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- Northwest Territories Standards
- Science: Biology 20
Northwest Territories - Science: Biology 20
Alberta Program of Studies | Adopted: 2004
20?A.1.1k: : explain, in general terms, the one-way flow of energy through the biosphere and how stored energy in the biosphere, as a system, is eventually ?lost? as heat
20?A.1.1k: : explain, in general terms, the one-way flow of energy through the biosphere and how stored energy in the biosphere, as a system, is eventually ?lost? as heat

Food Chain
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world. 5 Minute Preview
20-A: : Energy and Matter Exchange in the Biosphere
20-A.1: : Students will explain the constant flow of energy through the biosphere and ecosystems.
20-A.1.2k.1: : energy flow in photosynthetic environments
20-A.1.2k.1: : energy flow in photosynthetic environments

Cell Energy Cycle
Explore the processes of photosynthesis and respiration that occur within plant and animal cells. The cyclical nature of the two processes can be constructed visually, and the simplified photosynthesis and respiration formulae can be balanced. 5 Minute Preview

Food Chain
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world. 5 Minute Preview
20-A.1.2k.2: : energy flow in deep sea vent (chemosynthetic) ecosystems and other extreme environments
20-A.1.2k.2: : energy flow in deep sea vent (chemosynthetic) ecosystems and other extreme environments

Food Chain
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world. 5 Minute Preview
20?A.1.3k: : explain the structure of ecosystem trophic levels, using models such as food chains and food webs
20?A.1.3k: : explain the structure of ecosystem trophic levels, using models such as food chains and food webs

Food Chain
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world. 5 Minute Preview

Forest Ecosystem
Observe and manipulate the populations of four creatures (trees, deer, bears, and mushrooms) in a forest. Investigate the feeding relationships (food web) in the forest. Determine which creatures are producers, consumers, and decomposers. Pictographs and line graphs show changes in populations over time. 5 Minute Preview
20?A.1.4k: : explain, quantitatively, the flow of energy and the exchange of matter in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, using models such as pyramids of numbers, biomass and energy.
20?A.1.4k: : explain, quantitatively, the flow of energy and the exchange of matter in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, using models such as pyramids of numbers, biomass and energy.

Food Chain
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world. 5 Minute Preview
20?A.1.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues
20?A.1.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

Real-Time Histogram
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected. 5 Minute Preview

Sight vs. Sound Reactions
Measure your reaction time by clicking your mouse as quickly as possible when visual or auditory stimuli are presented. The individual response times are recorded, as well as the mean and standard deviation for each test. A histogram of data shows overall trends in sight and sound response times. The type of test as well as the symbols and sounds used are chosen by the user. 5 Minute Preview
20-A.1.3s.1: : analyze data on the diversity of plants, animals and decomposers of an endangered ecosystem, e.g., wetlands, short grass prairie, and predict long-term outcomes
20-A.1.3s.1: : analyze data on the diversity of plants, animals and decomposers of an endangered ecosystem, e.g., wetlands, short grass prairie, and predict long-term outcomes

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Explore the abiotic factors that affect Caribbean coral reefs. Many factors can be manipulated in this simplified reef model, including ocean temperature and pH, storm severity, and input of excess sediments and nutrients from logging, sewage, and agriculture. Click "Advance year" to see how the reef responds to these changes. 5 Minute Preview
20-A.1.3s.2: : compare alternative ways of presenting energy flow data for ecosystems; i.e., pyramids of energy, biomass and numbers
20-A.1.3s.2: : compare alternative ways of presenting energy flow data for ecosystems; i.e., pyramids of energy, biomass and numbers

Food Chain
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world. 5 Minute Preview
20-A.1.4s.1: : use appropriate International System of Units (SI) notation, fundamental and derived units and significant digits
20-A.1.4s.1: : use appropriate International System of Units (SI) notation, fundamental and derived units and significant digits

