There’s been a big shift in science classrooms over the past ten years. Nearly every U.S. state adopted new K-12 science standards. This approach emphasizes learning where students actively integrate the practices of doing science with the core ideas of science in the context of exploring phenomena and solving real-world problems. Students are encouraged to learn like scientists by asking questions, developing models, and analyzing data. They participate in active experimentation, exploration, and hands-on inquiry.
This kind of scientific sensemaking spells success. It has been shown to be the most effective way to deepen students’ understanding and help them build connections across science disciplines. This approach also prepares students to think critically and solve novel problems, a skill set increasingly in demand for their future careers.
The need for High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) in STEM
It seems obvious that High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) are essential to improve STEM learning outcomes for students. HQIM strengthen instructional effectiveness and efficiency, helping teachers foster scientific sensemaking and meet challenging new standards.
It’s critical to make HQIM accessible to all students, including English language learners, students with disabilities, at-risk students, and those from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. Because HQIM typically includes assessments that align with the new standards, teachers can track student progress in both knowledge and practices in preparation for state assessments that evaluate the same.
While all of that makes sense for teachers and students, very few K-12 science curricula meet the HQIM bar and fully address all of the complexities of the new standards. According to a recent analysis from EdReports, while 96% of science teachers said that materials aligned to their state’s science standards are critically important to them, only 37% of those teachers found their current materials to meet the criteria for HQIM.
Gizmos: Designed to meet the need for HQIM in STEM
The ExploreLearning team designed Gizmos to meet this need for more HQIM for science instruction. Gizmos resources include Gizmos simulations, interactive math and science inquiry-based activities for grades 3-12, Gizmos STEM Cases, case studies that put students in the role of STEM professionals tasked with solving real-world problems, and customizable worksheets to help teachers and students dive even deeper into the problems. Launching in the fall of 2025, new Gizmos Investigations elevate a traditional Gizmo simulation with built-in student questioning, interactive science investigations, and just-in-time feedback to engage students with sensemaking practices at their individual levels of understanding.
Designed as supplementary HQIM learning materials, Gizmos are intended to integrate with and amp up the focus on science sensemaking of any core curriculum. They are easy to use and implement for both teachers and students, even for remediation. The ExploreLearning team was eager to document just how well teachers found Gizmos resources to meet this challenging but important goal.
Why teachers trust Gizmos to meet the needs of 21st-century classrooms
The current study lifted the veil on teachers’ authentic experiences with Gizmos products and materials, and the data was clear. Results from a survey of nearly 300 educators showed that Gizmos engage their students in inquiry-based learning activities that meet the newest standards for scientific sensemaking.
Coming fall 2025, new Gizmos Investigations will elevate existing Gizmos simulations and support grades 6-8 with highly scaffolded and engaging pre-made lessons that engage students in science practices. Read more about a middle school teacher’s experience with Gizmos Investigations!
Support online or blended learning strategies
Gizmos provide meaningful, interactive lessons in a variety of learning environments, including fully virtual, blended, and in-person. Thanks to the flexibility and applicability of Gizmos virtual labs, every student can access and engage with the learning experience. Whether your school is online or uses blended learning strategies, Gizmos delivers.
“As an online teacher, we don't have a lab in our school or any science equipment, so having online labs at our disposal is incredibly useful!”
“During the pandemic, students were able to see concepts online that I was not able to demonstrate in person. It made all the difference between theory and practice where students could fully understand the concepts.”
“As an online teacher, we don't have a lab in our school or any science equipment, so having online labs at our disposal is incredibly useful!”
“During the pandemic, students were able to see concepts online that I was not able to demonstrate in person. It made all the difference between theory and practice where students could fully understand the concepts.”
“As an online teacher, we don't have a lab in our school or any science equipment, so having online labs at our disposal is incredibly useful!”
Provide flexibility in assigning and personalizing activities
Flexibility is another way that Gizmos simulations meet the needs of classrooms today. Teachers have options for assigning and adapting activities to meet individual student needs. Gizmos can be used as homework, makeup work, or alternative assignments for students needing extra time or unable to attend class in person. Because of its customizable nature, teachers can easily align the content with objectives and specific student needs, enhancing their teaching strategies.
Several educators highlighted the convenience of using Gizmos for students still learning remotely due to health issues or other circumstances that kept them out of the classroom. One teacher noted, “Students who do independent credits/credit recovery usually request Gizmo activities as a substitution for other packaged materials.”
