1: Science and Engineering Practices

H.C.1: The student will use the science and engineering practices, including the processes and skills of scientific inquiry, to develop understandings of science content.

H.C.1A: The practices of science and engineering support the development of science concepts, develop the habits of mind that are necessary for scientific thinking, and allow students to engage in science in ways that are similar to those used by scientists and engineers.

H.C.1A.1: Ask questions to

H.C.1A.1.1: generate hypotheses for scientific investigations,

Boyle's Law and Charles's Law
Periodic Trends
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.1.2: refine models, explanations, or designs, or

Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.1.3: extend the results of investigations or challenge scientific arguments or claims.

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction

H.C.1A.2: Develop, use, and refine models to

H.C.1A.2.1: understand or represent phenomena, processes, and relationships,

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Boyle's Law and Charles's Law
Collision Theory
Covalent Bonds
Determining a Spring Constant
Element Builder
Equilibrium and Concentration
Equilibrium and Pressure
Melting Points
Periodic Trends
Phase Changes
Polarity and Intermolecular Forces
Programmable Rover
Reaction Energy
Sticky Molecules
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.2.2: test devices or solutions, or

Programmable Rover

H.C.1A.2.3: communicate ideas to others.

Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.3: Plan and conduct controlled scientific investigations to answer questions, test hypotheses, and develop explanations:

H.C.1A.3.1: formulate scientific questions and testable hypotheses based on credible scientific information,

Real-Time Histogram
Sight vs. Sound Reactions
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.3.2: identify materials, procedures, and variables,

Boyle's Law and Charles's Law
Freezing Point of Salt Water
Identifying Nutrients
Solubility and Temperature
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.3.3: use appropriate laboratory equipment, technology, and techniques to collect qualitative and quantitative data, and

Average Atomic Mass
Ideal Gas Law
Measuring Volume
Melting Points
Mystery Powder Analysis
Periodic Trends
Programmable Rover
Sticky Molecules
Triple Beam Balance
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.3.4: record and represent data in an appropriate form. Use appropriate safety procedures.

Average Atomic Mass
Ideal Gas Law
Measuring Volume
Melting Points
Periodic Trends
Polarity and Intermolecular Forces
Programmable Rover
Sticky Molecules
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.4: Analyze and interpret data from informational texts and data collected from investigations using a range of methods (such as tabulation, graphing, or statistical analysis) to

H.C.1A.4.1: reveal patterns and construct meaning,

Average Atomic Mass
Boyle's Law and Charles's Law
Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Electron Configuration
Ideal Gas Law
Melting Points
Pendulum Clock
Periodic Trends
Polarity and Intermolecular Forces
Programmable Rover
Sticky Molecules
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.4.2: support or refute hypotheses, explanations, claims, or designs, or

Average Atomic Mass
Boyle's Law and Charles's Law
Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Ideal Gas Law
Melting Points
Pendulum Clock
Polarity and Intermolecular Forces
Programmable Rover
Sticky Molecules
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.4.3: evaluate the strength of conclusions.

Effect of Environment on New Life Form
Pendulum Clock
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.5: Use mathematical and computational thinking to

H.C.1A.5.1: use and manipulate appropriate metric units,

Average Atomic Mass
Ideal Gas Law
Periodic Trends
Unit Conversions

H.C.1A.5.2: express relationships between variables for models and investigations, and

Boyle's Law and Charles's Law
Freezing Point of Salt Water
Ideal Gas Law
Solubility and Temperature
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.6: Construct explanations of phenomena using

H.C.1A.6.1: primary or secondary scientific evidence and models,

Average Atomic Mass
Collision Theory
Ideal Gas Law
Melting Points
Periodic Trends
Polarity and Intermolecular Forces
Programmable Rover
Sticky Molecules
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.6.2: conclusions from scientific investigations,

Average Atomic Mass
Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Ideal Gas Law
Programmable Rover
Sticky Molecules
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.6.3: predictions based on observations and measurements, or

Melting Points
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.6.4: data communicated in graphs, tables, or diagrams.