Unit Conversions 2 - Scientific Notation and Significant Digits
Use the Unit Conversions Gizmo to explore the concepts of scientific notation and significant digits. Convert numbers to and from scientific notation. Determine the number of significant digits in a measured value and in a calculation. 5 Minute Preview
20?A.2.1k: : explain and summarize the biogeochemical cycling of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus and relate this to general reuse of all matter in the biosphere
20?A.2.1k: : explain and summarize the biogeochemical cycling of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus and relate this to general reuse of all matter in the biosphere

Carbon Cycle
Follow the path of a carbon atom through the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Manipulate a simplified model to see how human activities and other factors affect the amount of atmospheric carbon today and in the future. 5 Minute Preview

Cell Energy Cycle
Explore the processes of photosynthesis and respiration that occur within plant and animal cells. The cyclical nature of the two processes can be constructed visually, and the simplified photosynthesis and respiration formulae can be balanced. 5 Minute Preview
20-A.2: : Students will explain the cycling of matter through the biosphere.
20-A.2.1s.2: : hypothesize how alterations in the carbon cycle, resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, might affect other cycling phenomena; e.g., sulfur, iron, water
20-A.2.1s.2: : hypothesize how alterations in the carbon cycle, resulting from the burning of fossil fuels, might affect other cycling phenomena; e.g., sulfur, iron, water

Carbon Cycle
Follow the path of a carbon atom through the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Manipulate a simplified model to see how human activities and other factors affect the amount of atmospheric carbon today and in the future. 5 Minute Preview
20?A.3.1k: : explain the interrelationship of energy, matter and ecosystem productivity (biomass production)
20?A.3.1k: : explain the interrelationship of energy, matter and ecosystem productivity (biomass production)

Carbon Cycle
Follow the path of a carbon atom through the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Manipulate a simplified model to see how human activities and other factors affect the amount of atmospheric carbon today and in the future. 5 Minute Preview

Cell Energy Cycle
Explore the processes of photosynthesis and respiration that occur within plant and animal cells. The cyclical nature of the two processes can be constructed visually, and the simplified photosynthesis and respiration formulae can be balanced. 5 Minute Preview
20?A.3.1sts: : explain that science and technology are developed to meet societal needs and expand human capability
20?A.3.1sts: : explain that science and technology are developed to meet societal needs and expand human capability

DNA Analysis
Scan the DNA of frogs to produce DNA sequences. Use the DNA sequences to identify possible identical twins and to determine which sections of DNA code for skin color, eye color, and the presence or absence of spots. 5 Minute Preview
20?A.3.2s: : conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information
20?A.3.2s: : conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

Pendulum Clock
Find the effect of length, mass, and angle on the period of a pendulum. The pendulum is attached to a clock that can be adjusted to tell time accurately. The clock can be located on Earth or Jupiter to determine the effect of gravity. 5 Minute Preview

Real-Time Histogram
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected. 5 Minute Preview

Triple Beam Balance
Learn how to determine the mass of an object using a triple beam balance. The mass of a variety of objects can be determined using this simulated version of a common real-world laboratory tool for measurement. 5 Minute Preview
20?A.3.4s: : work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
20?A.3.4s: : work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results

Pendulum Clock
Find the effect of length, mass, and angle on the period of a pendulum. The pendulum is attached to a clock that can be adjusted to tell time accurately. The clock can be located on Earth or Jupiter to determine the effect of gravity. 5 Minute Preview
20?B.1.1k: : define species, population, community and ecosystem and explain the interrelationships among them
20?B.1.1k: : define species, population, community and ecosystem and explain the interrelationships among them

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Explore the abiotic factors that affect Caribbean coral reefs. Many factors can be manipulated in this simplified reef model, including ocean temperature and pH, storm severity, and input of excess sediments and nutrients from logging, sewage, and agriculture. Click "Advance year" to see how the reef responds to these changes. 5 Minute Preview

