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- Science: Science 10
Saskatchewan - Science: Science 10
Saskatchewan Curriculum | Adopted: 2016
SCI10-CD: : Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics
SCI10-CD1: : Assess the implications of human actions on the local and global climate and the sustainability of ecosystems.
SCI10-CD1.a: : Pose questions or problems relating to the effects of human actions on global climate change and the sustainability of ecosystems that arise from personal research.

Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors
In this followup to the Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors activity, investigate the impacts of fishing, disease, and invasive species on a model Caribbean coral reef. Many variables can be manipulated, included intensity of fishing, presence of black band and white band disease, and the presence of actual and potential invasive species. Click "Advance year" to see the impacts of these biotic changes. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD1.h: : Provide examples of human actions that have contributed to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect.

Carbon Cycle
Follow the path of a carbon atom through the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Manipulate a simplified model to see how human activities and other factors affect the amount of atmospheric carbon today and in the future. 5 Minute Preview

Greenhouse Effect - Metric
Within this simulated region of land, daytime's rising temperature and the falling temperature at night can be measured, along with heat flow in and out of the system. The amount of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere can be adjusted through time, and the long-term effects can be investigated. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD2: : Investigate factors that influence Earth's climate system, including the role of the natural greenhouse effect.
SCI10-CD2.e: : Explain how greenhouse gases (e.g., water vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, sulphur dioxide and ozone), particles, clouds and surface albedo affect the amount of solar energy absorbed and re-radiated at various locations on Earth.

Greenhouse Effect - Metric
Within this simulated region of land, daytime's rising temperature and the falling temperature at night can be measured, along with heat flow in and out of the system. The amount of greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere can be adjusted through time, and the long-term effects can be investigated. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD2.j: : Analyze weather and atmospheric data to identify patterns in temperature and atmospheric pressure, and changes in those patterns locally, regionally and globally.

Weather Maps - Metric
Learn about standard symbols used in meteorology to construct weather maps. Rain, sleet, snow, temperature, cloud cover, wind speed and direction, and atmospheric pressure can all be recorded at two different weather stations on a map. Describe weather patterns characteristic of high-pressure systems, low-pressure systems, warm fronts, and cold fronts. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD3: : Examine biodiversity through the analysis of interactions among populations within communities.
SCI10-CD3.a: : Discuss the importance of biodiversity and maintaining biodiversity.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Explore the abiotic factors that affect Caribbean coral reefs. Many factors can be manipulated in this simplified reef model, including ocean temperature and pH, storm severity, and input of excess sediments and nutrients from logging, sewage, and agriculture. Click "Advance year" to see how the reef responds to these changes. 5 Minute Preview

Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors
In this followup to the Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors activity, investigate the impacts of fishing, disease, and invasive species on a model Caribbean coral reef. Many variables can be manipulated, included intensity of fishing, presence of black band and white band disease, and the presence of actual and potential invasive species. Click "Advance year" to see the impacts of these biotic changes. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD3.b: : Understand that scientists describe biomes as resulting from the interaction of biotic and abiotic factors such as temperature, precipitation, insolation, latitude, altitude and geography.

Pond Ecosystem
Measure the temperature and oxygen content of a pond over the course of a day. Then go fishing to see what types of fish live in the pond. Many different ponds can be investigated to determine the influence of time, temperature, and farms on oxygen levels. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD3.e: : Determine the population density, percentage frequency and/or percentage cover of one or more organisms in an ecosystem using primary or secondary population data.

Food Chain
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD3.h: : Construct and/or interpret graphs of population dynamics of humans and other species to determine population trends within an ecosystem.

Food Chain
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world. 5 Minute Preview

Rabbit Population by Season
Observe the population of rabbits in an environment over many years. The land available to the rabbits and weather conditions can be adjusted to investigate the effects of urban sprawl and unusual weather on wildlife populations. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD3.i: : Investigate various ways in which natural populations attempt to maintain equilibrium, and relate this equilibrium to the resource limits of an ecosystem with reference to concepts such as carrying capacity, natality, mortality, immigration and emigration.

