M03.A-T: Numbers and Operations in Base Ten

M03.A-T.1: Use place-value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.

M03.A-T.1.1: Apply place-value strategies to solve problems.

M03.A-T.1.1.1: Round two- and three-digit whole numbers to the nearest ten or hundred, respectively.

Rounding Whole Numbers (Number Line)

M03.A-T.1.1.2: Add two- and three-digit whole numbers (limit sums from 100 through 1,000) and/or subtract two- and three-digit numbers from three-digit whole numbers.

Adding Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Adding Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)
Cargo Captain (Multi-digit Subtraction)
Fractions Greater than One (Fraction Tiles)
Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Rounding Whole Numbers (Number Line)
Subtracting Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)
Target Sum Card Game (Multi-digit Addition)
Whole Numbers with Base-10 Blocks

M03.A-T.1.1.4: Order a set of whole numbers from least to greatest or greatest to least (up through 9,999, and limit sets to no more than four numbers).

Modeling Whole Numbers and Decimals (Base-10 Blocks)

M03.A-F: Numbers and Operations—Fractions

M03.A-F.1: Develop an understanding of fractions as numbers.

M03.A-F.1.1: Develop and apply number theory concepts to compare quantities and magnitudes of fractions and whole numbers.

M03.A-F.1.1.1: Demonstrate that when a whole or set is partitioned into y equal parts, the fraction 1/y represents 1 part of the whole and/or the fraction x/y represents x equal parts of the whole (limit denominators to 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8; limit numerators to whole numbers less than the denominator; and no simplification necessary).

Equivalent Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Fraction Artist 1 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Artist 2 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Garden (Comparing Fractions)
Fraction, Decimal, Percent (Area and Grid Models)
Modeling Fractions (Area Models)
Toy Factory (Set Models of Fractions)

M03.A-F.1.1.2: Represent fractions on a number line (limit denominators to 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8; limit numerators to whole numbers less than the denominator; and no simplification necessary).

Fraction Garden (Comparing Fractions)
Fractions Greater than One (Fraction Tiles)
Modeling Fractions (Area Models)

M03.A-F.1.1.3: Recognize and generate simple equivalent fractions (limit the denominators to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 and limit numerators to whole numbers less than the denominator).

Adding Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Equivalent Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Factor Trees (Factoring Numbers)
Fraction Artist 1 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Artist 2 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Garden (Comparing Fractions)
Fractions Greater than One (Fraction Tiles)
Modeling Fractions (Area Models)
Toy Factory (Set Models of Fractions) 1/2 = 2/4

Adding Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Equivalent Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Factor Trees (Factoring Numbers)
Fraction Artist 1 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Artist 2 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Garden (Comparing Fractions)
Fractions Greater than One (Fraction Tiles)
Modeling Fractions (Area Models)
Toy Factory (Set Models of Fractions) 4/6 = 2/3

Adding Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Equivalent Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Factor Trees (Factoring Numbers)
Fraction Artist 1 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Artist 2 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Garden (Comparing Fractions)
Fractions Greater than One (Fraction Tiles)
Modeling Fractions (Area Models)
Toy Factory (Set Models of Fractions)

M03.A-F.1.1.4: Express whole numbers as fractions, and/or generate fractions that are equivalent to whole numbers (limit denominators to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8).

Equivalent Fractions (Fraction Tiles)

M03.A-F.1.1.5: Compare two fractions with the same denominator (limit denominators to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8), using the symbols >, =, or <, and/or justify the conclusions.

Adding Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Equivalent Fractions (Fraction Tiles)
Fraction Artist 1 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Artist 2 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Garden (Comparing Fractions)
Fractions Greater than One (Fraction Tiles)
Modeling Fractions (Area Models)
Toy Factory (Set Models of Fractions)

M03.B-O: Operations and Algebraic Thinking

M03.B-O.1: Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

M03.B-O.1.1: Understand various meanings of multiplication and division.

M03.B-O.1.1.1: Interpret and/or describe products of whole numbers (up to and including 10 × 10).

Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication) Interpret 35 as the total number of objects in 5 groups, each containing 7 objects.

Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)

M03.B-O.1.1.2: Interpret and/or describe whole-number quotients of whole numbers (limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors and quotients through 10).

No Alien Left Behind (Division with Remainders)

M03.B-O.1.2: Solve mathematical and real-world problems using multiplication and division, including determining the missing number in a multiplication and/or division equation.

M03.B-O.1.2.1: Use multiplication (up to and including 10 × 10) and/or division (limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors and quotients through 10) to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and/or measurement quantities.

Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
No Alien Left Behind (Division with Remainders)

M03.B-O.1.2.2: Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication (up to and including 10 × 10) or division (limit dividends through 50 and limit divisors and quotients through 10) equation relating three whole numbers.

Factor Trees (Factoring Numbers)

M03.B-O.2: Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.

M03.B-O.2.1: Use properties to simplify and solve multiplication problems.

M03.B-O.2.1.1: Apply the commutative property of multiplication (not identification or definition of the property).

Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
Multiplying Decimals (Area Model)
Pattern Flip (Patterns)

M03.B-O.2.1.2: Apply the associative property of multiplication (not identification or definition of the property).

Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
Multiplying Decimals (Area Model)
Pattern Flip (Patterns)

M03.B-O.2.2: Relate division to a missing-number multiplication equation.

M03.B-O.2.2.1: Interpret and/or model division as a multiplication equation with an unknown factor.

Factor Trees (Factoring Numbers)

M03.B-O.3: Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

M03.B-O.3.1: Use operations, patterns, and estimation strategies to solve problems (may include word problems).

M03.B-O.3.1.1: Solve two-step word problems using the four operations (expressions are not explicitly stated). Limit to problems with whole numbers and having whole-number answers.

Cargo Captain (Multi-digit Subtraction)
Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
No Alien Left Behind (Division with Remainders)
Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Using Algebraic Equations
Using Algebraic Expressions

M03.B-O.3.1.2: Represent two-step word problems using equations with a symbol standing for the unknown quantity. Limit to problems with whole numbers and having whole-number answers.

Cargo Captain (Multi-digit Subtraction)
Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
No Alien Left Behind (Division with Remainders)
Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Using Algebraic Equations
Using Algebraic Expressions

M03.B-O.3.1.3: Assess the reasonableness of answers. Limit problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-number answers.

Cargo Captain (Multi-digit Subtraction)
Critter Count (Modeling Multiplication)
No Alien Left Behind (Division with Remainders)
Number Line Frog Hop (Addition and Subtraction)
Using Algebraic Equations
Using Algebraic Expressions

M03.B-O.3.1.5: Identify arithmetic patterns (including patterns in the addition table or multiplication table) and/or explain them using properties of operations.

Function Machines 1 (Functions and Tables)
Pattern Flip (Patterns)

M03.C-G: Geometry

M03.C-G.1: Reason with shapes and their attributes.

M03.C-G.1.1: Analyze characteristics of polygons.

M03.C-G.1.1.1: Explain that shapes in different categories may share attributes and that the shared attributes can define a larger category.

Classifying Quadrilaterals

M03.C-G.1.1.2: Recognize rhombi, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals and/or draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.

Classifying Quadrilaterals

M03.C-G.1.1.3: Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole.

Fraction Artist 1 (Area Models of Fractions)
Fraction Artist 2 (Area Models of Fractions)
Modeling Fractions (Area Models)

M03.D-M: Measurement and Data

M03.D-M.1: Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, money, liquid volumes, masses, and lengths of objects.

M03.D-M.1.1: Determine or calculate time and elapsed time.

M03.D-M.1.1.1: Tell, show, and/or write time (analog) to the nearest minute.

Elapsed Time

M03.D-M.1.1.2: Calculate elapsed time to the minute in a given situation (total elapsed time limited to 60 minutes or less).

Elapsed Time

M03.D-M.1.2: Use the attributes of liquid volume, mass, and length of objects.

M03.D-M.1.2.1: Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects using standard units (cups [c], pints [pt], quarts [qt], gallons [gal], ounces [oz.], and pounds [lb]) and metric units (liters [l], grams [g], and kilograms [kg]).

Cannonball Clowns (Number Line Estimation)

M03.D-M.1.2.2: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide to solve one-step word problems involving masses or liquid volumes that are given in the same units.

Cannonball Clowns (Number Line Estimation)

M03.D-M.1.2.3: Use a ruler to measure lengths to the nearest quarter inch or centimeter.

Measuring Trees

M03.D-M.2: Represent and interpret data.

M03.D-M.2.1: Organize, display, and answer questions based on data.

M03.D-M.2.1.1: Complete a scaled pictograph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories (scales limited to 1, 2, 5, and 10).

Forest Ecosystem
Graphing Skills
Mascot Election (Pictographs and Bar Graphs)
Prairie Ecosystem
Reaction Time 1 (Graphs and Statistics)

M03.D-M.2.1.2: Solve one- and two-step problems using information to interpret data presented in scaled pictographs and scaled bar graphs (scales limited to 1, 2, 5, and 10).

Forest Ecosystem
Mascot Election (Pictographs and Bar Graphs)
Reaction Time 1 (Graphs and Statistics)

M03.D-M.2.1.3: Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Display the data by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked in appropriate units—whole numbers, halves, or quarters.

Reaction Time 2 (Graphs and Statistics)

M03.D-M.3: Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition.

M03.D-M.3.1: Find the areas of plane figures.

M03.D-M.3.1.1: Measure areas by counting unit squares (square cm, square m, square in., square ft, and non-standard square units).

Balancing Blocks (Volume)
Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Fido's Flower Bed (Perimeter and Area)

M03.D-M.3.1.2: Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole-number side lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems, and represent whole-number products as rectangular areas in mathematical reasoning.

Chocomatic (Multiplication, Arrays, and Area)
Fido's Flower Bed (Perimeter and Area)

M03.D-M.4: Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures.

M03.D-M.4.1: Find and use the perimeters of plane figures.

M03.D-M.4.1.1: Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas, and exhibiting rectangles with the same area and different perimeters. Use the same units throughout the problem.

Fido's Flower Bed (Perimeter and Area)

Correlation last revised: 9/15/2020

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