2.2.11: Computation and Estimation

2.2.11.E: Recognize that the degree of precision needed in calculating a number depends on how the results will be used and the instruments used to generate the measure.

Triple Beam Balance

2.3.11: Measurement and Estimation

2.3.11.A: Select and use appropriate units and tools to measure to the degree of accuracy required in particular measurement situations.

Triple Beam Balance

2.3.11.B: Measure and compare angles in degrees and radians.

Unit Circle

2.3.11.C: Demonstrate the ability to produce measures with specified levels of precision.

Triple Beam Balance

2.6.11: Statistics and Data Analysis

2.6.11.A: Design and conduct an experiment using random sampling. Describe the data as an example of a distribution using statistical measures of center and spread. Organize and represent the results with graphs. (Use standard deviation, variance and t-tests.)

Box-and-Whisker Plots
Line Plots

2.6.11.C: Determine the regression equation of best fit (e.g., linear, quadratic, exponential).

Exponential Functions - Activity A
Linear Functions
Quadratics in Factored Form
Quadratics in Polynomial Form - Activity A
Roots of a Quadratic

2.6.11.F: Determine the degree of dependence of two quantities specified by a two-way table.

Solving Using Trend Lines

2.7.11: Probability and Predictions

2.7.11.A: Compare odds and probability.

Binomial Probabilities
Geometric Probability - Activity A

2.7.11.B: Apply probability and statistics to perform an experiment involving a sample and generalize its results to the entire population.

Geometric Probability - Activity A
Polling: City
Probability Simulations

2.7.11.D: Use experimental and theoretical probability distributions to make judgments about the likelihood of various outcomes in uncertain situations.

Compound Independent Events
Compound Independent and Dependent Events
Geometric Probability - Activity A
Independent and Dependent Events
Probability Simulations
Theoretical and Experimental Probability

2.7.11.E: Solve problems involving independent simple and compound events.

Compound Independent Events
Compound Independent and Dependent Events
Estimating Population Size
Independent and Dependent Events

2.8.11: Algebra and Functions

2.8.11.A: Analyze a given set of data for the existence of a pattern and represent the pattern algebraically and graphically.

Arithmetic Sequences
Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Finding Patterns
Geometric Sequences

2.8.11.B: Give examples of patterns that occur in data from other disciplines.

Arithmetic Sequences
Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Geometric Sequences

2.8.11.C: Use patterns, sequences and series to solve routine and non-routine problems.

Arithmetic Sequences
Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Geometric Sequences

2.8.11.D: Formulate expressions, equations, inequalities, systems of equations, systems of inequalities and matrices to model routine and non-routine problem situations.

Linear Programming - Activity A
Systems of Linear Inequalities (Slope-intercept form) - Activity A
Using Algebraic Equations

2.8.11.E: Use equations to represent curves (e.g., lines, circles, ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas).

Ellipse - Activity A
Hyperbola - Activity A
Parabolas - Activity A
Using Algebraic Equations

2.8.11.F: Identify whether systems of equations and inequalities are consistent or inconsistent.

Linear Programming - Activity A
Systems of Linear Inequalities (Slope-intercept form) - Activity A

2.8.11.G: Analyze and explain systems of equations, systems of inequalities and matrices.

Linear Programming - Activity A
Systems of Linear Inequalities (Slope-intercept form) - Activity A

2.8.11.H: Select and use an appropriate strategy to solve systems of equations and inequalities using graphing calculators, symbol manipulators, spreadsheets and other software.

Linear Programming - Activity A
Modeling Linear Systems - Activity A
Special Types of Solutions to Linear Systems
Systems of Linear Inequalities (Slope-intercept form) - Activity A

2.8.11.J: Demonstrate the connection between algebraic equations and inequalities and the geometry of relations in the coordinate plane.

Defining a Line with Two Points
Ellipse - Activity A
Hyperbola - Activity A
Inequalities Involving Absolute Values
Linear Inequalities in Two Variables - Activity A
Linear Programming - Activity A
Point-Slope Form of a Line - Activity A
Slope-Intercept Form of a Line - Activity A
Solving Equations By Graphing Each Side
Solving Linear Inequalities using Addition and Subtraction
Solving Linear Inequalities using Multiplication and Division
Standard Form of a Line
Systems of Linear Inequalities (Slope-intercept form) - Activity A

2.8.11.K: Select, justify and apply an appropriate technique to graph a linear function in two variables, including slope- intercept, x- and y-intercepts, graphing by transformations and the use of a graphing calculator.

Linear Functions
Point-Slope Form of a Line - Activity A
Slope-Intercept Form of a Line - Activity A
Standard Form of a Line
Translating and Scaling Functions
Using Tables, Rules and Graphs

2.8.11.L: Write the equation of a line when given the graph of the line, two points on the line, or the slope of the line and a point on the line.