Food Chain
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain. Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world. 5 Minute Preview

Rabbit Population by Season
Observe the population of rabbits in an environment over many years. The land available to the rabbits and weather conditions can be adjusted to investigate the effects of urban sprawl and unusual weather on wildlife populations. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD3.k: : Examine how factors such as invasive species, habitat loss and climate change affect biodiversity within an ecosystem, and can result in species becoming at-risk (i.e., vulnerable, threatened and extirpated).

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Explore the abiotic factors that affect Caribbean coral reefs. Many factors can be manipulated in this simplified reef model, including ocean temperature and pH, storm severity, and input of excess sediments and nutrients from logging, sewage, and agriculture. Click "Advance year" to see how the reef responds to these changes. 5 Minute Preview

Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors
In this followup to the Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors activity, investigate the impacts of fishing, disease, and invasive species on a model Caribbean coral reef. Many variables can be manipulated, included intensity of fishing, presence of black band and white band disease, and the presence of actual and potential invasive species. Click "Advance year" to see the impacts of these biotic changes. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD3.l: : Analyze how the bioaccumulation and biomagnification of human-made substances can affect the viability and biodiversity of organisms and populations in an ecosystem.

Pond Ecosystem
Measure the temperature and oxygen content of a pond over the course of a day. Then go fishing to see what types of fish live in the pond. Many different ponds can be investigated to determine the influence of time, temperature, and farms on oxygen levels. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD4: : Investigate the role of feedback mechanisms in biogeochemical cycles and in maintaining stability in ecosystems.
SCI10-CD4.a: : Explain systems in terms of their type (e.g., open, closed and isolated), equilibrium (e.g., dynamic, static, stable and unstable) and their associated feedbacks (e.g., positive and negative).

Carbon Cycle
Follow the path of a carbon atom through the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Manipulate a simplified model to see how human activities and other factors affect the amount of atmospheric carbon today and in the future. 5 Minute Preview

Cell Energy Cycle
Explore the processes of photosynthesis and respiration that occur within plant and animal cells. The cyclical nature of the two processes can be constructed visually, and the simplified photosynthesis and respiration formulae can be balanced. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD4.d: : Describe how human actions can affect the cycling of matter and flow of energy through ecosystems.

Carbon Cycle
Follow the path of a carbon atom through the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Manipulate a simplified model to see how human activities and other factors affect the amount of atmospheric carbon today and in the future. 5 Minute Preview

Pond Ecosystem
Measure the temperature and oxygen content of a pond over the course of a day. Then go fishing to see what types of fish live in the pond. Many different ponds can be investigated to determine the influence of time, temperature, and farms on oxygen levels. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD4.e: : Examine the role of photosynthesis, respiration and sinks in the cycling of carbon through the environment.

Carbon Cycle
Follow the path of a carbon atom through the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, and geosphere. Manipulate a simplified model to see how human activities and other factors affect the amount of atmospheric carbon today and in the future. 5 Minute Preview

Cell Energy Cycle
Explore the processes of photosynthesis and respiration that occur within plant and animal cells. The cyclical nature of the two processes can be constructed visually, and the simplified photosynthesis and respiration formulae can be balanced. 5 Minute Preview

Photosynthesis Lab
Study photosynthesis in a variety of conditions. Oxygen production is used to measure the rate of photosynthesis. Light intensity, carbon dioxide levels, temperature, and wavelength of light can all be varied. Determine which conditions are ideal for photosynthesis, and understand how limiting factors affect oxygen production. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CD4.f: : Design and carry out an investigation to determine the effect of carbon dioxide levels on photosynthesis and/or to determine the effect of nitrogenous-based fertilizer on plant or algal growth.