Ideal Gas Law
Mystery Powder Analysis
Periodic Trends
Polarity and Intermolecular Forces
Seasons Around the World
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.8: Obtain and evaluate scientific information to

H.C.1A.8.1: answer questions,

Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.8.2: explain or describe phenomena,

Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.8.3: develop models,

Reaction Energy
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.8.4: evaluate hypotheses, explanations, claims, or designs or

Reaction Energy
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.8.5: identify and/or fill gaps in knowledge.

Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1A.8.5a: Communicate using the conventions and expectations of scientific writing or oral presentations by

H.C.1A.8.5a.2: reporting the results of student experimental investigations.

Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.1B: Technology is any modification to the natural world created to fulfill the wants and needs of humans. The engineering design process involves a series of iterative steps used to solve a problem and often leads to the development of a new or improved technology.

H.C.1B.1: Construct devices or design solutions using scientific knowledge to solve specific problems or needs:

H.C.1B.1.3: generate and communicate ideas for possible devices or solutions,

Programmable Rover

H.C.1B.1.4: build and test devices or solutions,

Programmable Rover

H.C.1B.1.5: determine if the devices or solutions solved the problem and refine the design if needed, and

Programmable Rover

H.C.1B.1.6: communicate the results.

Programmable Rover

2: Atomic Structure and Nuclear Processes

H.C.2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of atomic structure and nuclear processes.

H.C.2A: The existence of atoms can be used to explain the structure and behavior of matter. Each atom consists of a charged nucleus, consisting of protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons. The interactions of these electrons between and within atoms are the primary factors that determine the chemical properties of matter. In a neutral atom the number of protons is the same as the number of electrons.

H.C.2A.1: Obtain and communicate information to describe and compare subatomic particles with regard to mass, location, charge, electrical attractions and repulsions, and impact on the properties of an atom.

Average Atomic Mass
Periodic Trends

H.C.2A.2: Use the Bohr and quantum mechanical models of atomic structure to exemplify how electrons are distributed in atoms.

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Electron Configuration
Element Builder

H.C.2B: In nuclear fusion, lighter nuclei combine to form more stable heavier nuclei and in nuclear fission heavier nuclei are split to form lighter nuclei. The energies in fission and fusion reactions exceed the energies in usual chemical reactions.

H.C.2B.2: Develop models to exemplify radioactive decay and use the models to explain the concept of half-life and its use in determining the age of materials (such as radiocarbon dating or the use of radioisotopes to date rocks).


H.C.2B.3: Obtain and communicate information to compare and contrast nuclear fission and nuclear fusion and to explain why the ability to produce low energy nuclear reactions would be a scientific breakthrough.

Nuclear Reactions

3: Bonding and Chemical Formulas

H.C.3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structures and classification of chemical compounds.

H.C.3A: Elements are made up of only one kind of atom. With increasing atomic number, a predictable pattern for the addition of electrons exists. This pattern is the basis for the arrangement of elements in the periodic table. The chemical properties of an element are determined by an element’s electron configuration. Elements can react to form chemical compounds/molecules that have unique properties determined by the kinds of atoms combined to make up the compound/molecule. Essentially, the ways in which electrons are involved in bonds determines whether ionic or covalent bonds are formed. Compounds have characteristic shapes that are determined by the type and number of bonds formed.

H.C.3A.1: Construct explanations for the formation of molecular compounds via sharing of electrons and for the formation of ionic compounds via transfer of electrons.

Ionic Bonds
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.3A.2: Use the periodic table to write and interpret the formulas and names of chemical compounds (including binary ionic compounds, binary covalent compounds, and straight-chain alkanes up to six carbons).

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

H.C.3A.3: Analyze and interpret data to predict the type of bonding (ionic or covalent) and the shape of simple compounds by using the Lewis dot structures and oxidation numbers.

Covalent Bonds

H.C.3A.4: Plan and conduct controlled scientific investigations to generate data on the properties of substances and analyze the data to infer the types of bonds (including ionic, polar covalent, and nonpolar covalent) in simple compounds.

