SC.05.PS: Physical Science

SC.05.PS.01: Identify substances as they exist in different states of matter.

SC.05.PS.01.01: Distinguish among solids, liquids, and gases.

Phases of Water

SC.05.PS.01.02: Identify unique properties of each state of matter.

Phases of Water

SC.05.PS.02: Describe the ability of matter to change state by heating and cooling.

SC.05.PS.02.01: Recognize that heating and cooling cause changes in states of matter.

Phases of Water

SC.05.PS.02.02: Identify changes in states of matter seen in the environment.

Phases of Water

SC.05.PS.03: Describe and compare the motion of objects.

SC.05.PS.03.01: Recognize and describe the motion of an object in terms of one or more forces acting on it.

Force and Fan Carts

SC.05.PS.04: Identify examples of magnetism and gravity exerting force on an object.

SC.05.PS.04.01: Recognize that magnets attract and repel each other and other materials.


SC.05.PS.04.02: Recognize that things on or near the Earth are pulled toward it by Earths gravity.

Free Fall Tower
Gravity Pitch

SC.05.PS.05: Identify forms of various types of energy and their effects on matter.

SC.05.PS.05.01: Identify various forms of energy including heat, light, sound, and electricity.

Energy Conversions

SC.05.PS.06: Describe examples of energy transfer.

SC.05.PS.06.03: Identify examples of energy transfer in the environment.

Energy Conversions

SC.05.LS: Life Science

SC.05.LS.04: Describe the life cycle of an organism.

SC.05.LS.04.02: Recognize that organisms are produced by living organisms of similar kind, and do not appear spontaneously from inanimate materials.


SC.05.LS.05: Describe the relationship between characteristics of specific habitats and the organisms that live there.

SC.05.LS.05.01: Use drawings or models to represent a series of food chains for specific habitats.

Prairie Ecosystem

SC.05.LS.05.02: Identify the producers, consumers, and decomposers in a given habitat.

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SC.05.LS.05.03: Recognize how all animals depend upon plants whether or not they eat the plants directly.

Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

SC.05.LS.05.04: Explain the relationship between animal behavior and species survival.

Prairie Ecosystem

SC.05.LS.06: Describe how adaptations help a species survive.

SC.05.LS.06.01: Describe changes to the environment that have caused the population of some species to change.

Pond Ecosystem

SC.05.ES: Earth and Space Science

SC.05.ES.04: Describe the Earth's place in the solar system and the patterns of movement of objects within the solar system using pictorial models.

SC.05.ES.04.01: Describe Earths position and movement in the solar system.

Solar System

Correlation last revised: 1/20/2017

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