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- Mathematics: 3rd Grade
Nova Scotia - Mathematics: 3rd Grade
Mathematics Curriculum | Adopted: 2022
N: : Number
N01: : Students will be expected to say the number sequence forward and backward by 1s through transitions to 1000, 2s, 5s, 10s, or 100s, using any starting point to 1000, 3s, using starting points that are multiples of 3 up to 100, 4s, or using starting points that are multiples of 4 up to 100, or 25s, using starting points that are multiples of 25 up to 200.
N01.02: : Extend a given skip counting sequence by 2s, 5s, 10s, or 100s, forward and backward, using a given starting point.

Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
Use groups of critters on leaves to model multiplication as repeated addition. Change the expression to change the number of groups or the number of critters per group. Display the critters either on leaves or as a rectangular array. 5 Minute Preview

Pattern Flip (Patterns)
In the Pattern Flip carnival game, you are shown a pattern of cards. The first cards are face-up so you can see the pattern, and the rest are face-down. Can you guess which animals are on the face-down cards? Use one of the preset patterns, or make your own custom pattern. Good luck! 5 Minute Preview
N01.03: : Extend a given skip counting sequence by 3s, forward and backward, starting at a given multiple of 3 up to 100.

Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
Use groups of critters on leaves to model multiplication as repeated addition. Change the expression to change the number of groups or the number of critters per group. Display the critters either on leaves or as a rectangular array. 5 Minute Preview

Pattern Flip (Patterns)
In the Pattern Flip carnival game, you are shown a pattern of cards. The first cards are face-up so you can see the pattern, and the rest are face-down. Can you guess which animals are on the face-down cards? Use one of the preset patterns, or make your own custom pattern. Good luck! 5 Minute Preview
N01.04: : Extend a given skip counting sequence by 4s, forward and backward, starting at a given multiple of 4 up to 100.

Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
Use groups of critters on leaves to model multiplication as repeated addition. Change the expression to change the number of groups or the number of critters per group. Display the critters either on leaves or as a rectangular array. 5 Minute Preview
N01.08: : Identify and explain the skip counting pattern for a given number sequence.

Pattern Flip (Patterns)
In the Pattern Flip carnival game, you are shown a pattern of cards. The first cards are face-up so you can see the pattern, and the rest are face-down. Can you guess which animals are on the face-down cards? Use one of the preset patterns, or make your own custom pattern. Good luck! 5 Minute Preview
N02: : Students will be expected to represent and partition numbers to 1000.
N02.04: : Represent a given number concretely and pictorially in a variety of ways.

Modeling Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)
Model numbers with base-10 blocks. Drag flats, rods, and individual cubes onto a mat to model a number. Blocks can be exchanged from one area of the mat to the other. Four sets of blocks are available to model a variety of whole numbers and decimals. 5 Minute Preview

Whole Numbers with Base-10 Blocks
Use base-10 blocks to model, add, and subtract whole numbers. Learn about place value using flats (hundreds), rods (tens), and cubes (ones). Group or ungroup blocks as needed to add or subtract. This regrouping is often called "carrying" when adding, and "borrowing" when subtracting. 5 Minute Preview
N02.07: : Record numerals for numbers expressed orally, concretely, or pictorially.

Modeling Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)
Model numbers with base-10 blocks. Drag flats, rods, and individual cubes onto a mat to model a number. Blocks can be exchanged from one area of the mat to the other. Four sets of blocks are available to model a variety of whole numbers and decimals. 5 Minute Preview

Whole Numbers with Base-10 Blocks
Use base-10 blocks to model, add, and subtract whole numbers. Learn about place value using flats (hundreds), rods (tens), and cubes (ones). Group or ungroup blocks as needed to add or subtract. This regrouping is often called "carrying" when adding, and "borrowing" when subtracting. 5 Minute Preview
N04: : Students will be expected to estimate quantities less than 1000 using referents.
N04.01: : Estimate the number of groups of ten in a given quantity using 10 as a referent (known quantity).