Complements or replaces traditional labs
Teachers often have to get creative when it comes to budgets and available space. Most teachers in the survey (89%) reported using Gizmos as a substitute for a laboratory activity when hands-on materials are not available. Teachers in schools with restricted budgets or inadequate lab space found that Gizmos provided a meaningful (and cost-effective!) way for students to engage in science experiments. The ability to replicate lab experiences with interactive digital tools allowed students to conduct experiments that might otherwise have been impossible.
Concerns about student behaviors can make lab experiences difficult. One teacher emphasized how the Frog Dissection Gizmo was an excellent supplement when behavioral challenges with her students made her nervous about diving right into a physical dissection.
“This year, I was moved from a science classroom to a cart for a push-in. I went from having a lab classroom to having no space. Gizmos were really helpful this year to explain phenomena.”
Ensures equitable learning outcomes for all students
Ensuring equitable student learning outcomes is critical for educators, especially when evaluating edtech resources. Teachers trust Gizmos as an important, effective tool for equitable learning outcomes. Teachers noted that diverse student populations, including English language learners (ELLs) or Multilingual Learners (MLLs), students with learning disabilities, and students who face behavioral challenges, benefitted from the opportunity to work at their own pace with instant feedback.
“A student in my class who consistently struggles with maintaining focus told me during the Programmable Rover Gizmo that it was the best day of science they ever had, and they loved it. They not only were focused for the entire time but were excited to answer the questions.”
“A student in my physics class generally had difficulty following concepts during lecture or even while reading the textbook. However, she often would say, ‘I get it now’ after completing Gizmos assignments.”
“A student in my class who consistently struggles with maintaining focus told me during the Programmable Rover Gizmo that it was the best day of science they ever had, and they loved it. They not only were focused for the entire time but were excited to answer the questions.”
“A student in my physics class generally had difficulty following concepts during lecture or even while reading the textbook. However, she often would say, ‘I get it now’ after completing Gizmos assignments.”
“A student in my class who consistently struggles with maintaining focus told me during the Programmable Rover Gizmo that it was the best day of science they ever had, and they loved it. They not only were focused for the entire time but were excited to answer the questions.”
Key finding: Gizmos engage students in science sensemaking practices
Do Gizmos and Gizmos STEM Cases support students’ engagement in each of the eight science and engineering scientific sensemaking practices? According to responses, over 95% of teachers feel that the resources support student engagement for each of the practices.
“I used the Flood and Storm-Proof Homes Gizmo during our extreme weather unit…Students saw from a structural engineering point of view why the foundation was so important, and the students were able to see the strength of weather. It was just a very memorable, fun lesson, and the kids loved playing around with the different building options. We tried to see whose house could withstand the flood for the least amount of money, with the least amount of upgrades, etc., so it turned into so much more than just building a little house in a flood.”
“Students used the Heredity and Traits STEM Case. They were able to see how the behavior of bees resulted from inherited traits and how bees continued to protect the gene pool. Students were able to apply this to human reproduction and heredity and gain a better understanding of the concepts we explored in class. They were able to discuss what they learned and explain traits/heredity using the information from the STEM Case.”
“I used the Flood and Storm-Proof Homes Gizmo during our extreme weather unit…Students saw from a structural engineering point of view why the foundation was so important, and the students were able to see the strength of weather. It was just a very memorable, fun lesson, and the kids loved playing around with the different building options. We tried to see whose house could withstand the flood for the least amount of money, with the least amount of upgrades, etc., so it turned into so much more than just building a little house in a flood.”
“Students used the Heredity and Traits STEM Case. They were able to see how the behavior of bees resulted from inherited traits and how bees continued to protect the gene pool. Students were able to apply this to human reproduction and heredity and gain a better understanding of the concepts we explored in class. They were able to discuss what they learned and explain traits/heredity using the information from the STEM Case.”
“I used the Flood and Storm-Proof Homes Gizmo during our extreme weather unit…Students saw from a structural engineering point of view why the foundation was so important, and the students were able to see the strength of weather. It was just a very memorable, fun lesson, and the kids loved playing around with the different building options. We tried to see whose house could withstand the flood for the least amount of money, with the least amount of upgrades, etc., so it turned into so much more than just building a little house in a flood.”
Key finding: Gizmos improved STEM learning and engagement
When it comes to student outcomes observed by teachers after using Gizmos and STEM Cases, did students improve their science knowledge, problem-solving skills, and application of knowledge to other phenomena? How did students feel about learning, which can have a significant impact on their future trajectory in STEM courses and STEM careers?
