AC: Academic

AC.B: Biology: Reproduction

AC.B.1: Overall Expectations

AC.B.1.1: describe cell theory, and apply it to processes of cell division, including mitosis, and the function of sexual (including human) and asexual reproductive systems;

Cell Division

AC.B.1.2: investigate and analyse cell division and factors affecting cell reproduction;

Cell Division

AC.B.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

AC.B.2.1: describe the major postulates of the cell theory and how the theory explains cell division (e.g., all living things are made up of one or more cells and the products of those cells; cells are the functional units of life; all cells come from pre-existing cells);

Cell Division

AC.B.2.2: describe cell division, including mitosis, as part of the cell cycle, including the roles of the nucleus, cell membrane, and organelles (e.g., stages of mitosis - prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase);

Cell Division
RNA and Protein Synthesis

AC.B.2.3: explain how the cell nucleus determines cellular processes and contains genetic material, and why DNA replication is important to organism survival;

Building DNA
Cell Structure
RNA and Protein Synthesis

AC.B.2.4: describe various types of asexual reproduction that occur in plant species or animal species, and various methods for the asexual propagation of plants (e.g., fission, budding, production of spores; fission in the amoeba and planaria flatworm, budding in the hydra and sponge; use of bulbs, cuttings, grafting, and modified stems in plants);

Cell Division
Pollination: Flower to Fruit

AC.B.2.6: compare sexual and asexual reproduction (e.g., asexual reproduction produces offspring whose DNA is identical to the parent's DNA, given the same environment; sexual reproduction introduces variation to a species);

Cell Division

AC.B.2.10: distinguish between somatic and reproductive cells and describe factors that may alter genetic material in both types of cells (e.g., uncontrolled exposure to a radioactive source and other mutagens).

Cell Division
Paramecium Homeostasis

AC.C: Chemistry: Atoms and Elements

AC.C.1: Overall Expectations

AC.C.1.1: describe various models of the atom, the atomic structure of common elements, and their organization in the periodic table;

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Electron Configuration
Element Builder

AC.C.1.2: investigate the physical and chemical properties of elements and compounds and use the periodic table to predict the properties of elements;

Electron Configuration
Mystery Powder Analysis

AC.C.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

AC.C.2.3: describe an element as a pure substance made up of one type of particle or atom with its own distinct properties;

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Covalent Bonds
Electron Configuration
Element Builder
Ionic Bonds

AC.C.2.5: demonstrate an understanding of compounds and elements by describing them in terms of molecules and atoms;

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Covalent Bonds
Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds
Limiting Reactants

AC.C.2.6: describe the evolution of models of the atom (e.g., from Dalton to Bohr);

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Element Builder

AC.C.2.7: describe the Bohr-Rutherford model of atomic structure and apply it to atoms and their common ions to atomic number 20;

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Element Builder
Nuclear Decay

AC.C.2.8: identify general features of the periodic table (e.g., arrangement of the elements based on atomic structure, groups or families of elements, periods or horizontal rows);

Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds

AC.C.2.9: relate the Bohr-Rutherford atomic model to properties of elements and their positions in the periodic table;

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Electron Configuration
Element Builder

AC.C.2.10: compare similarities in properties both between and within families of elements to similarities in their atomic structure (e.g., alkali metals, halogens, noble gases);

Covalent Bonds
Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds

AC.C.2.11: use the periodic table to predict the physical and chemical characteristics of an element (e.g., predict that a metal such as sodium will be extremely reactive with a non-metal such as chlorine);

Electron Configuration
Mystery Powder Analysis

AC.C.2.12: identify and write the symbols for common elements and the formulae for common compounds (e.g., C, Cl, S, N; H2O, CO2, NaCl);

Nuclear Decay
Photosynthesis Lab

AC.C.2.13: solve density problems - given any two of mass, volume, and density, determine the third - using the formula density = mass/volume and appropriate SI units;

Density Experiment: Slice and Dice
Density Laboratory
Density via Comparison
Determining Density via Water Displacement

AC.C.2.15: identify, through their observations, the characteristic physical and chemical properties of common elements and compounds (e.g., aluminum is a good conductor of heat; magnesium reacts with oxygen to produce magnesium oxide).

