SC.3.4: Students will: demonstrate knowledge, understanding and applications of scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories and models as delineated in the objectives, demonstrate an understanding of the interrelationships among physics, chemistry, biology and the earth and space sciences, and apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter/concepts to daily life experiences.

SC.3.4.4: observe and describe relationships among organisms in an ecosystem (e.g., sequencing food chains, behavior, adaptations, factors that effect populations, predator-prey relationships).

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SC.3.4.5: relate the buoyancy of an object to its density.


SC.3.4.7: relate changes in states of matter to changes in temperature.

Phases of Water

SC.3.4.8: investigate the dissolving of solids in liquids.

Phases of Water

SC.3.4.9: investigate the absorption, reflection and refraction of light by objects.

Heat Absorption

SC.3.1.10: relate how the color of an object is based upon the absorption or reflection of light.

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

SC.3.4.11: recognize that it takes work to move objects over a distance.

Wheel and Axle

SC.3.4.12: recognize that speed, distance, and time are interrelated.

Force and Fan Carts

SC.3.4.13: recognize that the greater a force is exerted on an object, the greater the change of its motion will be.

Charge Launcher
Force and Fan Carts

SC.3.4.14: identify examples of potential and kinetic energy.

Energy Conversions

SC.3.4.18: recognize the relative movement of the Sun and Moon in relationship to the Earth's position.

Phases of the Moon

SC.3.4.19: describe the similarities and differences among the planets.

Solar System

Correlation last revised: 3/30/2010

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