Photosynthesis Lab
Study photosynthesis in a variety of conditions. Oxygen production is used to measure the rate of photosynthesis. Light intensity, carbon dioxide levels, temperature, and wavelength of light can all be varied. Determine which conditions are ideal for photosynthesis, and understand how limiting factors affect oxygen production. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR: : Chemical Reactions
SCI10-CR1: : Explore the properties of chemical reactions, including the role of energy changes, and applications of acids and bases.
SCI10-CR1.c: : Observe and describe a variety of chemical reactions, including synthesis, decomposition, combustion, single replacement and double replacement.

Equilibrium and Concentration
Observe how reactants and products interact in reversible reactions. The initial amount of each substance can be manipulated, as well as the pressure on the chamber. The amounts, concentrations, and partial pressures of each reactant and product can be tracked over time as the reaction proceeds toward equilibrium. 5 Minute Preview

Measure the quantity of a known solution needed to neutralize an acid or base of unknown concentration. Use this information to calculate the unknown concentration. A variety of indicators can be used to show the pH of the solution. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR1.g: : Investigate the properties of endothermic and exothermic chemical reactions, including identifying where or how energy is absorbed or released in the reaction and identifying potential benefits and consequences of the reaction.

Chemical Changes
Chemical changes result in the formation of new substances. But how can you tell if a chemical change has occurred? Explore this question by observing and measuring a variety of chemical reactions. Along the way you will learn about chemical equations, acids and bases, exothermic and endothermic reactions, and conservation of matter. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR2: : Name and write formulas for common ionic and molecular chemical compounds, including acids and bases.
SCI10-CR2.a: : Examine the relationship between an element's position on the periodic table, the number of its valence electrons and its chemical properties.

Electron Configuration
Create the electron configuration of any element by filling electron orbitals. Determine the relationship between electron configuration and atomic radius. Discover trends in atomic radii across periods and down families/groups of the periodic table. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR2.b: : Discuss the importance of valence electrons, and whether they are shared or transferred, in determining bond type in chemical compounds.

Covalent Bonds
Choose a substance, and then move electrons between atoms to form covalent bonds and build molecules. Observe the orbits of shared electrons in single, double, and triple covalent bonds. Compare the completed molecules to the corresponding Lewis diagrams. 5 Minute Preview

Electron Configuration
Create the electron configuration of any element by filling electron orbitals. Determine the relationship between electron configuration and atomic radius. Discover trends in atomic radii across periods and down families/groups of the periodic table. 5 Minute Preview

Ionic Bonds
Simulate ionic bonds between a variety of metals and nonmetals. Select a metal and a nonmetal atom, and transfer electrons from one to the other. Observe the effect of gaining and losing electrons on charge, and rearrange the atoms to represent the molecular structure. Additional metal and nonmetal atoms can be added to the screen, and the resulting chemical formula can be displayed. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR2.c: : Name and write formulas for common ionic compounds, including compounds involving polyatomic ions, using the periodic table and a list of common ions.

Ionic Bonds
Simulate ionic bonds between a variety of metals and nonmetals. Select a metal and a nonmetal atom, and transfer electrons from one to the other. Observe the effect of gaining and losing electrons on charge, and rearrange the atoms to represent the molecular structure. Additional metal and nonmetal atoms can be added to the screen, and the resulting chemical formula can be displayed. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR2.g: : Name and write formulas for common molecular and organic compounds (e.g., methane, propane, butane, octane, methanol, ethanol and glucose), using the periodic table and a list of numerical Greek prefixes.

Chemical Equations
Practice balancing chemical equations by changing the coefficients of reactants and products. As the equation is manipulated, the amount of each element is shown as individual atoms, histograms, or numerically. Molar masses of reactants and products can also be calculated and balanced to demonstrate conservation of mass. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR2.j: : Investigate how certain substances, including those traditional to First Nations and Métis cultures, can serve as acid-base indicators.