Polarity and Intermolecular Forces
Electrons and Chemical Reactions

4: States of Matter

H.C.4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and behavior of the different states of matter.

H.C.4A: Matter can exist as a solid, liquid, or gas, and in very high-energy states, as plasma. In general terms, for a given chemical, the particles making up the solid are at a lower energy state than the liquid phase, which is at a lower energy state than the gaseous phase. The changes from one state of matter into another are energy dependent. The behaviors of gases are dependent on the factors of pressure, volume, and temperature.

H.C.4A.1: Develop and use models to explain the arrangement and movement of the particles in solids, liquids, gases, and plasma as well as the relative strengths of their intermolecular forces.

Melting Points
Sticky Molecules
Temperature and Particle Motion

H.C.4A.3: Conduct controlled scientific investigations and use models to explain the behaviors of gases (including the proportional relationships among pressure, volume, and temperature).

Boyle's Law and Charles's Law
Equilibrium and Pressure
Ideal Gas Law

5: Solutions, Acids, and Bases

H.C.5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature and properties of various types of chemical solutions.

H.C.5A: Solutions can exist in any of three physical states: gas, liquid, or solid. Solution concentrations can be expressed by specifying the relative amounts of solute and solvent. The nature of the solute, the solvent, the temperature, and the pressure can affect solubility. Solutes can affect such solvent properties as freezing point, boiling point, and vapor pressure. Acids, bases, and salts have characteristic properties. Several definitions of acids and bases are used in chemistry.

H.C.5A.2: Analyze and interpret data to explain the effects of temperature and pressure on the solubility of solutes in a given amount of solvent.

Solubility and Temperature

6: Chemical reactions

H.C.6: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the types, the causes, and the effects of chemical reactions.

H.C.6A: A chemical reaction occurs when elements and/or compounds interact, resulting in a rearrangement of the atoms of these elements and/or compounds to produce substances with unique properties. Mass is conserved in chemical reactions. Reactions tend to proceed in a direction that favors lower energies. Chemical reactions can be categorized using knowledge about the reactants to predict products. Chemical reactions are quantifiable. When stress is applied to a chemical system that is in equilibrium, the system will shift in a direction that reduces that stress.

H.C.6A.1: Develop and use models to predict the products of chemical reactions

H.C.6A.1.3: based upon movements of electrons.

Electrons and Chemical Reactions

H.C.6A.2: Use Le Châtelier’s principle to predict shifts in chemical equilibria resulting from changes in concentration, pressure, and temperature.

Equilibrium and Concentration
Equilibrium and Pressure

H.C.6A.3: Plan and conduct controlled scientific investigations to produce mathematical evidence that mass is conserved in chemical reactions.

Chemical Changes

H.C.6A.4: Use mathematical and computational thinking to predict the amounts of reactants required and products produced in specific chemical reactions.

Chemical Equations
Limiting Reactants

7: Thermochemistry and Chemical Kinetics

H.C.7: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the conservation of energy and energy transfer.

H.C.7A: The first law of thermodynamics states that the amount of energy in the universe is constant. An energy diagram is used to represent changes in the energy of the reactants and products in a chemical reaction. Enthalpy refers to the heat content that is present in an atom, ion, or compound. While some chemical reactions occur spontaneously, other reactions may require that activation energy be lowered in order for the reaction to occur.

H.C.7A.1: Analyze and interpret data from energy diagrams and investigations to support claims that the amount of energy released or absorbed during a chemical reaction depends on changes in total bond energy.

Reaction Energy

H.C.7A.3: Plan and conduct controlled scientific investigations to determine the effects of temperature, surface area, stirring, concentration of reactants, and the presence of various catalysts on the rate of chemical reactions.

Collision Theory

H.C.7A.4: Develop and use models to explain the relationships between collision frequency, the energy of collisions, the orientation of molecules, activation energy, and the rates of chemical reactions.

Collision Theory

Correlation last revised: 5/18/2021

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