Rounding Whole Numbers (Number Line)
Place points on a number line. Round these values to the nearest ten or hundred. Visualize rounding by showing the number line as a hill or series of hills. These hills cause the points to roll to the nearest valley (nearest multiple of ten or one hundred). 5 Minute Preview
N04.02: : Estimate the number of groups of a hundred in a given quantity using 100 as a referent.

Rounding Whole Numbers (Number Line)
Place points on a number line. Round these values to the nearest ten or hundred. Visualize rounding by showing the number line as a hill or series of hills. These hills cause the points to roll to the nearest valley (nearest multiple of ten or one hundred). 5 Minute Preview
N04.03: : Estimate a given quantity by comparing it to a referent.

Rounding Whole Numbers (Number Line)
Place points on a number line. Round these values to the nearest ten or hundred. Visualize rounding by showing the number line as a hill or series of hills. These hills cause the points to roll to the nearest valley (nearest multiple of ten or one hundred). 5 Minute Preview
N05: : Students will be expected to illustrate, concretely and pictorially, the meaning of place value for numerals to 1000.
N05.01: : Record, in more than one way, the number represented by given proportional and non-proportional concrete materials in traditional and non-conventional formats.

Whole Numbers with Base-10 Blocks
Use base-10 blocks to model, add, and subtract whole numbers. Learn about place value using flats (hundreds), rods (tens), and cubes (ones). Group or ungroup blocks as needed to add or subtract. This regrouping is often called "carrying" when adding, and "borrowing" when subtracting. 5 Minute Preview
N05.02: : Represent a given number in different ways using proportional and non-proportional concrete materials and explain how they are equivalent; e.g., 351 can be represented as three 100s, five 10s, and one 1s; or two 100s, fifteen 10s and one 1s; or three 100s, four 10s, and eleven 1s.

Whole Numbers with Base-10 Blocks
Use base-10 blocks to model, add, and subtract whole numbers. Learn about place value using flats (hundreds), rods (tens), and cubes (ones). Group or ungroup blocks as needed to add or subtract. This regrouping is often called "carrying" when adding, and "borrowing" when subtracting. 5 Minute Preview
N05.04: : Record a number represented by base-ten blocks arranged in a non-conventional format.

Whole Numbers with Base-10 Blocks
Use base-10 blocks to model, add, and subtract whole numbers. Learn about place value using flats (hundreds), rods (tens), and cubes (ones). Group or ungroup blocks as needed to add or subtract. This regrouping is often called "carrying" when adding, and "borrowing" when subtracting. 5 Minute Preview
N06: : Students will be expected to describe and apply mental mathematics strategies for adding two 2-digit numerals.
N06.01: : Explain mental mathematics strategies that could be used to determine a sum: ten and some more, tens and some more, quick addition, addition facts to 10 applied to multiples of 10, addition on the hundred chart, adding on, make ten, compensation, and compatible numbers.

Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones. 5 Minute Preview
N06.02: : Use and describe a personal strategy for determining a sum.

Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones. 5 Minute Preview
N06.03: : Determine a sum of two 2-digit numerals efficiently, using mental mathematics strategies.

Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones. 5 Minute Preview
N07: : Students will be expected to describe and apply mental mathematics strategies for subtracting two 2-digit numerals.
N07.01: : Explain mental mathematics strategies that could be used to determine a difference: facts with minuends of 10 or less applied to multiples of 10, quick subtraction, subtraction on the hundred chart, compensation, and back through ten.

Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones. 5 Minute Preview
N07.02: : Use and describe a personal strategy for determining a difference.

Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones. 5 Minute Preview
N07.03: : Determine a difference of two 2-digit numerals efficiently, using mental mathematics strategies.

Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones. 5 Minute Preview
N08: : Students will be expected to apply estimation strategies to predict sums and differences of 1-, 2-, and 3-digit numerals in a problem-solving context.
N08.01: : Explain estimation strategies that could be used to determine an approximate sum or difference.

Target Sum Card Game (Multi-digit Addition)
Play an addition card game! The goal is to create a sum that is as close as possible to the target sum. Students will deepen their understanding of place value as they get better at playing the game. Many game options allow students to vary the game for more practice. The game can be played with one or two players. 5 Minute Preview
N08.02: : Use and describe a strategy for determining an estimate.

