S4.B: Biological Sciences

S4.B.1: Structure and Function of Organisms

S4.B.1.1: Identify and describe similarities and differences between living things and their life processes.

S4.B.1.1.3: Describe basic needs of plants and animals (e.g., air, water, food).

Growing Plants

S4.B.2: Continuity of Life

S4.B.2.2: Identify that characteristics are inherited and, thus, offspring closely resemble their parents.

S4.B.2.2.1: Identify physical characteristics (e.g., height, hair color, eye color, attached earlobes, ability to roll tongue) that appear in both parents and could be passed on to offspring.


S4.B.3: Ecological Behavior and Systems

S4.B.3.1: Identify and describe living and nonliving things in the environment and their interaction.

S4.B.3.1.1: Describe the living and nonliving components of a local ecosystem (e.g., lentic and lotic systems, forest, cornfield, grasslands, city park, playground).

Forest Ecosystem
Pond Ecosystem

S4.B.3.1.2: Describe interactions between living and nonliving components (e.g. plants - water, soil, sunlight, carbon dioxide, temperature; animals - food, water, shelter, oxygen, temperature) of a local ecosystem.

Pond Ecosystem

S4.B.3.2: Describe, explain, and predict change in natural or human-made systems and the possible effects of those changes on the environment.

S4.B.3.2.1: Describe what happens to a living thing when its habitat is changed.

Pond Ecosystem

S4.B.3.3: Identify and describe human reliance on the environment at the individual or the community level.

S4.B.3.3.5: Describe the effects of pollution (e.g., litter) in the community.

Pond Ecosystem

S4.C: Physical Sciences

S4.C.1: Structure, Properties, and Interaction of Matter and Energy

S4.C.1.1: Describe observable physical properties of matter.

S4.C.1.1.1: Use physical properties [e.g., mass, shape, size, volume, color, texture, magnetism, state (i.e., solid, liquid, and gas), conductivity (i.e., electrical and heat)] to describe matter.

Circuit Builder
Conduction and Convection
Mineral Identification
Phases of Water
Weight and Mass

S4.C.1.1.2: Categorize/group objects using physical characteristics.

Mineral Identification

S4.C.2: Forms, Sources, Conversion, and Transfer of Energy

S4.C.2.1: Recognize basic energy types and sources, or describe how energy can be changed from one form to another.

S4.C.2.1.1: Identify energy forms, energy transfer, and energy examples (e.g., light, heat, electrical).

Energy Conversions
Heat Absorption

S4.C.2.1.2: Describe the flow of energy through an object or system (e.g., feeling radiant heat from a light bulb, eating food to get energy, using a battery to light a bulb or run a fan).

Energy Conversions

S4.C.2.1.3: Recognize or illustrate simple direct current series and parallel circuits composed of batteries, light bulbs (or other common loads), wire, and on/off switches.

Circuit Builder

S4.C.3: Principles of Motion and Force

S4.C.3.1: Identify and describe different types of force and motion resulting from these forces, or the effect of the interaction between force and motion.

S4.C.3.1.1: Describe changes in motion caused by forces (e.g., magnetic, pushes or pulls, gravity, friction).

Force and Fan Carts

S4.C.3.1.2: Compare the relative movement of objects or describe types of motion that are evident (e.g., bouncing ball, moving in a straight line, back and forth, merry-go-round).

Free Fall Tower

S4.D: Earth and Space Sciences

S4.D.1: Earth Features and Processes that Change Earth and Its Resources

S4.D.1.3: Describe Earth's different sources of water or describe changes in the form of water.

S4.D.1.3.1: Describe types of freshwater and saltwater bodies (e.g., lakes, rivers, wetlands, oceans).

Pond Ecosystem

S4.D.1.3.2: Explain how water goes through phase changes (i.e., evaporation, condensation, freezing, and melting).

Phases of Water

S4.D.1.3.4: Explain the role and relationship of a watershed or a wetland on water sources (e.g., water storage, groundwater recharge, water filtration, water source, water cycle).

Water Cycle

S4.D.2: Weather, Climate, and Atmospheric Processes

S4.D.2.1: Identify basic weather conditions and how they are measured.

S4.D.2.1.2: Identify weather patterns from data charts or graphs of the data (e.g., temperature, wind direction, wind speed, cloud types, precipitation).

Measuring Trees

S4.D.3: Composition and Structure of the Universe

S4.D.3.1: Describe Earth's relationship to the Sun and the Moon.

S4.D.3.1.1: Describe motions of the Sun - Earth - Moon system.

Phases of the Moon
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

S4.D.3.1.2: Explain how the motion of the Sun - Earth - Moon system relates to time (e.g., days, months, years).

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

S4.D.3.1.3: Describe the causes of seasonal change as they relate to the revolution of Earth and the tilt of Earth's axis.

Summer and Winter

Correlation last revised: 5/23/2018

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