1: The Biosphere

1.1: Attitudes

1.1.2: develop an awareness of one's personal role in the preservation of the environment

Water Pollution

1.1.3: develop a sense of responsibility toward use of our environment

Water Pollution

1.1.1: appreciate the complexity of our planet

1.1.1.A: most of the energy used in the biosphere comes from the Sun and is either stored or reradiated back into space, by extending from Science 10, Unit 1, the Sun's role in heating Earth, and by:

1.1.1.A.1: explaining how energy storage in the biosphere, as a system, can be visualized as a balance between photosynthetic and cellular respiratory activities

Cell Energy Cycle
Food Chain
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

1.1.1.A.2: describing how stored biological energy in the biosphere, as a system, is eventually lost as heat; e.g., muscle heat generation, decomposition.

Food Chain

1.1.2.A: performing an experiment to demonstrate, quantitatively, solar energy storage by plants

Cell Energy Cycle
Food Chain
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

1.1.3.A: understanding that the biosphere is maintained by solar energy that flows through photosynthesis and respiration and is lost as heat; and by measuring and comparing solar energy variations; and performing experiments that demonstrate plant energy storage, within the context of:

1.1.3.A.1: evaluating the evidence for the influence of ice and snow on the storage of solar energy; i.e., albedo effect, hypothesizing about consequences of fluctuations for biological systems

Photosynthesis Lab

1.1.3.A.4: any other relevant context.

Cell Energy Cycle
Food Chain
Photosynthesis Lab

1.2: The cycling of matter through the biosphere perpetuates its steady state equilibrium.

1.2.1: Knowledge

1.2.1.A: specific chemical elements are cycled through the biotic and abiotic components of the biosphere, by extending from Science 10, Unit 1, the hydrologic cycle, and by:

1.2.1.A.2: explaining how water is cycled through the biosphere along characteristic pathways

Water Cycle

1.2.1.A.3: identifying the properties of water and explaining their relevance to the hydrologic cycle; e.g., freezing point, hydrogen bonding, specific heat, density.

Density Experiment: Slice and Dice
Water Cycle

1.2.2: Skills

1.2.2.B: hypothesizing how alterations in the carbon cycle, as a result of the burning of fossil fuels, might influence other cycling phenomena

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

1.2.2.C: measuring the rates of precipitation and evaporation in the local area; and comparing this with precipitation and evaporation data of other areas of the province and/or the country

Water Cycle

1.2.2.D: designing an experiment to compare carbon dioxide production by plants with that of animals

Cell Energy Cycle
Photosynthesis Lab

1.2.3: STS Connections

1.2.3.A: understanding that biosphere cycling of matter perpetuates its steady state; and by predicting and hypothesizing the human influence in these cycles; and by measuring and comparing precipitation and water movement; and designing matter exchange experiments with plants and animals, within the context of:

1.2.3.A.1: analyzing how society affects the biogeochemical cycle of carbon, which in turn influences the greenhouse effect

Cell Energy Cycle
Greenhouse Effect
Photosynthesis Lab

1.2.3.A.3: evaluating the implications of the greenhouse effect on the hydrologic cycle and the water requirements of society and its agricultural systems

Water Cycle

1.2.3.A.4: any other relevant context.

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

1.3: The balance of energy and matter exchange in the biosphere, as an open system, maintains its steady state equilibrium.

1.3.1: Knowledge

1.3.1.A: air composition is influenced by the activities of organisms, by extending from Science 10, Unit 2, how energy and matter are exchanged between living systems and their environment, and by:

1.3.1.A.1: explaining how the equilibrium between gas exchanges in photosynthesis and cellular respiration influences atmospheric composition

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

1.3.1.A.2: describing how human activities can have a disrupting influence on the balance, in the biosphere, of photosynthetic and cellular respiratory activities; e.g., fossil fuel combustion, forest destruction.

Cell Energy Cycle
Photosynthesis Lab

1.3.2: Skills

1.3.2.A: predicting the effect of changes in carbon dioxide and oxygen concentration on the atmospheric equilibrium by a significant reduction of photosynthetic organisms through human activities

Cell Energy Cycle
Greenhouse Effect
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab
Water Pollution

1.3.2.B: designing a model of a closed biological system in equilibrium with respect to carbon dioxide, water and oxygen exchange; e.g., space station, Biosphere II.