Target Sum Card Game (Multi-digit Addition)
Play an addition card game! The goal is to create a sum that is as close as possible to the target sum. Students will deepen their understanding of place value as they get better at playing the game. Many game options allow students to vary the game for more practice. The game can be played with one or two players. 5 Minute Preview
N09: : Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of numbers (limited to 1-, 2-, and 3-digit numerals) with answers to 1000 by using personal strategies for adding and subtracting with and without the support of manipulatives, or creating and solving problems in context that involve addition and subtraction of numbers concretely, pictorially, and symbolically.
N09.01: : Model the addition of two or more given numbers using concrete or visual representations and record the process symbolically.

Adding Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)
Use base-10 blocks to model two numbers. Then combine the blocks to model the sum. Blocks of equal value can be exchanged from one area of the mat to the other to help understand carrying when adding. Four sets of blocks are available to model different place values. 5 Minute Preview

Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones. 5 Minute Preview

Whole Numbers with Base-10 Blocks
Use base-10 blocks to model, add, and subtract whole numbers. Learn about place value using flats (hundreds), rods (tens), and cubes (ones). Group or ungroup blocks as needed to add or subtract. This regrouping is often called "carrying" when adding, and "borrowing" when subtracting. 5 Minute Preview
N09.02: : Model the subtraction of two given numbers using concrete or visual representations and record the process symbolically.

Cargo Captain (Multi-digit Subtraction)
You are the captain of an interplanetary cargo ship, delivering important supplies to the outer planets. The cargo can be stored in barrels, crates, and holds. (There are 10 barrels in a crate, and 10 crates in a hold.) Model multi-digit subtraction by unloading cargo on each planet. 5 Minute Preview

Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones. 5 Minute Preview

Subtracting Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)
Use base-10 blocks to model a starting number. Then subtract blocks from this number by dragging them into a subtraction bin. Blocks of equal value can be exchanged from one section of the mat to the other to help understand regrouping and borrowing. Four sets of blocks are available to model different place values. 5 Minute Preview

Whole Numbers with Base-10 Blocks
Use base-10 blocks to model, add, and subtract whole numbers. Learn about place value using flats (hundreds), rods (tens), and cubes (ones). Group or ungroup blocks as needed to add or subtract. This regrouping is often called "carrying" when adding, and "borrowing" when subtracting. 5 Minute Preview
N09.06: : Solve a given problem involving the sum or difference of two given numbers.

Adding Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)
Use base-10 blocks to model two numbers. Then combine the blocks to model the sum. Blocks of equal value can be exchanged from one area of the mat to the other to help understand carrying when adding. Four sets of blocks are available to model different place values. 5 Minute Preview

Cargo Captain (Multi-digit Subtraction)
You are the captain of an interplanetary cargo ship, delivering important supplies to the outer planets. The cargo can be stored in barrels, crates, and holds. (There are 10 barrels in a crate, and 10 crates in a hold.) Model multi-digit subtraction by unloading cargo on each planet. 5 Minute Preview

Subtracting Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)
Use base-10 blocks to model a starting number. Then subtract blocks from this number by dragging them into a subtraction bin. Blocks of equal value can be exchanged from one section of the mat to the other to help understand regrouping and borrowing. Four sets of blocks are available to model different place values. 5 Minute Preview

Target Sum Card Game (Multi-digit Addition)
Play an addition card game! The goal is to create a sum that is as close as possible to the target sum. Students will deepen their understanding of place value as they get better at playing the game. Many game options allow students to vary the game for more practice. The game can be played with one or two players. 5 Minute Preview

Whole Numbers with Base-10 Blocks
Use base-10 blocks to model, add, and subtract whole numbers. Learn about place value using flats (hundreds), rods (tens), and cubes (ones). Group or ungroup blocks as needed to add or subtract. This regrouping is often called "carrying" when adding, and "borrowing" when subtracting. 5 Minute Preview
N10: : Students will be expected to apply mental mathematics strategies and number properties to develop quick recall of basic addition facts to 18 and related basic subtraction facts.
N10.01: : Describe a mental mathematics strategy that could be used to determine a given basic addition fact up to 9 + 9.

Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones. 5 Minute Preview
N10.03: : Describe a mental mathematics strategy that could be used to determine a given basic subtraction fact with minuends up to 18 and subtrahends up to 9.

Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones. 5 Minute Preview
N10.05: : Quickly recall basic addition facts to 18 and related subtraction facts in a variety of contexts.

Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones. 5 Minute Preview
N11: : Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of multiplication to 5 × 5 by representing and explaining multiplication using equal grouping and arrays, creating and solving problems in context that involves multiplication, modelling multiplication using concrete and visual representations and recording the process symbolically, relating multiplication to repeated addition, or relating multiplication to division.
N11.02: : Represent a given story problem (orally, shared reading, written) using manipulatives or diagrams and record in a number sentence.

Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Use the Chocomatic to design candy bars made out of chocolate squares. Use multiplication to find the number of squares in each chocolate bar. Build collections of chocolate bars that all have the same number of squares. Solve multiplication problems by joining two smaller chocolate bars into a large bar. 5 Minute Preview

Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
Use groups of critters on leaves to model multiplication as repeated addition. Change the expression to change the number of groups or the number of critters per group. Display the critters either on leaves or as a rectangular array. 5 Minute Preview
N11.03: : Represent a given multiplication expression as repeated addition.

Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Use the Chocomatic to design candy bars made out of chocolate squares. Use multiplication to find the number of squares in each chocolate bar. Build collections of chocolate bars that all have the same number of squares. Solve multiplication problems by joining two smaller chocolate bars into a large bar. 5 Minute Preview

Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
Use groups of critters on leaves to model multiplication as repeated addition. Change the expression to change the number of groups or the number of critters per group. Display the critters either on leaves or as a rectangular array. 5 Minute Preview
N11.04: : Represent a given repeated addition as multiplication.

Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Use the Chocomatic to design candy bars made out of chocolate squares. Use multiplication to find the number of squares in each chocolate bar. Build collections of chocolate bars that all have the same number of squares. Solve multiplication problems by joining two smaller chocolate bars into a large bar. 5 Minute Preview

Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
Use groups of critters on leaves to model multiplication as repeated addition. Change the expression to change the number of groups or the number of critters per group. Display the critters either on leaves or as a rectangular array. 5 Minute Preview
N11.06: : Represent, concretely or pictorially, equal groups for a given number sentence.

Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
Use groups of critters on leaves to model multiplication as repeated addition. Change the expression to change the number of groups or the number of critters per group. Display the critters either on leaves or as a rectangular array. 5 Minute Preview
N11.07: : Represent a given multiplication expression using an array.

Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Use the Chocomatic to design candy bars made out of chocolate squares. Use multiplication to find the number of squares in each chocolate bar. Build collections of chocolate bars that all have the same number of squares. Solve multiplication problems by joining two smaller chocolate bars into a large bar. 5 Minute Preview

Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
Use groups of critters on leaves to model multiplication as repeated addition. Change the expression to change the number of groups or the number of critters per group. Display the critters either on leaves or as a rectangular array. 5 Minute Preview
N11.08: : Create an array to model the commutative property of multiplication.

Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Use the Chocomatic to design candy bars made out of chocolate squares. Use multiplication to find the number of squares in each chocolate bar. Build collections of chocolate bars that all have the same number of squares. Solve multiplication problems by joining two smaller chocolate bars into a large bar. 5 Minute Preview

Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
Use groups of critters on leaves to model multiplication as repeated addition. Change the expression to change the number of groups or the number of critters per group. Display the critters either on leaves or as a rectangular array. 5 Minute Preview
N11.10: : Solve a given problem in context involving multiplication.

Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Use the Chocomatic to design candy bars made out of chocolate squares. Use multiplication to find the number of squares in each chocolate bar. Build collections of chocolate bars that all have the same number of squares. Solve multiplication problems by joining two smaller chocolate bars into a large bar. 5 Minute Preview

Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
Use groups of critters on leaves to model multiplication as repeated addition. Change the expression to change the number of groups or the number of critters per group. Display the critters either on leaves or as a rectangular array. 5 Minute Preview
N12: : Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of division by representing and explaining division using equal sharing and equal grouping, creating and solving problems in context that involve equal sharing and equal grouping, modelling equal sharing and equal grouping using concrete and visual representations, and recording the process symbolically, relating division to repeated subtraction, or relating division to multiplication (limited to division related to multiplication facts up to 5 × 5).
N12.04: : Illustrate, with counters or a diagram, a given story problem involving equal grouping, presented orally or through shared reading, and solve the problem.

No Alien Left Behind (Division with Remainders)
The alien school children from the planet Zigmo travel to distant planets on a field trip. The goal is to select a bus size so that all buses are full and no aliens are left behind. This is a nice illustration of division with remainders. 5 Minute Preview
N12.07: : Represent a given division sentence and/or expression as repeated subtraction.

No Alien Left Behind (Division with Remainders)
The alien school children from the planet Zigmo travel to distant planets on a field trip. The goal is to select a bus size so that all buses are full and no aliens are left behind. This is a nice illustration of division with remainders. 5 Minute Preview
N12.10: : Solve a given problem involving division.

No Alien Left Behind (Division with Remainders)
The alien school children from the planet Zigmo travel to distant planets on a field trip. The goal is to select a bus size so that all buses are full and no aliens are left behind. This is a nice illustration of division with remainders. 5 Minute Preview
N13: : Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of fractions by explaining that a fraction represents a part of a whole, describing situations in which fractions are used, or comparing fractions of the same whole with like denominators.
N13.02: : Represent a given fraction concretely or pictorially.

Equivalent Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Explore fractions using the Fractionator, the machine that makes fraction tiles. Compare fractions and find equivalent fractions by arranging the tiles on two horizontal rows. Explore simplifying fractions. Add fractions and express sums as improper fractions or mixed numbers. 5 Minute Preview

Fraction Artist 1 (Area Models of Fractions)
Develop understanding of fractions by making modern paintings. Find different ways to divide a canvas into equal-sized sections. Make paintings to represent simple fractions and to find fractions that are equivalent to one-half. 5 Minute Preview

Fraction Artist 2 (Area Models of Fractions)
Extend understanding of fractions by making modern paintings in the style of Piet Mondrian. Create and analyze paintings with different-sized sections. Compare the sizes of unit fractions. Find creative ways to color one-half of a painting. This can be a nice introduction to adding fractions with unlike denominators. 5 Minute Preview

Modeling Fractions (Area Models)
Model and compare fractions using area models. Set the denominators with the arrow buttons, and then set the numerators with the arrow buttons or by clicking in the models. Compare fractions visually, on a number line, or numerically using the least common denominator. 5 Minute Preview

Toy Factory (Set Models of Fractions)
Create a set of stuffed animals: monkeys, giraffes, and rabbits. Toys can be painted red, green, or blue. Describe the makeup of the set (animals or colors) with fractions. Arrange the toys into groups to simplify the fractions. 5 Minute Preview
N13.03: : Identify, model, and explain the meaning of numerator and denominator.

Equivalent Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Explore fractions using the Fractionator, the machine that makes fraction tiles. Compare fractions and find equivalent fractions by arranging the tiles on two horizontal rows. Explore simplifying fractions. Add fractions and express sums as improper fractions or mixed numbers. 5 Minute Preview

Fraction Artist 1 (Area Models of Fractions)
Develop understanding of fractions by making modern paintings. Find different ways to divide a canvas into equal-sized sections. Make paintings to represent simple fractions and to find fractions that are equivalent to one-half. 5 Minute Preview

Fraction Artist 2 (Area Models of Fractions)
Extend understanding of fractions by making modern paintings in the style of Piet Mondrian. Create and analyze paintings with different-sized sections. Compare the sizes of unit fractions. Find creative ways to color one-half of a painting. This can be a nice introduction to adding fractions with unlike denominators. 5 Minute Preview