Food Chain
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world. 5 Minute Preview
20?B.1.2k: : explain how terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems support a diversity of organisms through a variety of habitats and niches
20?B.1.2k: : explain how terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems support a diversity of organisms through a variety of habitats and niches

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Explore the abiotic factors that affect Caribbean coral reefs. Many factors can be manipulated in this simplified reef model, including ocean temperature and pH, storm severity, and input of excess sediments and nutrients from logging, sewage, and agriculture. Click "Advance year" to see how the reef responds to these changes. 5 Minute Preview
20?B.1.3k: : identify biotic and abiotic characteristics and explain their influence in an aquatic and a terrestrial ecosystem in the local region; e.g., stream, lake, prairie, boreal forest, vacant lot, sports field
20?B.1.3k: : identify biotic and abiotic characteristics and explain their influence in an aquatic and a terrestrial ecosystem in the local region; e.g., stream, lake, prairie, boreal forest, vacant lot, sports field

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Explore the abiotic factors that affect Caribbean coral reefs. Many factors can be manipulated in this simplified reef model, including ocean temperature and pH, storm severity, and input of excess sediments and nutrients from logging, sewage, and agriculture. Click "Advance year" to see how the reef responds to these changes. 5 Minute Preview

Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors
In this followup to the Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors activity, investigate the impacts of fishing, disease, and invasive species on a model Caribbean coral reef. Many variables can be manipulated, included intensity of fishing, presence of black band and white band disease, and the presence of actual and potential invasive species. Click "Advance year" to see the impacts of these biotic changes. 5 Minute Preview
20?B.1.4k: : explain how limiting factors influence organism distribution and range
20?B.1.4k: : explain how limiting factors influence organism distribution and range

Food Chain
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world. 5 Minute Preview
20-B: : Ecosystems and Population Change
20-B.1: : Students will explain that the biosphere is composed of ecosystems, each with distinctive biotic and abiotic characteristics.
20-B.1.1s.1: : hypothesize the role of biotic and abiotic factors in ecosystems; e.g., competition and chinooks
20-B.1.1s.1: : hypothesize the role of biotic and abiotic factors in ecosystems; e.g., competition and chinooks

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Explore the abiotic factors that affect Caribbean coral reefs. Many factors can be manipulated in this simplified reef model, including ocean temperature and pH, storm severity, and input of excess sediments and nutrients from logging, sewage, and agriculture. Click "Advance year" to see how the reef responds to these changes. 5 Minute Preview
20-B.1.2s.1: : perform a field study to measure, quantitatively, appropriate abiotic characteristics of an ecosystem and to gather, both quantitatively and qualitatively, evidence for analysis of the diversity of life in the ecosystem studied
20-B.1.2s.1: : perform a field study to measure, quantitatively, appropriate abiotic characteristics of an ecosystem and to gather, both quantitatively and qualitatively, evidence for analysis of the diversity of life in the ecosystem studied

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Explore the abiotic factors that affect Caribbean coral reefs. Many factors can be manipulated in this simplified reef model, including ocean temperature and pH, storm severity, and input of excess sediments and nutrients from logging, sewage, and agriculture. Click "Advance year" to see how the reef responds to these changes. 5 Minute Preview
20-B.1.3s.3: : evaluate the accuracy and reliability of instruments used for measurement and identify the degree of error in the field-study data
20-B.1.3s.3: : evaluate the accuracy and reliability of instruments used for measurement and identify the degree of error in the field-study data

Triple Beam Balance
Learn how to determine the mass of an object using a triple beam balance. The mass of a variety of objects can be determined using this simulated version of a common real-world laboratory tool for measurement. 5 Minute Preview
20?B.1.4s: : work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
20?B.1.4s: : work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results

Pendulum Clock
Find the effect of length, mass, and angle on the period of a pendulum. The pendulum is attached to a clock that can be adjusted to tell time accurately. The clock can be located on Earth or Jupiter to determine the effect of gravity. 5 Minute Preview
20?B.2.1k: : explain that variability in a species results from heritable mutations and that some mutations may have a selective advantage
20?B.2.1k: : explain that variability in a species results from heritable mutations and that some mutations may have a selective advantage

