Newfoundland and Labrador - Science: 5th Grade
Newfoundland and Labrador Curriculum | Adopted: 2009
1: : Meeting Basic Needs and Maintaining a Healthy Body
1.1: : Growth and Development
1.1.2: : relate bodily changes, such as acne on the skin and growth of body hair, to growth and development

Control a simulated person running on a treadmill. Your challenge is to use clothing, exercise, and sweat to maintain a constant body temperature as air temperature goes up and down. Sweating (perspiration) can be controlled automatically by the Gizmo or, for a challenge, manually by the user. Don't forget to eat and drink! 5 Minute Preview
1.1.3: : describe the role played by body systems in helping humans and other animals to grow and reproduce and to meet their basic needs

Circulatory System
Trace the path of blood through a beating heart and the network of blood vessels that supplies blood to the body. Take blood samples from different blood vessels to observe blood cells and measure the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, sugar, and urea. 5 Minute Preview
1.3: : The Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
1.3.2: : describe the structure and function of the major organs of the circulatory system

Circulatory System
Trace the path of blood through a beating heart and the network of blood vessels that supplies blood to the body. Take blood samples from different blood vessels to observe blood cells and measure the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, sugar, and urea. 5 Minute Preview
1.3.4: : carry out procedures, making sure to control variables, to investigate the factors affecting breathing and heartbeat rate, and compile and display data from these investigations in a graph

Graphing Skills
Create a graph (bar graph, line graph, pie chart, or scatter plot) based on a given data set. Title the graph, label the axes, and choose a scale. Adjust the graph to fit the data, and then check your accuracy. The Gizmo can also be used to create a data table based on a given graph. 5 Minute Preview
1.5: : Body Systems
1.5.2: : identify problems and work cooperatively with other students to refine their design of a model of an organ or system

Circulatory System
Trace the path of blood through a beating heart and the network of blood vessels that supplies blood to the body. Take blood samples from different blood vessels to observe blood cells and measure the levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, sugar, and urea. 5 Minute Preview
2: : Properties and Changes in Materials
2.1: : Properties of Materials
2.1.1: : identify properties that allow materials to be distinguished from one another

Mineral Identification
Observe and measure the properties of a mineral sample, and then use a key to identify the mineral. Students can observe the color, luster, shape, density, hardness, streak, and reaction to acid for each mineral. There are 26 mineral samples to identify. 5 Minute Preview
2.3: : Chemical Changes
2.3.1: : describe chemical changes that occur when materials interact with each other to form totally new materials, including those that result in the production of a gas

Chemical Changes
Chemical changes result in the formation of new substances. But how can you tell if a chemical change has occurred? Explore this question by observing and measuring a variety of chemical reactions. Along the way you will learn about chemical equations, acids and bases, exothermic and endothermic reactions, and conservation of matter. 5 Minute Preview
2.4: : Sources/Masses of Materials in Objects
2.4.1: : follow a given set of procedures to relate the mass of a whole object to the sum of the mass of its parts, and suggest possible explanations for variations in the results

Weight and Mass
Use a balance to measure mass and a spring scale to measure the weight of objects. Compare the masses and weights of objects on Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and the Moon. 5 Minute Preview
3: : Forces and Simple Machines
3.1: : Forces and their Effects
3.1.2: : describe forces as contact or non-contact forces

Free Fall Tower
Recreate Galileo's famous experiment by dropping objects off the Tower of Pisa. You can drop ping pong balls, golf balls, soccer balls or watermelons. Objects can be dropped in air or no air, with or without a parachute. The speed of each object is shown on a speedometer and a graph. 5 Minute Preview
3.2: : Friction
3.2.2: : investigate and compare the effect of friction on the movement of objects over a variety of surfaces

Force and Fan Carts
Explore the laws of motion using a simple fan cart. Use the buttons to select the speed of the fan and the surface, and press Play to begin. You can drag up to three objects onto the fan cart. The speed of the cart is displayed with a speedometer and recorded in a table and a graph. 5 Minute Preview

Free Fall Tower
Recreate Galileo's famous experiment by dropping objects off the Tower of Pisa. You can drop ping pong balls, golf balls, soccer balls or watermelons. Objects can be dropped in air or no air, with or without a parachute. The speed of each object is shown on a speedometer and a graph. 5 Minute Preview
3.3: : Simple Machines: An Introduction
3.3.1: : use simple machines to reduce effort or increase the distance an object moves