Fraction Garden (Comparing Fractions)
Plant flowers in two gardens to help develop fraction sense. The two gardens act as number lines, from 0 to 1. Use the flowers in the gardens to compare fractions and to explore equivalent fractions. Chalk marks can be drawn to divide the garden into equal sections. 5 Minute Preview

Modeling Fractions (Area Models)
Model and compare fractions using area models. Set the denominators with the arrow buttons, and then set the numerators with the arrow buttons or by clicking in the models. Compare fractions visually, on a number line, or numerically using the least common denominator. 5 Minute Preview

Toy Factory (Set Models of Fractions)
Create a set of stuffed animals: monkeys, giraffes, and rabbits. Toys can be painted red, green, or blue. Describe the makeup of the set (animals or colors) with fractions. Arrange the toys into groups to simplify the fractions. 5 Minute Preview
N13.05: : Name and record the fraction represented by the shaded and non-shaded parts of a given region.

Fraction Artist 1 (Area Models of Fractions)
Develop understanding of fractions by making modern paintings. Find different ways to divide a canvas into equal-sized sections. Make paintings to represent simple fractions and to find fractions that are equivalent to one-half. 5 Minute Preview

Fraction Artist 2 (Area Models of Fractions)
Extend understanding of fractions by making modern paintings in the style of Piet Mondrian. Create and analyze paintings with different-sized sections. Compare the sizes of unit fractions. Find creative ways to color one-half of a painting. This can be a nice introduction to adding fractions with unlike denominators. 5 Minute Preview

Modeling Fractions (Area Models)
Model and compare fractions using area models. Set the denominators with the arrow buttons, and then set the numerators with the arrow buttons or by clicking in the models. Compare fractions visually, on a number line, or numerically using the least common denominator. 5 Minute Preview
N13.06: : Compare given fractions with the same denominator using models.

Equivalent Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Explore fractions using the Fractionator, the machine that makes fraction tiles. Compare fractions and find equivalent fractions by arranging the tiles on two horizontal rows. Explore simplifying fractions. Add fractions and express sums as improper fractions or mixed numbers. 5 Minute Preview

Fraction Garden (Comparing Fractions)
Plant flowers in two gardens to help develop fraction sense. The two gardens act as number lines, from 0 to 1. Use the flowers in the gardens to compare fractions and to explore equivalent fractions. Chalk marks can be drawn to divide the garden into equal sections. 5 Minute Preview

Modeling Fractions (Area Models)
Model and compare fractions using area models. Set the denominators with the arrow buttons, and then set the numerators with the arrow buttons or by clicking in the models. Compare fractions visually, on a number line, or numerically using the least common denominator. 5 Minute Preview
PR: : Patterns and Relations
PR01: : Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of increasing patterns by describing, extending, comparing, and creating numerical (numbers to 1000) patterns and non-numerical patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds, and actions.
PR01.01: : Identify and describe increasing patterns.

Pattern Flip (Patterns)
In the Pattern Flip carnival game, you are shown a pattern of cards. The first cards are face-up so you can see the pattern, and the rest are face-down. Can you guess which animals are on the face-down cards? Use one of the preset patterns, or make your own custom pattern. Good luck! 5 Minute Preview
PR01.02: : Describe a given increasing pattern by stating a pattern rule that includes the starting point and a description of how the pattern continues.

Pattern Flip (Patterns)
In the Pattern Flip carnival game, you are shown a pattern of cards. The first cards are face-up so you can see the pattern, and the rest are face-down. Can you guess which animals are on the face-down cards? Use one of the preset patterns, or make your own custom pattern. Good luck! 5 Minute Preview
PR01.03: : Extend a pattern, using the pattern rule, for the next three terms.

Pattern Flip (Patterns)
In the Pattern Flip carnival game, you are shown a pattern of cards. The first cards are face-up so you can see the pattern, and the rest are face-down. Can you guess which animals are on the face-down cards? Use one of the preset patterns, or make your own custom pattern. Good luck! 5 Minute Preview
PR01.04: : Compare numeric patterns.