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab
Water Cycle

1.3.3: STS Connections

1.3.3.A: understanding the balance of energy and matter exchange in the biosphere and the influence of human activities on this equilibrium; and by predicting atmospheric equilibrium changes and designing models of closed systems in equilibrium, within the context of:

1.3.3.A.3: evaluating, from the past to the present, the evidence for changes in atmospheric composition, with respect to carbon dioxide and its significance to current biosphere equilibrium

Cell Energy Cycle
Greenhouse Effect
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

2: Energy Flows and Cellular Matter

2.1: Attitudes

2.1.1: appreciate that energy and matter may flow at very different levels of organization

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

2.1.2: appreciate that events at the molecular level support the functioning of living systems

Cell Structure

2.1.1.A: light energy is stored in plants when photosynthesis uses light energy to synthesize carbohydrates, by extending from Science 10, Unit 2, the structure and function of membranes, and by:

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

2.1.2.A: using chromatography techniques to demonstrate that plant leaves contain a range of pigments

Cell Energy Cycle
Photosynthesis Lab

2.1.2.B: using experimental data to demonstrate, quantitatively, that plant leaves produce starch in the presence of light

Photosynthesis Lab

2.1.2.C: drawing analogies between the storage of energy by photosynthesis and the storage of energy by active solar generating systems.

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

2.1.3: appreciate that biologists can pursue careers involving work at very different levels of biological organization

2.1.3.A: understanding how light energy from the Sun is stored in organic compounds by photosynthesis; and by using chromatography technology to demonstrate, quantitatively, energy storage in plants; and by drawing analogies between biological energy storage and active solar storage, within the context of:

2.1.3.A.1: analyzing the role of photosynthesis as the biological basis of agriculture and forestry

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

2.1.3.A.2: researching and analyzing the effects of herbicides on the biochemistry of photosynthesis

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

2.1.3.A.3: any other relevant context.

Cell Energy Cycle
Food Chain
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

2.2: Respiration releases potential energy from organic compounds.

2.2.1: Knowledge

2.2.1.A: cellular respiration involves the release of stored energy from carbohydrates, as well as other organic molecules, by extending from Science 10, Unit 2, growth in living systems, and by:

2.2.1.A.1: explaining, in general terms, how carbohydrates are oxidized by glycolysis and Krebs cycle to produce reducing power in NADH and flavin adenine dinucleotide, reduced form (FADH), and chemical potential in ATP, describing where in the cell those processes occur; and understanding that specific detailed knowledge of the biochemistry of the reactions is not required

Cell Energy Cycle

2.2.1.A.2: explaining, in general terms, how chemiosmosis converts the reducing power of NADH and FADH to the chemical potential of ATP, describing where in the cell the process occurs; and understanding that specific detailed knowledge of the biochemistry of the reactions is not required

Cell Energy Cycle
Photosynthesis Lab

2.2.1.A.3: explaining the role of oxygen in cellular respiration; e.g., aerobic, anaerobic

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals

2.2.1.A.4: summarizing and explaining the role of ATP in metabolism; e.g., synthesis, movement, active transport

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

2.2.1.A.5: explaining how environmental pollutants, like cyanide or hydrogen sulfide, inhibit cellular respiration.

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals

2.2.2: Skills

2.2.2.A: designing and performing an experiment to demonstrate that a byproduct of respiration in both autotrophs and heterotrophs is heat

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals

2.2.2.D: drawing analogies between the role of ATP in a cell and money in an economic system

Cell Energy Cycle

2.2.2.E: investigating the action of metabolic toxins, such as hydrogen sulfide, on cellular respiration.

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

2.2.3: STS Connections

2.2.3.A: understanding that potential energy stored in organic compounds is released by cellular metabolic processes, the role of oxygen and ATP, and environmental influences on these processes; and by demonstrating, experimentally, heterotroph gas exchange; designing and performing metabolic experiments and investigating the action of metabolic toxins, within the context of:

2.2.3.A.4: any other relevant context.