Mineral Identification
Mystery Powder Analysis

AC.C.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

AC.C.3.1: through investigations and applications of basic concepts:

AC.C.3.1.f: communicate scientific ideas, procedures, results, and conclusions using appropriate SI units, language, and formats, and evaluate the processes used in planning, problem solving, decision making, and completing the task (e.g., use appropriate vocabulary such as substance, compound, element, atomic number, mass number);


AC.C.3.4: use molecular models to illustrate the structure of simple molecules (e.g., H2, O2, H2O, NH3, CH4, CO2);

Dehydration Synthesis
Ionic Bonds

AC.C.3.5: use proper notation to represent elements, including their atomic number and mass number (e.g., represent the C-12 isotope, which has an atomic number of 6 and a mass number of 12, as 12/6 C).

Element Builder
Nuclear Decay

AC.C.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

AC.C.4.1: describe the methods used to extract elements in Canada, and outline associated economic and environmental considerations (e.g., use various sources to explain how gold, nickel, carbon, or uranium is obtained and refined);

Element Builder

AC.C.4.2: compare the physical and chemical properties of elements to assess their potential uses and associated risks (e.g., hydrogen versus helium in balloons, copper versus aluminum in wiring, copper versus lead in plumbing);

Mystery Powder Analysis

AC.C.4.3: describe technologies that have depended on understanding atomic and molecular structure (e.g., television, X-rays, nuclear medicine, nuclear power, electron microscopy);

Electron Configuration

AC.E: Earth and Space Science: The Study of the Universe

AC.E.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

AC.E.2.3: describe and compare the general properties and motions of the components of the solar system (e.g., the composition and the physical properties - such as size and state, rotation, size and period of orbit - of the Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets);

Rotation/Revolution of Venus and Earth
Solar System Explorer

AC.E.2.4: describe and explain the effects of the space environment on organisms and materials (e.g., the effects of microgravity on organisms in a spacecraft);

Human Homeostasis

AC.E.2.6: describe the Sun and its effects on the Earth and its atmosphere (e.g., explain the importance of the Sun as an energy source and the types of radiation emitted; describe the aurora borealis);

Seasons Around the World
Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun
Seasons: Why do we have them?
Solar System Explorer

AC.E.2.7: outline models and theories for describing the nature of the Sun and stars and their origin, evolution, and fate.

H-R Diagram

AC.E.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

AC.E.4.3: describe and explain how data provided by ground-based astronomy, satellite-based astronomy, and satellite exploration of the Sun, planets, moons, and other solar-system objects contribute to our knowledge of the solar system;

Rotation/Revolution of Venus and Earth
Solar System Explorer

AC.P: Physics: The Characteristics of Electricity

AC.P.1: Overall Expectations

AC.P.1.2: design and conduct investigations into electrical circuits found in everyday life and into the quantitative relationships among current, potential difference, and resistance;

Advanced Circuits

AC.P.1.3: evaluate the social, economic, and environmental costs and benefits arising from the methods of electrical energy production used in Canada.