Chemical Changes
Chemical changes result in the formation of new substances. But how can you tell if a chemical change has occurred? Explore this question by observing and measuring a variety of chemical reactions. Along the way you will learn about chemical equations, acids and bases, exothermic and endothermic reactions, and conservation of matter. 5 Minute Preview

Identifying Nutrients
Use a variety of real-world lab tests to analyze common food samples in order to determine if the food is a carbohydrate, a protein, or a lipid. Tests that can be performed include: Benedict, Lugol, Biuret, and Sudan Red. 5 Minute Preview

Mystery Powder Analysis
Perform multiple experiments using several common powders such as corn starch, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and gelatin. The results of the research on the known powders can then be used to analyze several unknowns using the scientific method. The unknowns can be a single powder or a combination of the known powders. 5 Minute Preview

Measure the quantity of a known solution needed to neutralize an acid or base of unknown concentration. Use this information to calculate the unknown concentration. A variety of indicators can be used to show the pH of the solution. 5 Minute Preview

pH Analysis
Test the acidity of common substances using pH paper. Materials including soap, lemon juice, milk, and oven cleaner can be tested by comparing the color of pH strips to a standard scale. 5 Minute Preview

pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator
Test the acidity of many common everyday substances using pH paper (four color indicators). Materials including soap, lemon juice, milk, and oven cleaner can be tested by comparing the color of the pH strips to the calibrated scale. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR2.k: : Describe how the pH scale is used to classify substances as acidic, basic or neutral.

pH Analysis
Test the acidity of common substances using pH paper. Materials including soap, lemon juice, milk, and oven cleaner can be tested by comparing the color of pH strips to a standard scale. 5 Minute Preview

pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator
Test the acidity of many common everyday substances using pH paper (four color indicators). Materials including soap, lemon juice, milk, and oven cleaner can be tested by comparing the color of the pH strips to the calibrated scale. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR3: : Represent chemical reactions and conservation of mass symbolically using models, word and skeleton equations and balanced chemical equations.
SCI10-CR3.b: : Explain the importance of the concept of conservation of mass in understanding, interpreting and predicting results of chemical reactions.

Chemical Changes
Chemical changes result in the formation of new substances. But how can you tell if a chemical change has occurred? Explore this question by observing and measuring a variety of chemical reactions. Along the way you will learn about chemical equations, acids and bases, exothermic and endothermic reactions, and conservation of matter. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR3.c: : Represent chemical reactions, organic compounds and conservation of mass using models and word equations.

Chemical Equations
Practice balancing chemical equations by changing the coefficients of reactants and products. As the equation is manipulated, the amount of each element is shown as individual atoms, histograms, or numerically. Molar masses of reactants and products can also be calculated and balanced to demonstrate conservation of mass. 5 Minute Preview

Equilibrium and Concentration
Observe how reactants and products interact in reversible reactions. The initial amount of each substance can be manipulated, as well as the pressure on the chamber. The amounts, concentrations, and partial pressures of each reactant and product can be tracked over time as the reaction proceeds toward equilibrium. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR3.d: : Represent chemical reactions and conservation of mass using skeleton equations and balanced equations.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Balance and classify five types of chemical reactions: synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, and combustion. While balancing the reactions, the number of atoms on each side is presented as visual, histogram, and numerical data. 5 Minute Preview

Chemical Equations
Practice balancing chemical equations by changing the coefficients of reactants and products. As the equation is manipulated, the amount of each element is shown as individual atoms, histograms, or numerically. Molar masses of reactants and products can also be calculated and balanced to demonstrate conservation of mass. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR3.e: : Translate word equations to balanced chemical equations and balanced chemical equations to word equations.