Pattern Flip (Patterns)
In the Pattern Flip carnival game, you are shown a pattern of cards. The first cards are face-up so you can see the pattern, and the rest are face-down. Can you guess which animals are on the face-down cards? Use one of the preset patterns, or make your own custom pattern. Good luck! 5 Minute Preview
PR01.06: : Create a concrete, pictorial, or symbolic representation of an increasing pattern for a given pattern rule.

Pattern Flip (Patterns)
In the Pattern Flip carnival game, you are shown a pattern of cards. The first cards are face-up so you can see the pattern, and the rest are face-down. Can you guess which animals are on the face-down cards? Use one of the preset patterns, or make your own custom pattern. Good luck! 5 Minute Preview
PR01.07: : Create a concrete, pictorial, or symbolic increasing pattern and describe the pattern rule.

Pattern Flip (Patterns)
In the Pattern Flip carnival game, you are shown a pattern of cards. The first cards are face-up so you can see the pattern, and the rest are face-down. Can you guess which animals are on the face-down cards? Use one of the preset patterns, or make your own custom pattern. Good luck! 5 Minute Preview
PR01.08: : Solve a given problem using increasing patterns.

Pattern Flip (Patterns)
In the Pattern Flip carnival game, you are shown a pattern of cards. The first cards are face-up so you can see the pattern, and the rest are face-down. Can you guess which animals are on the face-down cards? Use one of the preset patterns, or make your own custom pattern. Good luck! 5 Minute Preview
PR03: : Students will be expected to solve one-step addition and subtraction equations involving symbols representing an unknown number.
PR03.05: : Solve a given addition or subtraction equation with one unknown using a variety of strategies including guess and check.

Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Live a frog's life as you hop along a number line in search of flies. Learn how addition and subtraction can be represented as movement along a number line. Fred the frog may even help you get better at adding and subtracting two-digit numbers in your head by decomposing them into tens and ones. 5 Minute Preview
M: : Measurement
M03: : Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of measuring length (cm, m) by selecting and justifying referents for the units centimetre or metre (cm, m), modelling and describing the relationship between the units centimetre or metre (cm, m), estimating length using referents, or measuring and recording length, width, and height.
M03.05: : Estimate the length of an object using personal referents.

Cannonball Clowns (Number Line Estimation)
Launch clowns from a circus cannon and try to hit the target. Drag digit cards on the control panel to set the launch distance and choose an appropriate unit of distance. After practicing your clown-launching skills on a number line, move on to the Big Top, Football Field, School Buses, the Golden Gate Bridge, and more! 5 Minute Preview
M04: : Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of measuring mass (g, kg) by selecting and justifying referents for the units gram and kilogram (g, kg), modelling and describing the relationship between the units gram and kilogram (g, kg), estimating mass using referents, or measuring and recording mass.
M04.06: : Measure, using a balance scale, and record the mass of given everyday objects using the units gram (g) and kilogram (kg).

Weight and Mass
Use a balance to measure mass and a spring scale to measure the weight of objects. Compare the masses and weights of objects on Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and the Moon. 5 Minute Preview
M05: : Students will be expected to demonstrate an understanding of perimeter of regular, irregular, and composite shapes by estimating perimeter using referents for centimetre or metre (cm, m), measuring and recording perimeter (cm, m), or create different shapes for a given perimeter (cm, m) to demonstrate that many shapes are possible for a perimeter.
M05.01: : Measure and record the perimeter of a given regular shape and explain the strategy used.

Fido's Flower Bed (Perimeter and Area)
Construct models of gardens on a grid using squares of sod. Fence the gardens to find and compare perimeters. Work with pre-built gardens made of 36 squares each to compare perimeters of shapes with equal areas. 5 Minute Preview
M05.02: : Measure and record the perimeter of a given irregular or composite shape and explain the strategy used.

Fido's Flower Bed (Perimeter and Area)
Construct models of gardens on a grid using squares of sod. Fence the gardens to find and compare perimeters. Work with pre-built gardens made of 36 squares each to compare perimeters of shapes with equal areas. 5 Minute Preview
SP: : Statistics and Probability
SP01: : Students will be expected to collect first-hand data and organize it using tally marks, line plots, charts, and lists to answer questions.
SP01.01: : Record the number of objects in a given set using tally marks.