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Observe evolution in a fictional population of bugs. Set the background to any color, and see natural selection taking place. Inheritance of color occurs according to Mendel's laws and probability. Mutations occur at random, and probability of capture by predators is determined by the insect's camouflage. 5 Minute Preview

Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection
Observe evolution in a fictional population of bugs. Set the background to any color, and see natural selection taking place. Compare the processes of natural and artificial selection. Manipulate the mutation rate, and determine how mutation rate affects adaptation and evolution. 5 Minute Preview

Observe the effect of predators on a population of parrots with three possible genotypes. The initial percentages and fitness levels of each genotype can be set. Determine how initial fitness levels affect genotype and allele frequencies through several generations. Compare scenarios in which a dominant allele is deleterious, a recessive allele is deleterious, and the heterozygous individual is fittest. 5 Minute Preview

Natural Selection
You are a bird hunting moths (both dark and light) that live on trees. As you capture the moths most easily visible against the tree surface, the moth populations change, illustrating the effects of natural selection. 5 Minute Preview
20?B.2.4k: : summarize and describe lines of evidence to support the evolution of modern species from ancestral forms; i.e., the fossil record, Earth?s history, biogeography, homologous and analogous structures, embryology, biochemistry
20?B.2.4k: : summarize and describe lines of evidence to support the evolution of modern species from ancestral forms; i.e., the fossil record, Earth?s history, biogeography, homologous and analogous structures, embryology, biochemistry

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis
Compare the skulls of a variety of significant human ancestors, or hominids. Use available tools to measure lengths, areas, and angles of important features. Each skull can be viewed from the front, side, or from below. Additional information regarding the age, location, and discoverer of each skull can be displayed. 5 Minute Preview
20-B.2: : Students will explain the mechanisms involved in the change of populations over time.
20-B.2.1s.1: : design an investigation to measure or describe an inherited variation in a plant or an animal population
20-B.2.1s.1: : design an investigation to measure or describe an inherited variation in a plant or an animal population

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Set the initial percentages of three types of parrots in a population and track changes in genotype and allele frequency through several generations. Analyze population data to develop an understanding of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Determine how initial allele percentages will affect the equilibrium state of the population. 5 Minute Preview
20?B.2.2s: : conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information
20?B.2.2s: : conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

Pendulum Clock
Find the effect of length, mass, and angle on the period of a pendulum. The pendulum is attached to a clock that can be adjusted to tell time accurately. The clock can be located on Earth or Jupiter to determine the effect of gravity. 5 Minute Preview

Real-Time Histogram
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected. 5 Minute Preview

Triple Beam Balance
Learn how to determine the mass of an object using a triple beam balance. The mass of a variety of objects can be determined using this simulated version of a common real-world laboratory tool for measurement. 5 Minute Preview
20?C.1.2k: : explain, in general terms, how the products of the light-dependent reactions, NADPH and ATP, are used to reduce carbon in the light-independent reactions for the production of glucose; and describe where in the chloroplast these processes occur.
20?C.1.2k: : explain, in general terms, how the products of the light-dependent reactions, NADPH and ATP, are used to reduce carbon in the light-independent reactions for the production of glucose; and describe where in the chloroplast these processes occur.

Cell Energy Cycle
Explore the processes of photosynthesis and respiration that occur within plant and animal cells. The cyclical nature of the two processes can be constructed visually, and the simplified photosynthesis and respiration formulae can be balanced. 5 Minute Preview
20?C.1.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues
20?C.1.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

Real-Time Histogram
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected. 5 Minute Preview

Sight vs. Sound Reactions
Measure your reaction time by clicking your mouse as quickly as possible when visual or auditory stimuli are presented. The individual response times are recorded, as well as the mean and standard deviation for each test. A histogram of data shows overall trends in sight and sound response times. The type of test as well as the symbols and sounds used are chosen by the user. 5 Minute Preview
20?C.1.2s: : conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information
20?C.1.2s: : conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