Chemical Equations
Practice balancing chemical equations by changing the coefficients of reactants and products. As the equation is manipulated, the amount of each element is shown as individual atoms, histograms, or numerically. Molar masses of reactants and products can also be calculated and balanced to demonstrate conservation of mass. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR3.g: : Categorize chemical reactions as synthesis, decomposition, combustion, single replacement and double replacement, including acid base neutralization.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Balance and classify five types of chemical reactions: synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, and combustion. While balancing the reactions, the number of atoms on each side is presented as visual, histogram, and numerical data. 5 Minute Preview

Chemical Equations
Practice balancing chemical equations by changing the coefficients of reactants and products. As the equation is manipulated, the amount of each element is shown as individual atoms, histograms, or numerically. Molar masses of reactants and products can also be calculated and balanced to demonstrate conservation of mass. 5 Minute Preview

Dehydration Synthesis
Build a glucose molecule, atom-by-atom, to learn about chemical bonds and the structure of glucose. Explore the processes of dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis in carbohydrate molecules. 5 Minute Preview

Equilibrium and Concentration
Observe how reactants and products interact in reversible reactions. The initial amount of each substance can be manipulated, as well as the pressure on the chamber. The amounts, concentrations, and partial pressures of each reactant and product can be tracked over time as the reaction proceeds toward equilibrium. 5 Minute Preview

Measure the quantity of a known solution needed to neutralize an acid or base of unknown concentration. Use this information to calculate the unknown concentration. A variety of indicators can be used to show the pH of the solution. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR3.h: : Verify whether a chemical equation is correctly balanced, and correct any errors.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Balance and classify five types of chemical reactions: synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, and combustion. While balancing the reactions, the number of atoms on each side is presented as visual, histogram, and numerical data. 5 Minute Preview

Chemical Equations
Practice balancing chemical equations by changing the coefficients of reactants and products. As the equation is manipulated, the amount of each element is shown as individual atoms, histograms, or numerically. Molar masses of reactants and products can also be calculated and balanced to demonstrate conservation of mass. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR3.i: : Discuss the value of representing chemical reactions using models, word and skeleton equations and balanced chemical equations.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Balance and classify five types of chemical reactions: synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, and combustion. While balancing the reactions, the number of atoms on each side is presented as visual, histogram, and numerical data. 5 Minute Preview

Chemical Changes
Chemical changes result in the formation of new substances. But how can you tell if a chemical change has occurred? Explore this question by observing and measuring a variety of chemical reactions. Along the way you will learn about chemical equations, acids and bases, exothermic and endothermic reactions, and conservation of matter. 5 Minute Preview

Chemical Equations
Practice balancing chemical equations by changing the coefficients of reactants and products. As the equation is manipulated, the amount of each element is shown as individual atoms, histograms, or numerically. Molar masses of reactants and products can also be calculated and balanced to demonstrate conservation of mass. 5 Minute Preview

Equilibrium and Concentration
Observe how reactants and products interact in reversible reactions. The initial amount of each substance can be manipulated, as well as the pressure on the chamber. The amounts, concentrations, and partial pressures of each reactant and product can be tracked over time as the reaction proceeds toward equilibrium. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR4: : Investigate the rates of chemical reactions, including factors that affect the rate.
SCI10-CR4.a: : Provide examples of chemical reactions that occur over a range of time scales.

Collision Theory
Observe a chemical reaction with and without a catalyst. Determine the effects of concentration, temperature, surface area, and catalysts on reaction rates. Reactant and product concentrations through time are recorded, and the speed of the simulation can be adjusted by the user. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR4.b: : Predict how factors such as temperature of the reactant(s), concentration of the reactant(s), surface area of the reactant(s) and the presence or absence of catalysts or inhibitors might affect the rate of a chemical reaction.

Collision Theory
Observe a chemical reaction with and without a catalyst. Determine the effects of concentration, temperature, surface area, and catalysts on reaction rates. Reactant and product concentrations through time are recorded, and the speed of the simulation can be adjusted by the user. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR4.c: : Formulate scientific questions about the rates of chemical reactions and the factors that affect rates of chemical reactions.