Advanced Circuits
Energy Conversions
Household Energy Usage

AC.P.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

AC.P.2.1: describe the properties of static electric charges, and explain electrostatic attraction and repulsion using scientific models of atomic structure;

Charge Launcher
Coulomb Force (Static)
Ionic Bonds
Pith Ball Lab

AC.P.2.2: describe charging by contact and by induction;

Charge Launcher

AC.P.2.3: compare qualitatively static electricity and electric current (e.g., the charge on a charged electroscope and the charge in an operating circuit);

Advanced Circuits

AC.P.2.4: describe the concepts of electric current, potential difference, and resistance, with the help of a water analogy;

Advanced Circuits

AC.P.2.5: explain how electric current, potential difference, and electrical resistance are measured using an ammeter and a voltmeter;

Advanced Circuits

AC.P.2.6: state the SI units of potential difference, electric current, electrical resistance, electrical energy, and power (e.g., volt, ampere, ohm, joule, watt, and kilowatt);

Advanced Circuits
Energy Conversions
Household Energy Usage

AC.P.2.7: describe the relationship among electrical resistance R, potential difference V, and current I;

Advanced Circuits

AC.P.2.9: describe the potential difference and current characteristics in a series and a parallel circuit;

Advanced Circuits

AC.P.2.10: compare the electrical resistance of a series and a parallel connection of identical resistors to that of a single resistor;

Advanced Circuits

AC.P.2.11: determine quantitatively the percent efficiency of an electrical device that converts electrical energy to other forms of energy, using the relationship "percent efficiency = energy output/energy input X 100"

Advanced Circuits
Energy Conversions
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine

AC.P.2.12: describe the relationship among electrical energy transformed E, power P, and elapsed time t, and solve simple problems involving these physical quantities (E=P delta t);

Advanced Circuits
Energy Conversions
Household Energy Usage

AC.P.2.13: compare methods of producing electrical energy, including their advantages and disadvantages (e.g., voltaic cells; primary and secondary cells; photoelectric cells and thermocouples; hydro-electric and fossil-fuelled power; wind, and tidal power).

Advanced Circuits
Energy Conversions
Household Energy Usage

AC.P.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

AC.P.3.1: through investigations and applications of basic concepts:

AC.P.3.1.c: demonstrate the skills required to plan and conduct an inquiry into electricity, using instruments, tools, and apparatus safely, accurately, and effectively (e.g., use an ammeter and a voltmeter to measure current and potential difference in a circuit);

Advanced Circuits

AC.P.3.2: design, draw, and construct series and parallel circuits for a given purpose, and measure current, potential difference, and resistance at various points in the circuit, using appropriate instruments and SI units (e.g., design and construct a circuit used to enable one of several light bulbs to be switched on and off independently of the others);

Advanced Circuits

AC.P.3.3: formulate operational definitions for physical quantities involved in electricity (e.g., potential difference, current, resistance, electrical energy, and power);

Advanced Circuits
Household Energy Usage

AC.P.3.5: predict, verify, and explain the effect of a nearby charged object on a charged electroscope;

Charge Launcher

AC.P.3.6: use appropriate instruments and techniques to investigate potential difference against current for an ohmic resistor in a simple series circuit, graph the data, and determine resistance from the slope of the graph.

Advanced Circuits
Slope - Activity B

AC.P.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

AC.P.4.2: devise a plan for a self-contained system to generate energy, using renewable energy sources, to meet the energy requirements of a dwelling, farm, or community in Ontario (e.g., design a plan to use any combination of wind, solar, or hydroelectric power);

Household Energy Usage

AP: Applied

AP.B: Biology: Reproduction - Processes and Applications

AP.B.1: Overall Expectations

AP.B.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the processes of cell division, including mitosis, and the function of sexual (including human) and asexual reproductive systems;

Cell Division
Pollination: Flower to Fruit

AP.B.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

AP.B.2.1: describe the basic process of cell division, including what happens to the cell membrane and the contents of the nucleus (e.g., stages of mitosis - prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase);

Cell Division
RNA and Protein Synthesis

AP.B.2.2: demonstrate an understanding of the importance of cell division to the growth and reproduction of an organism (e.g., describe changes in cell division in an organism during its lifespan);

Cell Division

AP.B.2.3: demonstrate an understanding that the nucleus of a cell contains genetic information and determines cellular processes;