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)
Lift food using ants with the help of a slanted stick. The steepness of the stick, the number of ants, and the size of the item being lifted can be varied. Observe the effect of friction on sliding objects. 5 Minute Preview

Use a lever to lift a pig, turkey, or sheep. A strongman provides up to 1000 newtons of effort. The fulcrum, strongman, and animals can be moved to any position to create first-, second-, or third-class levers. 5 Minute Preview

Lift a variety of heavy objects (armchair, safe, piano) using pulleys and a rope. Systems of one, two, four, or six pulleys can be used. Up to six people can be used to pull on the rope, which adds force (effort). 5 Minute Preview

Wheel and Axle
Use a wheel and axle to move a heavy load. Find out how many athletes it takes to move the load under different conditions. The radii of the wheel and the axle can be adjusted to help study mechanical advantage. 5 Minute Preview
3.4: : Simple Machinesâ??Levers
3.4.1: : differentiate between the position of the fulcrum, the load, and the effort force when using a lever to accomplish a particular task

Use a lever to lift a pig, turkey, or sheep. A strongman provides up to 1000 newtons of effort. The fulcrum, strongman, and animals can be moved to any position to create first-, second-, or third-class levers. 5 Minute Preview
3.4.2: : design the most efficient lever to accomplish a given task

Use a lever to lift a pig, turkey, or sheep. A strongman provides up to 1000 newtons of effort. The fulcrum, strongman, and animals can be moved to any position to create first-, second-, or third-class levers. 5 Minute Preview

Design your own trebuchet to fling a projectile at a castle wall. All of the dimensions of the trebuchet can be adjusted, as well as the masses of the counterweight and payload. Select a target on the Launch tab, or just see how far your projectile will go. 5 Minute Preview
3.5: : Simple Machinesâ??Pulleys, Systems of Machines
3.5.1: : compare the force needed to lift a load using a single pulley system with that needed to lift it using a multiple pulley system, and predict the effect of adding another pulley on loadlifting capacity

Lift a variety of heavy objects (armchair, safe, piano) using pulleys and a rope. Systems of one, two, four, or six pulleys can be used. Up to six people can be used to pull on the rope, which adds force (effort). 5 Minute Preview
4: : Weather
4.1: : Measuring and Describing Weather
4.1.6: : use a variety of sources to gather information to describe the key features of a variety of weather systems

Weather Maps - Metric
Learn about standard symbols used in meteorology to construct weather maps. Rain, sleet, snow, temperature, cloud cover, wind speed and direction, and atmospheric pressure can all be recorded at two different weather stations on a map. Describe weather patterns characteristic of high-pressure systems, low-pressure systems, warm fronts, and cold fronts. 5 Minute Preview
4.3: : Properties of Air
4.3.1: : describe situations demonstrating that air takes up space, has weight, and expands when heated

Weight and Mass
Use a balance to measure mass and a spring scale to measure the weight of objects. Compare the masses and weights of objects on Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and the Moon. 5 Minute Preview
4.4: : Movement of Air and Water
4.4.2: : relate the constant circulation of water on Earth to the processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation

Water Cycle
Control the path of a drop of water as it travels through the water cycle. Many alternatives are presented at each stage. Determine how the water moves from one location to another, and learn how water resources are distributed in these locations. 5 Minute Preview
Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020
About STEM Cases
Students assume the role of a scientist trying to solve a real world problem. They use scientific practices to collect and analyze data, and form and test a hypothesis as they solve the problems.
Each STEM Case uses realtime reporting to show live student results.
Introduction to the Heatmap
STEM Cases take between 30-90 minutes for students to complete, depending on the case.
Student progress is automatically saved so that STEM Cases can be completed over multiple sessions.
Multiple grade-appropriate versions, or levels, exist for each STEM Case.
Each STEM Case level has an associated Handbook. These are interactive guides that focus on the science concepts underlying the case.
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All other Gizmos are limited to a 5 Minute Preview and can only be used for 5 minutes a day.
Free Gizmos change each semester. The new collection will be available January 1 and July 1.
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