Pendulum Clock
Find the effect of length, mass, and angle on the period of a pendulum. The pendulum is attached to a clock that can be adjusted to tell time accurately. The clock can be located on Earth or Jupiter to determine the effect of gravity. 5 Minute Preview

Real-Time Histogram
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected. 5 Minute Preview

Triple Beam Balance
Learn how to determine the mass of an object using a triple beam balance. The mass of a variety of objects can be determined using this simulated version of a common real-world laboratory tool for measurement. 5 Minute Preview
20?C.1.4s: : work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
20?C.1.4s: : work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results

Pendulum Clock
Find the effect of length, mass, and angle on the period of a pendulum. The pendulum is attached to a clock that can be adjusted to tell time accurately. The clock can be located on Earth or Jupiter to determine the effect of gravity. 5 Minute Preview
20?C.2.1k: : explain, in general terms, how glucose is oxidized during glycolysis and the Krebs cycle to produce reducing power in NADH and FADH; and describe where in the cell these processes occur
20?C.2.1k: : explain, in general terms, how glucose is oxidized during glycolysis and the Krebs cycle to produce reducing power in NADH and FADH; and describe where in the cell these processes occur

Cell Energy Cycle
Explore the processes of photosynthesis and respiration that occur within plant and animal cells. The cyclical nature of the two processes can be constructed visually, and the simplified photosynthesis and respiration formulae can be balanced. 5 Minute Preview
20?C.2.3k: : distinguish, in general terms, between aerobic and anaerobic respiration and fermentation in plants, animals and yeast
20?C.2.3k: : distinguish, in general terms, between aerobic and anaerobic respiration and fermentation in plants, animals and yeast

Cell Energy Cycle
Explore the processes of photosynthesis and respiration that occur within plant and animal cells. The cyclical nature of the two processes can be constructed visually, and the simplified photosynthesis and respiration formulae can be balanced. 5 Minute Preview
20?C.2.1sts: : explain that science and technology are developed to meet societal needs and expand human capability
20?C.2.1sts: : explain that science and technology are developed to meet societal needs and expand human capability

DNA Analysis
Scan the DNA of frogs to produce DNA sequences. Use the DNA sequences to identify possible identical twins and to determine which sections of DNA code for skin color, eye color, and the presence or absence of spots. 5 Minute Preview
20?C.2.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues
20?C.2.1sts: : explain that science and technology are developed to meet societal needs and expand human capability

DNA Analysis
Scan the DNA of frogs to produce DNA sequences. Use the DNA sequences to identify possible identical twins and to determine which sections of DNA code for skin color, eye color, and the presence or absence of spots. 5 Minute Preview
20?C.2.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

Real-Time Histogram
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected. 5 Minute Preview

Sight vs. Sound Reactions
Measure your reaction time by clicking your mouse as quickly as possible when visual or auditory stimuli are presented. The individual response times are recorded, as well as the mean and standard deviation for each test. A histogram of data shows overall trends in sight and sound response times. The type of test as well as the symbols and sounds used are chosen by the user. 5 Minute Preview
20-C: : Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
20-C.2: : Students will explain the role of cellular respiration in releasing potential energy from organic compounds.
20-C.2.2s.2: : measure temperature change over time of germinating and non-germinating seeds
20-C.2.2s.2: : measure temperature change over time of germinating and non-germinating seeds

Seed Germination
Perform experiments with several seed types to see what conditions yield the highest germination (sprouting) rate. Three different types of seeds can be studied, and the temperature, water and light in the germination chamber can be controlled. No two trials will have the same result so repeated trials are recommended. 5 Minute Preview
20?C.2.4s: : work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
20?C.2.4s: : work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results

