S11.B: Biological Sciences

S11.B.1: Structure and Function of Organisms

S11.B.1.1: Explain structure and function at multiple levels of organization.

S11.B.1.1.2: Compare and contrast the structural and functional similarities and differences among living things (e.g., classify organisms into classification groups, compare systems).

Dichotomous Keys

S11.B.1.1.3: Compare and contrast cellular processes (e.g., photosynthesis and respiration, meiosis and mitosis, protein synthesis and DNA replication).

Cell Energy Cycle
RNA and Protein Synthesis

S11.B.2: Continuity of Life

S11.B.2.1: Explain the mechanisms of the theory of evolution.

S11.B.2.1.2: Explain the role of mutations, differential reproduction, and gene recombination in changing the genetic makeup of a population.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection

S11.B.2.1.4: Explain why natural selection can act only on inherited traits.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Evolution: Natural and Artificial Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks

S11.B.2.2: Describe how genetic information is inherited and expressed.

S11.B.2.2.1: Describe how genetic information is expressed (i.e., DNA, genes, chromosomes, transcription, translation, and replication).

Chicken Genetics
Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
RNA and Protein Synthesis

S11.B.2.2.3: Explain how different patterns of inheritance affect population variability (i.e., multiple alleles, co-dominance, dominance, recessiveness, sex-influenced traits, and sex-linked traits).

Chicken Genetics
Evolution: Mutation and Selection

S11.B.3: Ecological Behavior and Systems

S11.B.3.1: Use evidence or examples to explain the characteristics of and interactions within an ecosystem.

S11.B.3.1.1: Explain the significance of diversity in ecosystems.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors

S11.B.3.1.2: Explain the biotic (i.e., plant, animal, and microbial communities) and abiotic (i.e., soil, air, temperature, and water) components of an ecosystem and their interaction.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

S11.B.3.1.3: Describe how living organisms affect the survival of one another.

Natural Selection

S11.B.3.1.4: Compare the similarities and differences in the major biomes (e.g., desert, tropical rain forest, temperate forest, coniferous forest, tundra) and the communities that inhabit them.

Forest Ecosystem

S11.B.3.2: Analyze patterns of change in natural or human-made systems over time.

S11.B.3.2.2: Explain biological diversity as an indicator of a healthy environment.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors

S11.B.3.2.3: Explain how natural processes (e.g., seasonal change, catastrophic events, habitat alterations) impact the environment over time.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Coral Reefs 2 - Biotic Factors

S11.C: Physical Sciences

S11.C.1: Structure, Properties, and Interaction of Matter and Energy

S11.C.1.1: Explain the relationship between the structure and properties of matter.

S11.C.1.1.3: Explain the formation of compounds (ionic and covalent) and their resulting properties using bonding theories.

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

S11.C.1.1.4: Explain how the relationships of chemical properties of elements are represented in the repeating patterns within the periodic table.

Electron Configuration

S11.C.1.1.5: Predict the behavior of gases though the application of laws (e.g., Boyle's law, Charles' law, or ideal gas law).

Boyle's Law and Charles' Law

S11.C.1.1.6: Describe factors that influence the frequency of collisions during chemical reactions that might affect the reaction rates (e.g., surface area, concentration, catalyst, temperature).

Collision Theory

S11.C.2: Forms, Sources, Conversion, and Transfer of Energy

S11.C.2.1: Analyze energy sources and transfer of energy, or conversion of energy.

S11.C.2.1.1: Compare or analyze waves in the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g., ultraviolet, infrared, visible light, X-rays, microwaves) as well as their properties, energy levels, and motion.

Herschel Experiment

S11.C.2.1.2: Describe energy changes in chemical reactions.

Chemical Changes

S11.C.2.1.3: Apply the knowledge of conservation of energy to explain common systems (e.g., refrigeration, rocket propulsion, heat pump).

Air Track
Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Roller Coaster Physics

S11.C.2.1.4: Use Ohm's Law to explain relative resistances, currents, and voltage.

Advanced Circuits

S11.C.3: Principles of Motion and Force

S11.C.3.1: Use the principles of motion and force to solve real-world challenges.

S11.C.3.1.3: Describe the motion of an object using variables (i.e., acceleration, velocity, displacement).

Free-Fall Laboratory
Golf Range
Shoot the Monkey

S11.C.3.1.4: Explain how electricity induces magnetism and how magnetism induces electricity as two aspects of a single electromagnetic force.

Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetic Induction

S11.C.3.1.5: Calculate the mechanical advantage for moving an object by using a simple machine.

Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Pulley Lab

S11.D: Earth and Space Sciences

S11.D.1: Earth Features and Processes that Change Earth and Its Resources

S11.D.1.1: Explain and analyze the forces in the lithosphere that continually shape Earth.

S11.D.1.1.2: Explain the processes that take place at plate boundaries and how these processes continue to shape Earth (e.g., volcanic activity, earthquakes, mountain building, mid-ocean ridges, deep-sea trenches, new land being formed).

Plate Tectonics

S11.D.1.1.3: Analyze features caused by the interaction of processes that change Earth's surface (e.g., wind and moving water help break down rock into soil; plate movement, earthquakes, and volcanic activity help cause mountains and valleys to form; flowing water and deposition of material help form deltas).

Plate Tectonics

S11.D.1.3: Explain the significance and contribution of water as a resource to living things and the shaping of the land.

S11.D.1.3.3: Explain factors (e.g., nutrient loading, turbidity, rate of flow, rate of deposition, biological diversity) that affect water quality and flow through a water system.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

S11.D.2: Weather, Climate, and Atmospheric Processes

S11.D.2.1: Analyze how the transfer of energy and substances between Earth's atmosphere and its surface influences regional or global weather or climate.

S11.D.2.1.2: Compare the transmission, reflection, absorption, and radiation of solar energy to and by Earth's surface under different environmental conditions (e.g., major volcanic eruptions, greenhouse effect, reduction of ozone layer, increased global cloud cover).

Greenhouse Effect

S11.D.2.1.3: Explain weather patterns and seasonal changes using the concepts of heat and density.

Seasons Around the World
Seasons in 3D

S11.D.3: Composition and Structure of the Universe

S11.D.3.1: Explain the composition, structure, and origin of the universe.

S11.D.3.1.1: Describe planetary motion and the physical laws that explain planetary motion.

Orbital Motion - Kepler's Laws

Correlation last revised: 5/23/2018

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