Building DNA
Cell Structure
RNA and Protein Synthesis

AP.B.2.4: describe various types of asexual reproduction that occur in plant species or in animal species and various methods for the asexual propagation of plants (e.g., fission, budding, production of spores; fission in the amoeba and planaria flatworm, budding in the hydra and sponge; use of bulbs, cuttings, grafting, and modified stems in plants);

Cell Division

AP.B.2.5: describe the various types of sexual reproduction that occur in plants and in animals, and identify some plants and animals, including hermaphrodites, that exhibit this type of reproduction (e.g., conjugation, cross-fertilization, internal and external fertilization);

Pollination: Flower to Fruit

AP.B.2.6: compare sexual and asexual reproduction (e.g., asexual reproduction does not require a partner and can take place whenever environmental conditions such as food, warmth, and moisture are suitable);

Cell Division

AP.B.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

AP.B.3.1: through investigations and applications of basic concepts:

AP.B.3.1.a: identify a current problem or concern relating to plant or animal reproduction (e.g., development of hybrid species);

Pollination: Flower to Fruit

AP.B.3.1.c: demonstrate the skills required to plan and conduct an inquiry into reproduction, using instruments and tools safely, accurately, and effectively (e.g., use a microscope at an appropriate level of magnification to locate and view mitosis on a slide);

Cell Division

AP.B.3.1.f: predict the value of a variable by interpolating or extrapolating from graphical data (e.g., graph data on the optimum reproductive years of women and predict trends for upcoming years);

Distance-Time Graphs
Force and Fan Carts

AP.B.3.2: use a microscope to observe and identify (in living tissue and prepared slides) animal and vegetable cells in different stages of mitosis, as well as cells undergoing asexual reproduction (e.g., budding in yeast).

Cell Division

AP.B.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

AP.B.4.2: examine some Canadian contributions to research and technological development in the field of genetics and reproductive biology (e.g., describe the development of the McIntosh apple or of canola; do research on foetal alcohol syndrome or cystic fibrosis);

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

AP.B.4.3: identify local environmental factors and individual choices that may lead to a change in a cell's genetic information or an organism's development, and investigate the consequences such factors and choices have on human development (e.g., identify the consequences of exposure to X-rays or the use of cigarettes or illegal drugs for the development of the foetus);

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

AP.C: Chemistry: Exploring Matter

AP.C.1: Overall Expectations

AP.C.1.1: describe the atomic structure of common elements and their organization in the periodic table;

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Covalent Bonds
Electron Configuration
Element Builder
Ionic Bonds

AP.C.1.2: investigate the physical and chemical properties of common elements and compounds, and relate the properties of elements to their location in the periodic table;

Electron Configuration
Mystery Powder Analysis

AP.C.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

AP.C.2.1: describe an element as a pure substance made up of one type of particle or atom with its own distinct properties;

Element Builder

AP.C.2.3: describe compounds and elements in terms of molecules and atoms;

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Covalent Bonds
Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds
Limiting Reactants

AP.C.2.4: identify each of the three fundamental particles (neutron, proton, and electron), and its charge, location, and relative mass in a simple atomic model (e.g., the Bohr-Rutherford model);

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Electron Configuration
Element Builder
Nuclear Decay

AP.C.2.5: identify general features of the periodic table (e.g., arrangement of the elements based on atomic structure, groups or families of elements, periods or horizontal rows);

Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds

AP.C.2.6: demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the properties of elements and their position in the periodic table (e.g., metals appear on the left of the periodic table; non-metals appear on the right);

Electron Configuration
Element Builder

AP.C.2.7: identify and write symbols/formulae for common elements and compounds (e.g., H, Mg, S, N and NaCl, O2, H2O, CO2);

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds
Nuclear Decay

AP.C.2.9: distinguish between metals and non- metals and identify their characteristic properties (e.g., most metals are lustrous or shiny and good conductors of heat; most non-metals in solid form are brittle and not good conductors of heat).

