light to see how rod cells help with night vision.
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Whole Numbers with Base-10 Blocks
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5 Minute Preview
Use base-10 blocks to model, add, and subtract whole numbers. Learn about place value using flats (hundreds), rods (tens), and cubes (ones). Group or ungroup blocks as needed to add or subtract. This regrouping is often called "carrying" when adding, and "borrowing" when subtracting.
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Lucky Duck (Expected Value)
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5 Minute Preview
Pick a duck, win a prize! Help Arnie the carnie design his game so that he makes money (or at least breaks even). How many ducks of each type should there be? What are the prizes worth? How much should he charge to play? Lucky Duck is a fun way to learn about probabilities and expected value.
Lesson Info Launch Gizmo
- New!
5 Minute Preview
As factory belt operator, your job is to move boxes just the right distance on the belt, so they can be stamped for delivery. Your only controls are the radius and rotation of the belt’s wheel. How do you set these to get the distance right? See how this relates to arc length, and discover how radians help make this task easier.
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Earthquake-Proof Homes
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5 Minute Preview
Design a house to withstand an earthquake and protect the people living inside. Select a location in San Francisco, then choose the design and materials for a foundation, frame, walls, and roof. Decide which extras to add to your home design. Test each house in an earthquake and assess the damages. Try to arrive at a house design that results in the least damage.
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Flood and Storm-Proof Homes
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5 Minute Preview
Build a home to survive a flood or a hurricane and protect the people inside. Choose materials and a design for the foundation, frame, walls, and roof of the house. Add "extras" such as sand bags, storm shutters, and roof clips. Test your house in a flood or storm and see how well your design worked.
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GMOs and the Environment
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FREE with no time limit!
In this follow-up to the Genetic Engineering Gizmo, explore how farmers can maximize yield while limiting ecosystem damage using genetically modified corn. Choose the corn type to plant and the amount of herbicide and insecticide to use, then measure corn yields and monitor wildlife populations and diversity. Observe the long-term effects of pollutants on a nearby stream ecosystem.
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Periodic Trends
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FREE with no time limit!
Explore trends in atomic radius, ionization energy, and electron affinity in the periodic table. Measure atomic radius with a ruler and model ionization energy and electron affinity by exploring how easy it is to remove electrons and how strongly atoms attract additional electrons. View these properties on the whole periodic table to see how they vary across periods and down groups.
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Fast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics
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FREE with no time limit!
Grow Wisconsin Fast Plants® in a simulated lab environment. Explore the life cycles of these plants and how their growth is influenced by light, water, and crowding. Practice pollinating the plants using bee sticks, then observe the traits of the offspring plants. Use Punnett squares to model the inheritance of genes for stem color and leaf color for these plants.
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Programmable Rover
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FREE with no time limit!
In this introduction to coding, program a rover to explore the surface of Mars. Start by using tiles to create simple programs involving moving forward or backward, turns, jumps, loops, and picking up rock samples. Then use text instructions to optimize your code. Use your skills to program the rover to complete six challenging missions on Mars.
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Fast Plants® 2 - Mystery Parent
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FREE with no time limit!
In this follow-up to Fast Plants® 1 - Growth and Genetics, continue to explore inheritance of traits in Wisconsin Fast Plants. Infer the genotype of a "mystery P2 parent" of a set of Fast Plants based on the traits of the P1, F1, and F2 plants. Then create designer Fast Plants by selectively breeding plants with desired traits.
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Eyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Color
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FREE with no time limit!
Observe how different colors of light are reflected or absorbed by colored objects. Determine that white light is a combination of different colors of light, and that one or more component colors may be reflected when white light is shone on an object. Understand that we see an object when light reflected from the object enters our eye.
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