4: Life Science

4.1: Understand that basic structures in plants and animals serve a function.

4.1.PO 1: Describe the function of the following plant structures:

4.1.PO 1.c: leaves - synthesize food

Flower Pollination

4.2: Understand the life cycles of plants and animals.

4.2.PO 1: Compare life cycles of various plants (e.g., conifers, flowering plants, ferns).


4.3: Understand the relationships among various organisms and their environment.

4.3.PO 3: Explain the interrelationships among plants and animals in different environments:

4.3.PO 3.a: producers - plants

Forest Ecosystem

4.3.PO 3.b: consumers - animals

Forest Ecosystem

4.3.PO 3.c: decomposers - fungi, insects, bacteria

Forest Ecosystem

5: Physical Science

5.3: Investigate different forms of energy.

5.3.PO 1: Demonstrate that light can be:

5.3.PO 1.c: absorbed (by dark surfaces)

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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