Defining a Line with Two Points
Point-Slope Form of a Line - Activity A
Slope-Intercept Form of a Line - Activity A
Standard Form of a Line

2.8.11.N: Solve linear, quadratic and exponential equations both symbolically and graphically.

Roots of a Quadratic
Solving Equations By Graphing Each Side

2.8.11.O: Determine the domain and range of a relation, given a graph or set of ordered pairs.

Functions Involving Square Roots
Introduction to Functions

2.8.11.P: Analyze a relation to determine whether a direct or inverse variation exists and represent it algebraically and graphically.

Determining a Spring Constant
Direct Variation
Direct and Inverse Variation

2.8.11.Q: Represent functional relationships in tables, charts and graphs.

Cosine Function
Cubic Function Activity
Exponential Functions - Activity A
Fourth-Degree Polynomials - Activity A
General Form of a Rational Function
Introduction to Functions
Linear Functions
Logarithmic Functions - Activity A
Logarithmic Functions: Translating and Scaling
Polynomials and Linear Factors
Quadratic and Absolute Value Functions
Quadratics in Factored Form
Quadratics in Polynomial Form - Activity A
Radical Functions
Rational Functions
Sine Function
Slope-Intercept Form of a Line - Activity A
Tangent Function
Using Algebraic Equations
Using Tables, Rules and Graphs

2.8.11.R: Create and interpret functional models.

Exponential Growth and Decay - Activity B

2.8.11.S: Analyze properties and relationships of functions (e.g., linear, polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic).

Cosine Function
Cubic Function Activity
Exponential Functions - Activity A
Fourth-Degree Polynomials - Activity A
General Form of a Rational Function
Linear Functions
Logarithmic Functions - Activity A
Logarithmic Functions: Translating and Scaling
Rational Functions
Sine Function
Tangent Function

2.8.11.T: Analyze and categorize functions by their characteristics.

Cosine Function
Cubic Function Activity
Exponential Functions - Activity A
Fourth-Degree Polynomials - Activity A
General Form of a Rational Function
Logarithmic Functions - Activity A
Logarithmic Functions: Translating and Scaling
Polynomials and Linear Factors
Quadratic and Absolute Value Functions
Quadratics in Factored Form
Quadratics in Polynomial Form - Activity A
Radical Functions
Rational Functions
Sine Function
Tangent Function

2.9.11: Geometry

2.9.11.A: Construct geometric figures using dynamic geometry tools (e.g., Geometer's Sketchpad, Cabri Geometre).

Construct Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Constructing Congruent Segments and Angles

2.9.11.B: Prove that two triangles or two polygons are congruent or similar using algebraic, coordinate and deductive proofs.

Biconditional Statement
Conditional Statement
Congruence in Right Triangles
Perimeters and Areas of Similar Figures
Proving Triangles Congruent
Similar Figures - Activity A
Similar Polygons

2.9.11.C: Identify and prove the properties of quadrilaterals involving opposite sides and angles, consecutive sides and angles and diagonals using deductive proofs.

Classifying Quadrilaterals - Activity B
Special Quadrilaterals

2.9.11.D: Identify corresponding parts in congruent triangles to solve problems.

Congruence in Right Triangles
Proving Triangles Congruent

2.9.11.F: Use the properties of angles, arcs, chords, tangents and secants to solve problems involving circles.

Chords and Arcs

2.9.11.H: Construct a geometric figure and its image using various transformations.

Construct Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Constructing Congruent Segments and Angles
Rotations, Reflections and Translations

2.9.11.J: Analyze figures in terms of the kinds of symmetries they have.

Holiday Snowflake Designer

2.10.11: Trigonometry

2.10.11.A: Use graphing calculators to display periodic and circular functions; describe properties of the graphs.

Cosine Function
Sine Function
Tangent Function
Translating and Scaling Sine and Cosine Functions - Activity A
Unit Circle

2.10.11.B: Identify, create and solve practical problems involving right triangles using the trigonometric functions and the Pythagorean Theorem.

Cosine Function
Distance Formula - Activity A
Geoboard: The Pythagorean Theorem
Pythagorean Theorem - Activity A
Pythagorean Theorem - Activity B
Sine Function
Sine and Cosine Ratios - Activity A
Sine, Cosine and Tangent
Tangent Function

2.11.11: Concepts of Calculus

2.11.11.A: Determine maximum and minimum values of a function over a specified interval.

Roots of a Quadratic

2.11.11.B: Interpret maximum and minimum values in problem situations.

Roots of a Quadratic

2.11.11.C: Graph and interpret rates of growth/decay.

Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs

2.11.11.E: Estimate areas under curves using sequences of areas.

Riemann Sum

Correlation last revised: 11/13/2008

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