Mascot Election (Pictographs and Bar Graphs)
A brand new school is opening and it is time to elect the school mascot! Students can choose the Eagle, Lion, Bear, or Wolf. Voting results can be displayed in a table, tally chart, pictograph, bar graph, circle graph, or dot plot. You can change student votes by selecting a group of students and clicking a mascot. 5 Minute Preview
SP01.03: : Organize a given set of data using tally marks, line plots, charts, or lists.

Graphing Skills
Create a graph (bar graph, line graph, pie chart, or scatter plot) based on a given data set. Title the graph, label the axes, and choose a scale. Adjust the graph to fit the data, and then check your accuracy. The Gizmo can also be used to create a data table based on a given graph. 5 Minute Preview

Mascot Election (Pictographs and Bar Graphs)
A brand new school is opening and it is time to elect the school mascot! Students can choose the Eagle, Lion, Bear, or Wolf. Voting results can be displayed in a table, tally chart, pictograph, bar graph, circle graph, or dot plot. You can change student votes by selecting a group of students and clicking a mascot. 5 Minute Preview
SP01.04: : Collect and organize data using tally marks, line plots, charts, and lists.

Mascot Election (Pictographs and Bar Graphs)
A brand new school is opening and it is time to elect the school mascot! Students can choose the Eagle, Lion, Bear, or Wolf. Voting results can be displayed in a table, tally chart, pictograph, bar graph, circle graph, or dot plot. You can change student votes by selecting a group of students and clicking a mascot. 5 Minute Preview
SP01.05: : Answer questions arising from a given line plot, chart, or list.

Graphing Skills
Create a graph (bar graph, line graph, pie chart, or scatter plot) based on a given data set. Title the graph, label the axes, and choose a scale. Adjust the graph to fit the data, and then check your accuracy. The Gizmo can also be used to create a data table based on a given graph. 5 Minute Preview
SP02: : Students will be expected to construct, label, and interpret bar graphs to solve problems.
SP02.02: : Create bar graphs from a given set of data including labelling the title and axes.

Graphing Skills
Create a graph (bar graph, line graph, pie chart, or scatter plot) based on a given data set. Title the graph, label the axes, and choose a scale. Adjust the graph to fit the data, and then check your accuracy. The Gizmo can also be used to create a data table based on a given graph. 5 Minute Preview

Mascot Election (Pictographs and Bar Graphs)
A brand new school is opening and it is time to elect the school mascot! Students can choose the Eagle, Lion, Bear, or Wolf. Voting results can be displayed in a table, tally chart, pictograph, bar graph, circle graph, or dot plot. You can change student votes by selecting a group of students and clicking a mascot. 5 Minute Preview
SP02.03: : Draw conclusions from a given bar graph to solve problems.

Graphing Skills
Create a graph (bar graph, line graph, pie chart, or scatter plot) based on a given data set. Title the graph, label the axes, and choose a scale. Adjust the graph to fit the data, and then check your accuracy. The Gizmo can also be used to create a data table based on a given graph. 5 Minute Preview
Correlation last revised: 3/27/2023
About STEM Cases
Students assume the role of a scientist trying to solve a real world problem. They use scientific practices to collect and analyze data, and form and test a hypothesis as they solve the problems.
Each STEM Case uses realtime reporting to show live student results.
Introduction to the Heatmap
STEM Cases take between 30-90 minutes for students to complete, depending on the case.
Student progress is automatically saved so that STEM Cases can be completed over multiple sessions.
Multiple grade-appropriate versions, or levels, exist for each STEM Case.
Each STEM Case level has an associated Handbook. These are interactive guides that focus on the science concepts underlying the case.
How Free Gizmos Work
Start teaching with 20-40 Free Gizmos. See the full list.
Access lesson materials for Free Gizmos including teacher guides, lesson plans, and more.
All other Gizmos are limited to a 5 Minute Preview and can only be used for 5 minutes a day.
Free Gizmos change each semester. The new collection will be available January 1 and July 1.
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