ESS: Earth and Space Science

1.1: Earth’s Resources

3.ESS.2: Earth’s resources can be used for energy.

3.ESS.2.a: Renewable energy resources, such as wind, water or solar energy, can be replenished within a short amount of time by natural processes.

Energy Conversions

LS: Life Science

2.1: Behavior, Growth and Changes

3.LS.1: Offspring resemble their parents and each other.

3.LS.1.a: Individual organisms inherit many traits from their parents indicating a reliable way to transfer information from one generation to the next.


3.LS.3: Plants and animals have life cycles that are part of their adaptations for survival in their natural environments.

3.LS.3.a: Worldwide, organisms are growing, reproducing, dying and decaying. The details of the life cycle are different for different organisms, which affects their ability to survive and reproduce in their natural environments.

Flower Pollination

PS: Physical Science

3.1: Matter and Forms of Energy

3.PS.2: Matter exists in different states, each of which has different properties.

3.PS.2.a: The most recognizable states of matter are solids, liquids and gases.

Phases of Water

3.PS.2.c: One way to change matter from one state to another is by heating or cooling.

Phases of Water

3.PS.3: Heat, electrical energy, light, sound and magnetic energy are forms of energy.

3.PS.3.a: There are many different forms of energy. Energy is the ability to cause motion or create change. The different forms of energy that are outlined at this grade level should be limited to familiar forms that a student is able to observe.

Energy Conversions
Heat Absorption

Correlation last revised: 9/15/2020

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