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- Newfoundland and Labrador Standards
- Mathematics: 7th Grade
Newfoundland and Labrador - Mathematics: 7th Grade
Newfoundland and Labrador Curriculum | Adopted: 2008
N: : Number
N.2: : Demonstrate an understanding of the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals to solve problems (for more than 1-digit divisors or 2-digit multipliers, the use of technology is expected).

Multiplying with Decimals
Multiply two decimals using a dynamic area model. On a grid, shade the region with width equal to one of the decimals and height equal to the other decimal and find the area of the region. 5 Minute Preview

Square Roots
Explore the meaning of square roots using an area model. Use the side length of a square to find the square root of a decimal number or a whole number. 5 Minute Preview

Sums and Differences with Decimals
Find the sum or difference of two decimal numbers using area models. Find the decimals and their sum or difference on a number line. 5 Minute Preview
N.3: : Solve problems involving percents from 1% to 100%.

Percent of Change
Apply markups and discounts using interactive "percent rulers." Improve number sense for percents with this dynamic, visual tool. Reinforce the original cost (or original price) as the baseline for percent calculations. 5 Minute Preview

Percents and Proportions
Find a part from the percent and whole, a percent from the part and whole, or a whole from the part and percent using a graphic model. 5 Minute Preview

Percents, Fractions, and Decimals
Compare a quantity represented by an area with its percent, fraction, and decimal forms. 5 Minute Preview

Real-Time Histogram
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected. 5 Minute Preview

Time Estimation
Try to estimate the passage of time by selecting a time interval, clicking the Start button, and clicking Stop when you think the interval has passed. The estimate and percent error are recorded. Compare different techniques for estimating time, as well as the average error for long time intervals versus shorter intervals. 5 Minute Preview
N.5: : Demonstrate an understanding of adding and subtracting positive fractions and mixed numbers, with like and unlike denominators, concretely, pictorially and symbolically (limited to positive sums and differences).

Adding Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Add fractions with the help of the Fractionator, a fraction-tile-making machine in the Gizmo. Model sums by placing the tiles on side-by-side number lines. Explore the usefulness of common denominators in adding. Express sums as improper fractions or mixed numbers. 5 Minute Preview

Estimating Sums and Differences
Estimate the sum or difference of two fractions using area models. Compare estimates to exact sums and differences. 5 Minute Preview

Fractions Greater than One (Fraction Tiles)
Explore fractions greater than one with the Fractionator, a fraction-tile-making machine in the Gizmo. Create sums of fraction tiles on two number lines. Sums greater than one are shown as improper fractions on the top number line, and as mixed numbers on the bottom number line. 5 Minute Preview

Fractions with Unlike Denominators
Find the sum or difference of two fractions with unlike denominators using graphic models. Find the least common denominator graphically. 5 Minute Preview

Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Represent a quantity given by a shaded region as an improper fraction and as a mixed number. Experiment with different shaded regions sliced differently. 5 Minute Preview
N.6: : Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of integers, concretely, pictorially and symbolically.

Adding and Subtracting Integers
Add and subtract integers on a number line using dynamic arrows. 5 Minute Preview

Adding on the Number Line
Add real numbers using dynamic arrows on a number line. Find the sum of the numbers at the end of the final arrow. Compare the numerical calculation. 5 Minute Preview

Addition of Polynomials
Add polynomials using an area model. Use step-by-step feedback to diagnose any mistakes. 5 Minute Preview
N.7: : Compare and order positive fractions, positive decimals (to thousandths) and whole numbers by using:
N.7.c: : equivalent fractions and/or decimals.

Fractions Greater than One (Fraction Tiles)
Explore fractions greater than one with the Fractionator, a fraction-tile-making machine in the Gizmo. Create sums of fraction tiles on two number lines. Sums greater than one are shown as improper fractions on the top number line, and as mixed numbers on the bottom number line. 5 Minute Preview

Rational Numbers, Opposites, and Absolute Values
Use a number line to compare rational numbers. Change values by dragging points on the number line. Compare the opposites and absolute values of the numbers. 5 Minute Preview
PR: : Patterns and Relations
PR.1: : Demonstrate an understanding of oral and written patterns and their equivalent linear relations.