Dehydration Synthesis

3: Energy and Matter Exchange in Ecosystems

3.1: Attitudes

3.1.2: value the knowledge that all organisms have an important role in maintaining the life of the planet

Food Chain
Interdependence of Plants and Animals

3.1.3: develop an awareness of one's personal role in the preservation of the environment

Water Pollution

3.1.4: develop a sense of responsibility toward use of the environment

Water Pollution

3.1.7: value the necessity of being adaptable to changes in the environment ยท appreciate the explanatory value of the modern synthesis of the Darwinian theory of evolution to all aspects of biology at all organizational levels, as well as appreciate the limitations of the theory

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection

3.1.2.A: performing a field study and measuring, quantitatively, appropriate abiotic factors, such as temperature, precipitation, snow depth, ice thickness, light intensity, pH, hardness and oxygen content in an aquatic and a terrestrial ecosystem; and presenting the data in a form, such as graphs, tables or charts, that describe, in general terms, the abiotic structure of the ecosystem chosen

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

3.1.3.A: understanding that the biosphere is composed of biomes and ecosystems, each distinctly characterized by their energy and matter exchange; and by performing field studies measuring, gathering and analyzing biotic and abiotic data; evaluating resource and technology dependability; hypothesizing the ecological roles of snow and ice; and predicting future outcomes of ecosystems, within the context of:

3.1.3.A.1: evaluating the impact that human activity has had, or could have, on the ecosystems chosen

Rabbit Population by Season

3.1.3.A.2: analyzing the needs and interests of society that may influence the natural quality of water used for human consumption

Water Pollution

3.2: Ecosystems have characteristic structures determined by their energy and matter exchange.

3.2.1: Knowledge

3.2.1.A: the structure of ecosystems can be described, by extending from Biology 20, Unit 2, the relationship between photosynthesis and respiration, and by:

3.2.1.A.1: explaining, quantitatively, the structure of ecosystem trophic levels, using models, such as food chains and webs

Food Chain

3.2.1.A.2: explaining, quantitatively, the energy and matter exchange in ecosystems, using models, such as pyramids.

Cell Energy Cycle
Food Chain
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

3.2.2: Skills

3.2.2.B: evaluating, quantitatively, the energy and matter exchange in a chosen ecosystem, using a pyramid of mass or numbers

Food Chain

3.2.3: STS Connections

3.2.3.A: understanding how the nature of energy and matter exchange determines ecosystem structure and representing this information in models; and by collecting and analyzing energy and matter exchange information, and building models from this information, within the context of:

3.2.3.A.2: analyzing the interrelationship between the introduction of heavy metals into the environment and matter exchange in natural food chains/webs, and the impact of this on quality of life

Food Chain

3.2.3.A.5: any other relevant context.

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals
Photosynthesis Lab

3.3: Populations are basic components of ecosystem structure.

3.3.1: Knowledge

3.3.1.A: there is a great deal of variation within populations, by:

3.3.1.A.1: describing, in general terms, the nature of variation within populations; e.g., inherited versus acquired, continuous versus discontinuous

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

3.3.1.A.2: explaining how populations are adapted to their environment; e.g., drug resistance, cold tolerance

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection

3.3.1.A.3: explaining, in general terms, how a great range of variation exists within individual populations; e.g., blood groups, enzymes

Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium

3.3.1.A.4: summarizing and describing lines of evidence to support the evolution of modern species from ancestral forms; e.g., hominids, horses

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

3.3.1.A.5: describing natural selection and explaining its action on future populations leading to evolutionary change.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection

3.3.2: Skills

3.3.2.A: designing and performing an experiment to measure inherited variation in a plant or animal population

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection

3.3.2.C: gathering and analyzing data, actual or simulated, on plants or animals to demonstrate how morphology evolves over time; e.g., corn, Darwin's finches, pepper moths.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

3.3.3: STS Connections

3.3.3.A: understanding that populations are the basic component of ecosystem structure, including range of variation, environmental adaptation and evidence supporting evolutionary change; and by designing and performing experiments to measure variation, hypothesizing adaptive significance of variations; and analyzing morphology changes over time, within the context of:

3.3.3.A.5: any other relevant context.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection

4: Energy and Matter Exchange by the Human Organism

4.1: Attitudes

4.1.1: appreciate the importance of the relationship between the human organism and its environment in maintaining homeostasis

Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

4.1.3: foster a curiosity about the structure and function of the human organism's systems, and their role in maintaining equilibrium with the environment

Human Homeostasis
Paramecium Homeostasis

4.1.4: appreciate how the digestive, respiratory, excretory, transport and defence systems are closely linked to cellular respiration

Cell Energy Cycle
Interdependence of Plants and Animals

4.2: The human organism's excretory system exchanges energy and matter with the environment.

4.2.2: Skills

4.2.2.B: researching the human excretory system and designing a flow chart model to describe how the human organism maintains homeostasis with respect to water and ions in a situation where either the water intake was high; e.g., tea, coffee, soda pop, or where the sodium ion intake was excessive; e.g., anchovy pizza, cheese

Paramecium Homeostasis

Correlation last revised: 2/26/2010

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