Collision Theory
Observe a chemical reaction with and without a catalyst. Determine the effects of concentration, temperature, surface area, and catalysts on reaction rates. Reactant and product concentrations through time are recorded, and the speed of the simulation can be adjusted by the user. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR4.d: : Design and perform an experiment to determine how various factors affect chemical reaction rates, including identifying and controlling major variables.

Collision Theory
Observe a chemical reaction with and without a catalyst. Determine the effects of concentration, temperature, surface area, and catalysts on reaction rates. Reactant and product concentrations through time are recorded, and the speed of the simulation can be adjusted by the user. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR4.g: : Reflect upon data collection and analysis procedures, and suggest improvements to increase precision and accuracy.

Temperature and Sex Determination - Metric
Observe the sex ratios of birds and geckos as they hatch in an incubator. Vary the temperature of the incubator and measure the percentages of male and female hatchlings to determine if temperature has an effect on sex. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR4.h: : Use the collision model to explain differences in chemical reaction rates.

Collision Theory
Observe a chemical reaction with and without a catalyst. Determine the effects of concentration, temperature, surface area, and catalysts on reaction rates. Reactant and product concentrations through time are recorded, and the speed of the simulation can be adjusted by the user. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-CR4.i: : Value the processes for drawing conclusions in science.

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Using the scientific method, control the environmental conditions for a fictional alien organism in order to learn how the organism responds to changes in conditions. Sunlight, water, and temperature can be varied to determine their effects on the shape of the aliens. 5 Minute Preview

Pendulum Clock
Find the effect of length, mass, and angle on the period of a pendulum. The pendulum is attached to a clock that can be adjusted to tell time accurately. The clock can be located on Earth or Jupiter to determine the effect of gravity. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-FM: : Force and Motion in Our World
SCI10-FM1: : Explore the development of motion-related technologies and their impacts on self and society.
SCI10-FM1.a: : Create a representation of different types of motion and motion-related technologies from various cultures, including First Nations and Métis.

Roller Coaster Physics
Adjust the hills on a toy-car roller coaster and watch what happens as the car careens toward an egg (that can be broken) at the end of the track. The heights of three hills can be manipulated, along with the mass of the car and the friction of the track. A graph of various variables of motion can be viewed as the car travels, including position, speed, acceleration, potential energy, kinetic energy, and total energy. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-FM1.b: : Describe how motion that may appear imperceptible to humans (e.g., continental drift, subatomic particles, light, blood circulating and galaxies) can be measured using appropriate technologies.

Distance-Time Graphs - Metric
Create a graph of a runner's position versus time and watch the runner complete a 40-meter dash based on the graph you made. Notice the connection between the slope of the line and the speed of the runner. What will the runner do if the slope of the line is zero? What if the slope is negative? Add a second runner (a second graph) and connect real-world meaning to the intersection of two graphs. 5 Minute Preview

Free-Fall Laboratory
Investigate the motion of an object as it falls to the ground. A variety of objects can be compared, and their motion can be observed in a vacuum, in normal air, and in denser air. The position, velocity, and acceleration are measured over time, and the forces on the object can be displayed. Using the manual settings, the mass, radius, height, and initial velocity of the object can be adjusted, as can the air density and wind. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-FM1.e: : Evaluate the design and function of a motion-related technology using student-identified criteria such as safety, cost, availability and impact on everyday life and the environment.

Design your own trebuchet to fling a projectile at a castle wall. All of the dimensions of the trebuchet can be adjusted, as well as the masses of the counterweight and payload. Select a target on the Launch tab, or just see how far your projectile will go. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-FM2: : Investigate and represent the motion of objects that travel at a constant speed in a straight line.
SCI10-FM2.f: : Construct and analyze graphs (i.e., distance-time, position-time, speed-time and velocity-time) using student-collected data obtained from objects undergoing uniform motion or through computer simulations.

Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs - Metric
Create a graph of a runner's position versus time and watch the runner run a 40-meter dash based on the graph you made. Notice the connection between the slope of the line and the velocity of the runner. Add a second runner (a second graph) and connect real-world meaning to the intersection of two graphs. Also experiment with a graph of velocity versus time for the runners, and also distance traveled versus time. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-FM2.h: : Derive the relationship between speed, distance and time (i.e., v = (delta d)/(delta t)) and between velocity, displacement and time (i.e., vector v = (delta d)/(delta t)) using student-collected data from objects undergoing uniform motion.

Feed the Monkey (Projectile Motion)
Fire a banana cannon at a monkey in a tree. The monkey drops from the tree at the moment the banana is fired from the cannon. Determine where to aim the cannon so the monkey catches the banana. The position of the cannon, launch angle and initial velocity of the banana can be varied. Students can observe the velocity vectors and the paths of the monkey and banana. 5 Minute Preview

Free-Fall Laboratory
Investigate the motion of an object as it falls to the ground. A variety of objects can be compared, and their motion can be observed in a vacuum, in normal air, and in denser air. The position, velocity, and acceleration are measured over time, and the forces on the object can be displayed. Using the manual settings, the mass, radius, height, and initial velocity of the object can be adjusted, as can the air density and wind. 5 Minute Preview

Golf Range
Try to get a hole in one by adjusting the velocity and launch angle of a golf ball. Explore the physics of projectile motion in a frictional or ideal setting. Horizontal and vertical velocity vectors can be displayed, as well as the path of the ball. The height of the golfer and the force of gravity are also adjustable. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-FM3: : Investigate and represent the motion of objects that undergo acceleration.
SCI10-FM3.c: : Apply the concept of 'rate of change' to operationally define speed, velocity and acceleration.

Feed the Monkey (Projectile Motion)
Fire a banana cannon at a monkey in a tree. The monkey drops from the tree at the moment the banana is fired from the cannon. Determine where to aim the cannon so the monkey catches the banana. The position of the cannon, launch angle and initial velocity of the banana can be varied. Students can observe the velocity vectors and the paths of the monkey and banana. 5 Minute Preview

Free-Fall Laboratory
Investigate the motion of an object as it falls to the ground. A variety of objects can be compared, and their motion can be observed in a vacuum, in normal air, and in denser air. The position, velocity, and acceleration are measured over time, and the forces on the object can be displayed. Using the manual settings, the mass, radius, height, and initial velocity of the object can be adjusted, as can the air density and wind. 5 Minute Preview

Golf Range
Try to get a hole in one by adjusting the velocity and launch angle of a golf ball. Explore the physics of projectile motion in a frictional or ideal setting. Horizontal and vertical velocity vectors can be displayed, as well as the path of the ball. The height of the golfer and the force of gravity are also adjustable. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-FM3.e: : Differentiate between the concepts of instantaneous and average as they relate to speed and velocity.

Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs - Metric
Create a graph of a runner's position versus time and watch the runner run a 40-meter dash based on the graph you made. Notice the connection between the slope of the line and the velocity of the runner. Add a second runner (a second graph) and connect real-world meaning to the intersection of two graphs. Also experiment with a graph of velocity versus time for the runners, and also distance traveled versus time. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-FM3.f: : Construct and analyze graphs (i.e., distance-time, position-time, speed-time and velocity-time) that represent the motion of objects that undergo acceleration.

Atwood Machine
Measure the height and velocity of two objects connected by a massless rope over a pulley. Observe the forces acting on each mass throughout the simulation. Calculate the acceleration of the objects, and relate these calculations to Newton's Laws of Motion. The mass of each object can be manipulated, as well as the mass and radius of the pulley. 5 Minute Preview

Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs - Metric
Create a graph of a runner's position versus time and watch the runner run a 40-meter dash based on the graph you made. Notice the connection between the slope of the line and the velocity of the runner. Add a second runner (a second graph) and connect real-world meaning to the intersection of two graphs. Also experiment with a graph of velocity versus time for the runners, and also distance traveled versus time. 5 Minute Preview

Free-Fall Laboratory
Investigate the motion of an object as it falls to the ground. A variety of objects can be compared, and their motion can be observed in a vacuum, in normal air, and in denser air. The position, velocity, and acceleration are measured over time, and the forces on the object can be displayed. Using the manual settings, the mass, radius, height, and initial velocity of the object can be adjusted, as can the air density and wind. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-FM3.g: : Solve problems related to acceleration using the equations of motion (e.g., vector a = (delta vector v)/(delta t)’, delta vector d = (vector v sub 1)(t) + 1/2(vector a)(delta t²)).