Good news! Overall, nearly all (93%) of teachers surveyed said that they observed a positive impact of Gizmos on their students. This level of learning and engagement observed from Gizmos was an improvement from other HQIM materials they have used to teach similar concepts. 81% of teachers surveyed said that Gizmos were better at improving learning and engagement than any other materials they had used.
“[My students] work very well when we work with hands-on concrete examples. Working together through the Ecosystems STEM Case, we were able to explore how populations grow, shrink, and change. They were able to then take that knowledge and apply it to a novel task where they had to analyze the human population of earth and say how we could change that population to make better use of our resources.”
“My grade 5 students were struggling with understanding decimal numbers and developing negative feelings about the learning. I introduced them to the Treasure Hunter Gizmo where they needed to use decimal numbers to find the treasure, and every student was engaged and demonstrating increasing understanding to complete their missions.”
“[My students] work very well when we work with hands-on concrete examples. Working together through the Ecosystems STEM Case, we were able to explore how populations grow, shrink, and change. They were able to then take that knowledge and apply it to a novel task where they had to analyze the human population of earth and say how we could change that population to make better use of our resources.”
“My grade 5 students were struggling with understanding decimal numbers and developing negative feelings about the learning. I introduced them to the Treasure Hunter Gizmo where they needed to use decimal numbers to find the treasure, and every student was engaged and demonstrating increasing understanding to complete their missions.”
“[My students] work very well when we work with hands-on concrete examples. Working together through the Ecosystems STEM Case, we were able to explore how populations grow, shrink, and change. They were able to then take that knowledge and apply it to a novel task where they had to analyze the human population of earth and say how we could change that population to make better use of our resources.”
Support your classroom with Gizmos
We asked teachers to share notable success stories they observed this year. High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) have been increasingly recognized as an important factor in improving educational outcomes. Teachers have found success with the HQIM that Gizmos and STEM Cases provide. Here are a few shout-outs from educators who have seen the difference HQIM can make.
“My students absolutely loved solving the Cell Respiration STEM Case of the CIA agent being poisoned, and they had to figure out which toxin caused it. They used their knowledge of cellular respiration to solve the problem. They felt important, and they were doing ‘real’ science work solving the case.”
“Gizmos transformed my 9th-grade biology class, making complex concepts accessible and engaging. Traditionally, students struggled with the intricacies of [cellular respiration], finding it abstract and confusing. Gizmos provided a game-changer. Students could better visualize the stages of cellular respiration in real time. They manipulated variables, observed outcomes, and engaged in trial-and-error learning, which deepened their understanding far beyond textbook explanations.”
“The STEM Cases are amazing. The design exposes students to actual problems and the scientific processes used to solve them. They connect well to the topics being studied. The Cases generate discussion among the students. They also expose students to ways in which the material they are studying is applicable in the real world and how this knowledge can be used in science careers.”
“My students absolutely loved solving the Cell Respiration STEM Case of the CIA agent being poisoned, and they had to figure out which toxin caused it. They used their knowledge of cellular respiration to solve the problem. They felt important, and they were doing ‘real’ science work solving the case.”
“Gizmos transformed my 9th-grade biology class, making complex concepts accessible and engaging. Traditionally, students struggled with the intricacies of [cellular respiration], finding it abstract and confusing. Gizmos provided a game-changer. Students could better visualize the stages of cellular respiration in real time. They manipulated variables, observed outcomes, and engaged in trial-and-error learning, which deepened their understanding far beyond textbook explanations.”
“The STEM Cases are amazing. The design exposes students to actual problems and the scientific processes used to solve them. They connect well to the topics being studied. The Cases generate discussion among the students. They also expose students to ways in which the material they are studying is applicable in the real world and how this knowledge can be used in science careers.”
“My students absolutely loved solving the Cell Respiration STEM Case of the CIA agent being poisoned, and they had to figure out which toxin caused it. They used their knowledge of cellular respiration to solve the problem. They felt important, and they were doing ‘real’ science work solving the case.”
Authentic feedback from teacher experiences in classrooms underscores the impact of Gizmos on increasing students’ understanding and overall engagement with science. Read the full survey results for more details.
With a free trial, you can introduce Gizmos High-Quality Instructional Materials to your students to support scientific sensemaking.
Start My Gizmos Trial