1: The student knows and applies scientific concepts and principles to understand the properties, structures, and changes in physical, earth/space, and living systems.

1.1: Understand how properties are used to identify, describe, and categorize substances, materials, and objects and how characteristics are used to categorize living things.

1.1.1: Understand how to use properties to sort natural and manufactured materials and objects.

1.1.1.a: Identify, describe, and sort objects and materials using observed physical properties such as hardness, shape, state of matter, smell, temperature, texture, weight, and magnetic properties.

Mineral Identification
Phases of Water
Weight and Mass

1.1.1.d: Identify which states of matter (solid, liquid, or gas) can change shape and which can expand to fill a container.

Phases of Water

1.1.4: Understand that energy comes in many forms.

1.1.4.a: Describe the forms of energy present in a system (i.e., energy of motion [kinetic], heat energy, sound energy, light energy, electrical energy, chemical energy, and food energy).

Energy Conversions
Heat Absorption
Sled Wars

1.1.5: Understand physical properties of Earth materials including rocks, soil, water, and air.

1.1.5.a: Describe the states of water on Earth (i.e., clouds, fog, dew, rain, hail, snow, ice) as solid, liquid, or gas.

Phases of Water

1.2: Understand how components, structures, organizations, and interconnections describe systems.

1.2.2: Understand that energy can be transferred from one object to another and can be transformed from one form of energy to another.

1.2.2.a: Identify where or when a part of a simple system has the greatest or least energy (e.g., a toy car has the greatest energy when released from the top of a ramp).

Sled Wars

1.2.2.b: Describe transfers of energy (e.g., heat energy is transferred from hot water to a cup).

Conduction and Convection
Heat Absorption

1.2.2.d: Describe transformations of energy (e.g., energy of motion of hands clapping changing into sound energy).

Energy Conversions

1.2.5: Know how the Sun, Moon, and stars appear from Earth.

1.2.5.a: Describe the daily motion of the Sun, Moon, and stars as seen from Earth's surface (e.g., the Sun, the Moon, and the stars all rise in the east and set in the west).

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

1.2.8: Understand the organization and function of human body structures and organs and how these structures and organs interconnect.

1.2.8.a: Recognize, explain, and give examples of human systems that are composed of organs (e.g., ear for hearing, mouth for speech).

Circulatory System

1.2.8.c: Describe the interdependence of organ systems in the human body (e.g., what would happen if one part of the human body system was missing).


1.3: Understand how interactions within and among systems cause changes in matter and energy.

1.3.7: Know how the appearance of the Sun, Moon, and stars changes as seen from Earth.

1.3.7.a: Describe how the Sun rises and sets at different places and times every day in a yearly pattern.

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

Correlation last revised: 1/20/2017

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.