Function Machines 1 (Functions and Tables)
Drop a number into a function machine, and see what number comes out! You can use one of the six pre-set function machines, or program your own function rule into one of the blank machines. Stack up to three function machines together. Input and output can be recorded in a table and on a graph. 5 Minute Preview
PR.2: : Create a table of values from a linear relation, graph the table of values, and analyze the graph to draw conclusions and solve problems.

Points, Lines, and Equations
Compare the graph of a linear function to its rule and to a table of its values. Change the function by dragging two points on the line. Examine how the rule and table change. 5 Minute Preview
PR.3: : Demonstrate an understanding of preservation of equality by:
PR.3.b: : applying preservation of equality to solve equations.

Modeling One-Step Equations
Solve a linear equation using a tile model. Use feedback to diagnose incorrect steps. 5 Minute Preview

Modeling and Solving Two-Step Equations
Solve a two-step equation using a cup-and-counter model. Use step-by-step feedback to diagnose and correct incorrect steps. 5 Minute Preview

Solving Algebraic Equations II
Is solving equations tricky? If you know how to isolate a variable, you're halfway there. The other half? Don't do anything to upset the balance of an equation. Join our plucky variable friend as he encounters algebraic equations and a (sometimes grumpy) equal sign. With a little practice, you'll find that solving equations isn't tricky at all. 5 Minute Preview

Solving Equations on the Number Line
Solve an equation involving decimals using dynamic arrows on a number line. 5 Minute Preview

Solving Two-Step Equations
Choose the correct steps to solve a two-step equation. Use the feedback to diagnose incorrect steps. 5 Minute Preview
PR.4: : Explain the difference between an expression and an equation.

Compound Interest
Explore compound interest in-depth, from compounded annually to compounded continuously. In addition, compare the END POINTS graph, with dots that fit an exponential curve, to the ALL TIME graph, which has a more step-like appearance. 5 Minute Preview
SS: : Shape and Space
SS.1: : Demonstrate an understanding of circles by:
SS.1.a: : describing the relationships among radius, diameter and circumference

Circumference and Area of Circles
Resize a circle and compare its radius, circumference, and area. 5 Minute Preview
SS.1.b: : relating circumference to pi

Circumference and Area of Circles
Resize a circle and compare its radius, circumference, and area. 5 Minute Preview
SS.1.e: : solving problems involving the radii, diameters and circumferences of circles.

Chords and Arcs
Explore the relationship between a central angle and the arcs it intercepts. Also explore the relationship between chords and their distance from the circle's center. 5 Minute Preview

Compare the graph of a circle with its equation. Vary the terms in the equation and explore how the circle is translated and scaled in response. 5 Minute Preview

Circumference and Area of Circles
Resize a circle and compare its radius, circumference, and area. 5 Minute Preview
SS.2: : Develop and apply a formula for determining the area of:
SS.2.a: : triangles

Area of Triangles
Use a dynamic triangle to explore the area of a triangle. With the help of an animation, see that any triangle is always half of a parallelogram (with the same base and height). Likewise, a similar animation shows the connection between parallelograms and rectangles. 5 Minute Preview
SS.2.b: : parallelograms

Area of Parallelograms
Examine and manipulate a parallelogram and find its area. Explore the relationship between the area of a parallelogram and the area of a rectangle using an animation. 5 Minute Preview

Area of Triangles
Use a dynamic triangle to explore the area of a triangle. With the help of an animation, see that any triangle is always half of a parallelogram (with the same base and height). Likewise, a similar animation shows the connection between parallelograms and rectangles. 5 Minute Preview

Perimeter and Area of Rectangles
Discover how to find the perimeter and area of a rectangle, and of a square (which is really just a special case of a rectangle). 5 Minute Preview
SS.2.c: : circles.