Pendulum Clock
Find the effect of length, mass, and angle on the period of a pendulum. The pendulum is attached to a clock that can be adjusted to tell time accurately. The clock can be located on Earth or Jupiter to determine the effect of gravity. 5 Minute Preview
20-D: : Human Systems
20-D.1: : Students will explain how the human digestive and respiratory systems exchange energy and matter with the environment.
20-D.1.1k.1: : mouth, esophagus, stomach, sphincters, small and large intestines, liver, pancreas, gall bladder
20-D.1.1k.1: : mouth, esophagus, stomach, sphincters, small and large intestines, liver, pancreas, gall bladder

Digestive System
Digestion is a complex process, involving a wide variety of organs and chemicals that work together to break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate wastes. But have you ever wondered what would happen if some of those organs were eliminated, or if the sequence was changed? Can the digestive system be improved? Find out by designing your own digestive system with the Digestive System Gizmo. 5 Minute Preview
20?D.1.4k: : describe the chemical and physical processing of matter through the digestive system into the circulatory system
20?D.1.4k: : describe the chemical and physical processing of matter through the digestive system into the circulatory system

Circulatory System
Trace the path of blood through a beating heart and the network of blood vessels that supplies blood to the body. Take blood samples from different blood vessels to observe blood cells and measure the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, sugar, and urea. 5 Minute Preview

Digestive System
Digestion is a complex process, involving a wide variety of organs and chemicals that work together to break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate wastes. But have you ever wondered what would happen if some of those organs were eliminated, or if the sequence was changed? Can the digestive system be improved? Find out by designing your own digestive system with the Digestive System Gizmo. 5 Minute Preview
20?D.1.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues
20?D.1.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

Real-Time Histogram
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected. 5 Minute Preview

Sight vs. Sound Reactions
Measure your reaction time by clicking your mouse as quickly as possible when visual or auditory stimuli are presented. The individual response times are recorded, as well as the mean and standard deviation for each test. A histogram of data shows overall trends in sight and sound response times. The type of test as well as the symbols and sounds used are chosen by the user. 5 Minute Preview
20-D.1.2s.1: : observe, through dissection or computer simulations, the digestive and respiratory systems of a representative mammal and identify the major structural components
20-D.1.2s.1: : observe, through dissection or computer simulations, the digestive and respiratory systems of a representative mammal and identify the major structural components

Digestive System
Digestion is a complex process, involving a wide variety of organs and chemicals that work together to break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate wastes. But have you ever wondered what would happen if some of those organs were eliminated, or if the sequence was changed? Can the digestive system be improved? Find out by designing your own digestive system with the Digestive System Gizmo. 5 Minute Preview
20?D.2.1k: : identify the principal structures of the heart and associated blood vessels; i.e., atria, ventricles, septa, valves, aorta, venae cavae, pulmonary arteries and veins, sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, Purkinje fibres
20?D.2.1k: : identify the principal structures of the heart and associated blood vessels; i.e., atria, ventricles, septa, valves, aorta, venae cavae, pulmonary arteries and veins, sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, Purkinje fibres

Circulatory System
Trace the path of blood through a beating heart and the network of blood vessels that supplies blood to the body. Take blood samples from different blood vessels to observe blood cells and measure the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, sugar, and urea. 5 Minute Preview
20?D.2.2k: : describe the action of the heart, blood pressure and the general circulation of blood through coronary, pulmonary and systemic pathways
20?D.2.2k: : describe the action of the heart, blood pressure and the general circulation of blood through coronary, pulmonary and systemic pathways

Circulatory System
Trace the path of blood through a beating heart and the network of blood vessels that supplies blood to the body. Take blood samples from different blood vessels to observe blood cells and measure the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, sugar, and urea. 5 Minute Preview
20?D.2.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues
20?D.2.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

Real-Time Histogram
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected. 5 Minute Preview