Atwood Machine
Measure the height and velocity of two objects connected by a massless rope over a pulley. Observe the forces acting on each mass throughout the simulation. Calculate the acceleration of the objects, and relate these calculations to Newton's Laws of Motion. The mass of each object can be manipulated, as well as the mass and radius of the pulley. 5 Minute Preview

Free-Fall Laboratory
Investigate the motion of an object as it falls to the ground. A variety of objects can be compared, and their motion can be observed in a vacuum, in normal air, and in denser air. The position, velocity, and acceleration are measured over time, and the forces on the object can be displayed. Using the manual settings, the mass, radius, height, and initial velocity of the object can be adjusted, as can the air density and wind. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-FM4: : Explore the relationship between force and motion for objects moving in one and two dimensions.
SCI10-FM4.b: : Investigate the effects of applying constant forces to objects at rest and to objects moving at a constant velocity in a straight line.

Fan Cart Physics
Gain an understanding of Newton's Laws by experimenting with a cart (on which up to three fans are placed) on a linear track. The cart has a mass, as does each fan. The fans exert a constant force when switched on, and the direction of the fans can be altered as the position, velocity, and acceleration of the cart are measured. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-FM4.d: : Demonstrate the role of friction in changing the position and/or motion of an object.

Free-Fall Laboratory
Investigate the motion of an object as it falls to the ground. A variety of objects can be compared, and their motion can be observed in a vacuum, in normal air, and in denser air. The position, velocity, and acceleration are measured over time, and the forces on the object can be displayed. Using the manual settings, the mass, radius, height, and initial velocity of the object can be adjusted, as can the air density and wind. 5 Minute Preview

Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Investigate the energy and motion of a block sliding down an inclined plane, with or without friction. The ramp angle can be varied and a variety of materials for the block and ramp can be used. Potential and kinetic energy are reported as the block slides down the ramp. Two experiments can be run simultaneously to compare results as factors are varied. 5 Minute Preview
SCI10-FM4.f: : Analyze student-collected data to verify the relationship between the acceleration of an object and the net force acting on it.

Free-Fall Laboratory
Investigate the motion of an object as it falls to the ground. A variety of objects can be compared, and their motion can be observed in a vacuum, in normal air, and in denser air. The position, velocity, and acceleration are measured over time, and the forces on the object can be displayed. Using the manual settings, the mass, radius, height, and initial velocity of the object can be adjusted, as can the air density and wind. 5 Minute Preview
Correlation last revised: 3/30/2021
About STEM Cases
Students assume the role of a scientist trying to solve a real world problem. They use scientific practices to collect and analyze data, and form and test a hypothesis as they solve the problems.
Each STEM Case uses realtime reporting to show live student results.
Introduction to the Heatmap
STEM Cases take between 30-90 minutes for students to complete, depending on the case.
Student progress is automatically saved so that STEM Cases can be completed over multiple sessions.
Multiple grade-appropriate versions, or levels, exist for each STEM Case.
Each STEM Case level has an associated Handbook. These are interactive guides that focus on the science concepts underlying the case.
How Free Gizmos Work
Start teaching with 20-40 Free Gizmos. See the full list.
Access lesson materials for Free Gizmos including teacher guides, lesson plans, and more.
All other Gizmos are limited to a 5 Minute Preview and can only be used for 5 minutes a day.
Free Gizmos change each semester. The new collection will be available January 1 and July 1.
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