Circumference and Area of Circles
Resize a circle and compare its radius, circumference, and area. 5 Minute Preview
SS.3: : Perform geometric constructions, including:
SS.3.b: : parallel line segments

Parallel, Intersecting, and Skew Lines
Explore the properties of intersecting, parallel, and skew lines as well as lines in the plane. Rotate the plane and lines in three-dimensional space to ensure a full understanding of these objects. 5 Minute Preview
SS.3.c: : perpendicular bisectors

Concurrent Lines, Medians, and Altitudes
Explore the relationships between perpendicular bisectors, the circumscribed circle, angle bisectors, the inscribed circle, altitudes, and medians using a triangle that can be resized and reshaped. 5 Minute Preview

Segment and Angle Bisectors
Explore the special properties of a point that lies on the perpendicular bisector of a segment, and of a point that lies on an angle bisector. Manipulate the point, the segment, and the angle to see that these properties are always true. 5 Minute Preview
SS.3.d: : angle bisectors.

Concurrent Lines, Medians, and Altitudes
Explore the relationships between perpendicular bisectors, the circumscribed circle, angle bisectors, the inscribed circle, altitudes, and medians using a triangle that can be resized and reshaped. 5 Minute Preview

Segment and Angle Bisectors
Explore the special properties of a point that lies on the perpendicular bisector of a segment, and of a point that lies on an angle bisector. Manipulate the point, the segment, and the angle to see that these properties are always true. 5 Minute Preview
SS.4: : Identify and plot points in the four quadrants of a Cartesian plane, using integral ordered pairs.

City Tour (Coordinates)
Go sightseeing in fictional cities all over the world. Learn about coordinates on a graph by navigating around these cities on a grid-like city map. Some landmarks are shown on the map. For others, you are only given the coordinates. Can you find all of them? 5 Minute Preview

Elevator Operator (Line Graphs)
Operate an elevator in an old apartment building. Pick up and drop off residents where they want to go. A line graph shows where the elevator traveled over time. Operate the elevator either by using the standard up and down controls, or by building a graph to program where you want it to go. 5 Minute Preview

Function Machines 2 (Functions, Tables, and Graphs)
Drop a number into a function machine, and see what number comes out! You can use one of the six pre-set function machines, or program your own function rule into one of the blank machines. Stack up to three function machines together. Input and output can be recorded in a table and on a graph. 5 Minute Preview

Function Machines 3 (Functions and Problem Solving)
Drop a number into a function machine, and see what number comes out! You can use one of the six pre-set function machines, or program your own function rule into one of the blank machines. Stack up to three function machines together. Input and output can be recorded in a table and on a graph. 5 Minute Preview

Linear Functions
Determine if a relation is a function from the mapping diagram, ordered pairs, or graph. Use the graph to determine if it is linear. 5 Minute Preview

Point-Slope Form of a Line
Compare the point-slope form of a linear equation to its graph. Vary the coefficients and explore how the graph changes in response. 5 Minute Preview

Points in the Coordinate Plane
Identify the coordinates of a point in the coordinate plane. Drag the point in the plane and investigate how the coordinates change in response. 5 Minute Preview

Points, Lines, and Equations
Compare the graph of a linear function to its rule and to a table of its values. Change the function by dragging two points on the line. Examine how the rule and table change. 5 Minute Preview

Explore the slope of a line, and learn how to calculate slope. Adjust the line by moving points that are on the line, and see how its slope changes. 5 Minute Preview
SS.5: : Perform and describe transformations (translations, rotations or reflections) of a 2-D shape in all four quadrants of a Cartesian plane (limited to integral number vertices).

Dilate a figure and investigate its resized image. See how scaling a figure affects the coordinates of its vertices, both in

Rock Art (Transformations)
Create your own rock art with ancient symbols. Each symbol can be translated, rotated, and reflected. After exploring each type of transformation, see if you can use them to match ancient rock paintings. 5 Minute Preview

Rotations, Reflections, and Translations
Rotate, reflect, and translate a figure in the plane. Compare the translated figure to the original figure. 5 Minute Preview
SP: : Statistics and Probability
SP.1: : Demonstrate an understanding of central tendency and range by:
SP.1.a: : determining the measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and range

Box-and-Whisker Plots
Construct a box-and-whisker plot to match a line plots, and construct a line plot to match a box-and-whisker plots. Manipulate the line plot and examine how the box-and-whisker plot changes. Then manipulate the box-and-whisker plot and examine how the line plot changes. 5 Minute Preview