Sight vs. Sound Reactions
Measure your reaction time by clicking your mouse as quickly as possible when visual or auditory stimuli are presented. The individual response times are recorded, as well as the mean and standard deviation for each test. A histogram of data shows overall trends in sight and sound response times. The type of test as well as the symbols and sounds used are chosen by the user. 5 Minute Preview
20-D.2: : Students will explain the role of the circulatory and defence systems in maintaining an internal equilibrium.
20-D.2.2s.3: : select and integrate information from various sources to observe the principal features of a mammalian circulatory system and the direction of blood flow, and identify structures from drawings; e.g., valves, chambers
20-D.2.2s.3: : select and integrate information from various sources to observe the principal features of a mammalian circulatory system and the direction of blood flow, and identify structures from drawings; e.g., valves, chambers

Circulatory System
Trace the path of blood through a beating heart and the network of blood vessels that supplies blood to the body. Take blood samples from different blood vessels to observe blood cells and measure the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, sugar, and urea. 5 Minute Preview
20?D.2.4s: : work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
20?D.2.4s: : work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results

Pendulum Clock
Find the effect of length, mass, and angle on the period of a pendulum. The pendulum is attached to a clock that can be adjusted to tell time accurately. The clock can be located on Earth or Jupiter to determine the effect of gravity. 5 Minute Preview
20?D.3.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues
20?D.3.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

Real-Time Histogram
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected. 5 Minute Preview

Sight vs. Sound Reactions
Measure your reaction time by clicking your mouse as quickly as possible when visual or auditory stimuli are presented. The individual response times are recorded, as well as the mean and standard deviation for each test. A histogram of data shows overall trends in sight and sound response times. The type of test as well as the symbols and sounds used are chosen by the user. 5 Minute Preview
20?D.3.4s: : work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results
20?D.3.4s: : work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results

Pendulum Clock
Find the effect of length, mass, and angle on the period of a pendulum. The pendulum is attached to a clock that can be adjusted to tell time accurately. The clock can be located on Earth or Jupiter to determine the effect of gravity. 5 Minute Preview
20?D.4.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues
20?D.4.1s: : formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

Real-Time Histogram
Try to click your mouse once every 2 seconds. The time interval between each click is recorded, as well as the error and percent error. Data can be displayed in a table, histogram, or scatter plot. Observe and measure the characteristics of the resulting distribution when large amounts of data are collected. 5 Minute Preview

Sight vs. Sound Reactions
Measure your reaction time by clicking your mouse as quickly as possible when visual or auditory stimuli are presented. The individual response times are recorded, as well as the mean and standard deviation for each test. A histogram of data shows overall trends in sight and sound response times. The type of test as well as the symbols and sounds used are chosen by the user. 5 Minute Preview
20-D.4: : Students will explain the role of the motor system in the function of other body systems.
20-D.4.4s.1: : use appropriate SI notation and fundamental and derived units
20-D.4.4s.1: : use appropriate SI notation and fundamental and derived units

Unit Conversions 2 - Scientific Notation and Significant Digits
Use the Unit Conversions Gizmo to explore the concepts of scientific notation and significant digits. Convert numbers to and from scientific notation. Determine the number of significant digits in a measured value and in a calculation. 5 Minute Preview
Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020
About STEM Cases
Students assume the role of a scientist trying to solve a real world problem. They use scientific practices to collect and analyze data, and form and test a hypothesis as they solve the problems.
Each STEM Case uses realtime reporting to show live student results.
Introduction to the Heatmap
STEM Cases take between 30-90 minutes for students to complete, depending on the case.
Student progress is automatically saved so that STEM Cases can be completed over multiple sessions.
Multiple grade-appropriate versions, or levels, exist for each STEM Case.
Each STEM Case level has an associated Handbook. These are interactive guides that focus on the science concepts underlying the case.
How Free Gizmos Work
Start teaching with 20-40 Free Gizmos. See the full list.
Access lesson materials for Free Gizmos including teacher guides, lesson plans, and more.
All other Gizmos are limited to a 5 Minute Preview and can only be used for 5 minutes a day.
Free Gizmos change each semester. The new collection will be available January 1 and July 1.
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