1: Sequences and Data Tables

1.1: Use words and algebraic expressions to describe the data and the interrelationships in a given table with rows that are not related recursively (not calculated from previous data).

Compound Interest
Points, Lines, and Equations

1.2: Use words and algebraic expressions to describe the data and the interrelationships in a given table with rows that are related recursively (calculated from previous data).

Geometric Sequences

1.3: Choose, justify and apply sampling techniques that will result in an appropriate, unbiased sample from a given population.

Polling: City
Polling: Neighborhood
Populations and Samples

1.4: Defend or oppose inferences and generalizations about populations, based on data from samples.

Polling: City
Polling: Neighborhood
Populations and Samples

1.5: Create and modify tables from both recursive and nonrecursive situations.

Geometric Sequences

1.7: Generate number patterns exhibiting arithmetic growth.

Finding Patterns

1.8: Use expressions to represent general terms and sums for arithmetic growth, and apply these expressions to solve problems.

Arithmetic Sequences

2: Algebraic Expressions

2.1: Factor polynomial expressions of the form ax² + bx + c, and a²x² − b²y².

Factoring Special Products
Modeling the Factorization of ax2+bx+c
Modeling the Factorization of x2+bx+c

2.3: Divide an integral polynomial by a binomial, and express the result in the forms:

2.3.1: P/D = Q + R/D

Dividing Polynomials Using Synthetic Division

3: Line Segments and Graphs

3.2: Solve problems involving distances between points in the coordinate plane.

Distance Formula

3.4: Solve problems involving rise, run and slope of line segments.


3.5: Determine the equation of a line, given information that uniquely determines the line.

Points, Lines, and Equations
Slope-Intercept Form of a Line
Standard Form of a Line

4: Relations and Functions

4.3: Describe a function in terms of:

4.3.1: ordered pairs

Introduction to Functions
Points, Lines, and Equations

4.3.2: a rule, in word or equation form

Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities
Introduction to Functions
Linear Functions

4.3.3: a graph.

Exponential Functions
Introduction to Exponential Functions
Introduction to Functions
Quadratics in Factored Form
Quadratics in Polynomial Form
Quadratics in Vertex Form
Radical Functions

4.5: Determine the domain and range of a relation from its graph.

Introduction to Functions
Logarithmic Functions
Radical Functions

4.6: Determine the following characteristics of the graph of a linear function, given its equation:

4.6.1: intercepts

Exponential Functions
Linear Functions

4.6.3: domain

Exponential Functions

4.6.4: range.

Exponential Functions

4.7: Use direct variation, partial variation and arithmetic sequences as applications of linear functions.

Arithmetic Sequences
Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Direct and Inverse Variation

6: Measurement and Trigonometry

6.1: Solve problems involving two right triangles.

Classifying Triangles
Concurrent Lines, Medians, and Altitudes
Pythagorean Theorem
Pythagorean Theorem with a Geoboard
Similarity in Right Triangles

6.2: Extend the concepts of sine and cosine for angles from 0° to 180°.

Cosine Function
Sine Function

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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