Describing Data Using Statistics
Investigate the mean, median, mode, and range of a data set through its graph. Manipulate the data and watch how the mean, median, mode, and range change (or, in some cases, how they don't change). 5 Minute Preview

Mean, Median, and Mode
Build a data set and find the mean, median, and mode. Explore the mean, median, and mode illustrated as frogs on a seesaw, frogs on a scale, and as frogs stacked under a bar of variable height. 5 Minute Preview

Movie Reviewer (Mean and Median)
Movie reviewers rate movies on a scale of 0 to 10. Each movie comes with a set of reviews that can be changed by the user. The mean of a data set can be explored using a see-saw balance model. Students can also find the median, mode, and range of the data set. 5 Minute Preview

Populations and Samples
Compare sample distributions drawn from population distributions. Predict characteristics of a population distribution based on a sample distribution and examine how well a small sample represents a given population. 5 Minute Preview

Reaction Time 1 (Graphs and Statistics)
Test your reaction time by catching a falling ruler or clicking a target. Create a data set of experiment results, and calculate the range, mode, median, and mean of your data. Data can be displayed on a list, table, bar graph or dot plot. The Reaction Time 1 Student Exploration focuses on range, mode, and median. 5 Minute Preview

Reaction Time 2 (Graphs and Statistics)
Test your reaction time by catching a falling ruler or clicking a target. Create a data set of experiment results, and calculate the range, mode, median, and mean of your data. Data can be displayed on a list, table, bar graph or dot plot. The Reaction Time 2 Student Exploration focuses on mean. 5 Minute Preview

Sight vs. Sound Reactions
Measure your reaction time by clicking your mouse as quickly as possible when visual or auditory stimuli are presented. The individual response times are recorded, as well as the mean and standard deviation for each test. A histogram of data shows overall trends in sight and sound response times. The type of test as well as the symbols and sounds used are chosen by the user. 5 Minute Preview

Stem-and-Leaf Plots
Build a data set and compare the line plot of the data set to the stem-and-leaf plot. 5 Minute Preview
SP.1.b: : determining the most appropriate measures of central tendency to report findings.

Box-and-Whisker Plots
Construct a box-and-whisker plot to match a line plots, and construct a line plot to match a box-and-whisker plots. Manipulate the line plot and examine how the box-and-whisker plot changes. Then manipulate the box-and-whisker plot and examine how the line plot changes. 5 Minute Preview

Describing Data Using Statistics
Investigate the mean, median, mode, and range of a data set through its graph. Manipulate the data and watch how the mean, median, mode, and range change (or, in some cases, how they don't change). 5 Minute Preview

Mean, Median, and Mode
Build a data set and find the mean, median, and mode. Explore the mean, median, and mode illustrated as frogs on a seesaw, frogs on a scale, and as frogs stacked under a bar of variable height. 5 Minute Preview

Movie Reviewer (Mean and Median)
Movie reviewers rate movies on a scale of 0 to 10. Each movie comes with a set of reviews that can be changed by the user. The mean of a data set can be explored using a see-saw balance model. Students can also find the median, mode, and range of the data set. 5 Minute Preview

Polling: City
Poll residents in a large city to determine their response to a yes-or-no question. Estimate the actual percentage of yes votes in the whole city. Examine the results of many polls to help assess how reliable the results from a single poll are. See how the normal curve approximates a binomial distribution for large enough polls. 5 Minute Preview

Reaction Time 1 (Graphs and Statistics)
Test your reaction time by catching a falling ruler or clicking a target. Create a data set of experiment results, and calculate the range, mode, median, and mean of your data. Data can be displayed on a list, table, bar graph or dot plot. The Reaction Time 1 Student Exploration focuses on range, mode, and median. 5 Minute Preview

Reaction Time 2 (Graphs and Statistics)
Test your reaction time by catching a falling ruler or clicking a target. Create a data set of experiment results, and calculate the range, mode, median, and mean of your data. Data can be displayed on a list, table, bar graph or dot plot. The Reaction Time 2 Student Exploration focuses on mean. 5 Minute Preview

Real-Time Histogram
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected. 5 Minute Preview

Stem-and-Leaf Plots
Build a data set and compare the line plot of the data set to the stem-and-leaf plot. 5 Minute Preview
SP.2: : Determine the effect on the mean, median and mode when an outlier is included in a data set.

