With many states adopting NGSS-aligned standards or utilizing assessments that focus heavily on Nature of Science, which call for students to think and work like scientists and engineers, classroom teachers need increased access to well-designed, evidence-based resources that foster three-dimensional learning. These resources should support the development of both content knowledge as well as science and engineering practices. ExploreLearning Gizmos and STEM Cases are designed to help teachers implement applied, real-world activities within which students can develop their critical thinking skills through constructing and communicating explanations based on evidence.
Our latest efficacy study analyzed the relationship between using Gizmos virtual simulations and students’ performance on a statewide end-of-year science assessment. During the 2022-2023 school year, a correlational (ESSA Tier 3) study compared school-level data on the frequency and quality of Gizmos usage with performance on a standards-based state assessment for 8th-grade school students in a large, urban district with high levels of ethnic and socioeconomic status (SES) diversity. The sample consisted of nearly 1,200 8th-grade students across 23 schools.
ESSA tiers of evidence
ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) provides a framework for evaluating the quality of research studies with convincing evidence. There are four tiers of evidence: Tier 1- Strong, Tier 2- Moderate, Tier 3- Promising, and Tier 4- Demonstrates a Rationale. The standards of evidence requirements under ESSA are designed to ensure confidence in research. This study met ESSA Tier 3 criteria for Promising Evidence of Gizmos for improving proficiency on NGSS-aligned or Nature of Science skills-based standardized assessments.
"With finite time and funding, it is incumbent upon education systems to verify the effectiveness of technological tools before purchase and adoption, and during classroom implementation. Inquiring about digital resources’ evidence base can serve as a first line of defense for worthwhile use of educator and student time."
-2024 National Education Technology Plan
What are the takeaways?
The results are impressive. When Gizmos were widely and frequently used across a school, students met or exceeded 8th-grade science standards. Gizmos usage was significantly related to acquiring scientific knowledge and passing rates. Student understanding and science achievement were notable, regardless of differences in the socioeconomic status of the students. Our findings provide administrators and teachers with additional confidence that Gizmos can be a valuable tool for providing all students with relevant experiences and practice needed to succeed in skills-based, NGSS-aligned science assessments.
8th-grade students at schools with higher Gizmos usage were 1.6x more likely to meet or exceed test proficiency standards than those with lower Gizmos usage.
What are teachers saying about Gizmos?
“In the Gizmo for Plate Tectonics, you can drag the continents around. You're not going to get that out of a book or lab.”
-Middle School Teacher
“[The students] were engaged and active. It wasn't like they were just watching something happen. Everybody was doing what they were supposed to be doing almost the whole time.”
-Middle School Teacher
That’s music to any teacher’s ears! Are you ready to hear more? Download all of the research results.
Gizmos online simulations bring the power of inquiry-based learning to teachers and students in grades 3–12. Aren’t you ready to have this power in your classroom?
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