Describing Data Using Statistics
Investigate the mean, median, mode, and range of a data set through its graph. Manipulate the data and watch how the mean, median, mode, and range change (or, in some cases, how they don't change). 5 Minute Preview

Mean, Median, and Mode
Build a data set and find the mean, median, and mode. Explore the mean, median, and mode illustrated as frogs on a seesaw, frogs on a scale, and as frogs stacked under a bar of variable height. 5 Minute Preview

Movie Reviewer (Mean and Median)
Movie reviewers rate movies on a scale of 0 to 10. Each movie comes with a set of reviews that can be changed by the user. The mean of a data set can be explored using a see-saw balance model. Students can also find the median, mode, and range of the data set. 5 Minute Preview

Reaction Time 2 (Graphs and Statistics)
Test your reaction time by catching a falling ruler or clicking a target. Create a data set of experiment results, and calculate the range, mode, median, and mean of your data. Data can be displayed on a list, table, bar graph or dot plot. The Reaction Time 2 Student Exploration focuses on mean. 5 Minute Preview
SP.3: : Construct, label and interpret circle graphs to solve problems.

Graphing Skills
Create a graph (bar graph, line graph, pie chart, or scatter plot) based on a given data set. Title the graph, label the axes, and choose a scale. Adjust the graph to fit the data, and then check your accuracy. The Gizmo can also be used to create a data table based on a given graph. 5 Minute Preview
SP.4: : Express probabilities as ratios, fractions and percents.

Estimating Population Size
Adjust the number of fish in a lake to be tagged and the number of fish to be recaptured. Use the number of tagged fish in the catch to estimate the number of fish in the lake. 5 Minute Preview

Independent and Dependent Events
Compare the theoretical and experimental probabilities of drawing colored marbles from a bag. Record results of successive draws to find the experimental probability. Perform the drawings with replacement of the marbles to study independent events, or without replacement to explore dependent events. 5 Minute Preview
SP.5: : Identify the sample space (where the combined sample space has 36 or fewer elements) for a probability experiment involving two independent events.

Independent and Dependent Events
Compare the theoretical and experimental probabilities of drawing colored marbles from a bag. Record results of successive draws to find the experimental probability. Perform the drawings with replacement of the marbles to study independent events, or without replacement to explore dependent events. 5 Minute Preview
SP.6: : Conduct a probability experiment to compare the theoretical probability (determined using a tree diagram, table or other graphic organizer) and experimental probability of two independent events.

Geometric Probability
Randomly throw darts at a target and see what percent are "hits." Vary the size of the target and repeat the experiment. Study the relationship between the area of the target and the percent of darts that strike it 5 Minute Preview

Independent and Dependent Events
Compare the theoretical and experimental probabilities of drawing colored marbles from a bag. Record results of successive draws to find the experimental probability. Perform the drawings with replacement of the marbles to study independent events, or without replacement to explore dependent events. 5 Minute Preview

Probability Simulations
Experiment with spinners and compare the experimental probability of particular outcomes to the theoretical probability. Select the number of spinners, the number of sections on a spinner, and a favorable outcome of a spin. Then tally the number of favorable outcomes. 5 Minute Preview

Spin the Big Wheel! (Probability)
Step right up! Spin the big wheel! Each spin can result in no prize, a small prize, or a big prize. The wheel can be spun by 1, 10, or 100 players. Results are recorded on a frequency table or a circle graph. You can also design your own wheel and a sign that describes the probabilities for your wheel. 5 Minute Preview

Theoretical and Experimental Probability
Experiment with spinners and compare the experimental probability of a particular outcome to the theoretical probability. Select the number of spinners, the number of sections on a spinner, and a favorable outcome of a spin. Then tally the number of favorable outcomes. 5 Minute Preview
Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020
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