Electron Configuration
Element Builder

AP.C.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

AP.C.3.1: through investigations and applications of basic concepts:

AP.C.3.1.d: demonstrate the skills required to plan and conduct an inquiry into the properties of substances, using apparatus and materials safely, accurately, and effectively (e.g., investigate the physical properties of common elements and classify them as metals or non-metals);

Element Builder

AP.C.3.3: investigate the properties of changes in substances, and classify them as physical or chemical based on experiments (e.g., solubility, combustibility, change of state, changes in colour);

Freezing Point of Salt Water

AP.C.3.4: construct molecular models of simple molecules (e.g., H2, O2, H2O, NH3, CH4, CO2).

Dehydration Synthesis
Ionic Bonds

AP.C.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

AP.C.4.1: identify uses of elements in everyday life (e.g., iron and other elements in steel; aluminum, oxygen, chlorine in water);

Element Builder

AP.C.4.2: describe the methods used to obtain elements in Canada, and outline local environmental concerns and health and safety issues related to the ways in which they are mined and processed (e.g.,

Element Builder

AP.C.4.3: explain how gold, nickel, carbon, or uranium is obtained and processed); explain how a knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of elements enables people to determine the potential uses of the elements and assess the associated risks (e.g., helium versus hydrogen in balloons, copper versus aluminum in wiring, copper versus lead in plumbing);

Mystery Powder Analysis

AP.C.4.4: identify and describe careers that require knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of elements and compounds.

Mystery Powder Analysis

AP.E: Earth and Space Science: Space Exploration

AP.E.1: Overall Expectations

AP.E.1.1: demonstrate an understanding of the formation, evolution, structure, and nature of our solar system and of the universe;

Solar System Explorer

AP.E.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

AP.E.2.3: describe, compare, and contrast the general properties and motions of the components of the solar system (e.g., the composition and physical properties - such as size and state, rotation, size and period of orbit - of the Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets);

Rotation/Revolution of Venus and Earth
Solar System Explorer

AP.E.2.4: describe the Sun and its effects on the Earth and its atmosphere (e.g., the Sun as an energy source, solar activity, aurora borealis);

Seasons Around the World
Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun
Seasons: Why do we have them?
Solar System Explorer

AP.E.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

AP.E.3.3: gather, organize, and record data through regular observations of the night sky and/or use of appropriate software programs, and use these data to identify and study the motion of visible celestial objects (e.g., track the position of the Moon and planets over time).

Solar System Explorer

AP.P: Physics: Electrical Applications

AP.P.1: Overall Expectations

AP.P.1.2: design and build electrical circuits that perform a specific function;

Advanced Circuits

AP.P.2: Understanding Basic Concepts

AP.P.2.1: explain common electrostatic phenomena (e.g., clothes that "stick" together, attraction of hairs to combs);

Charge Launcher
Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

AP.P.2.2: compare qualitatively static and current electricity (e.g., a charge on a charged electroscope and the charge in an operating circuit);

Advanced Circuits

AP.P.2.3: describe the concepts of electric current, potential difference, and resistance, with the help of a water analogy;

Advanced Circuits

AP.P.2.4: explain how electric current, potential difference, and resistance are measured using an ammeter and a voltmeter;

Advanced Circuits

AP.P.2.5: describe qualitatively the effects of varying electrical resistance and potential difference on electric current in an electrical circuit;

Advanced Circuits

AP.P.2.6: apply the relationship potential difference=resistance x current to simple series circuits;

Advanced Circuits

AP.P.2.7: determine quantitatively the percent efficiency of an electrical device that converts electrical energy to other forms of energy, using the relationship "percent efficiency = energy output/energy input X 100

Advanced Circuits
Energy Conversions

AP.P.3: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

AP.P.3.1: through investigations and applications of basic concepts:

AP.P.3.1.g: communicate scientific ideas, procedures, results, and conclusions using appropriate SI units, language, and formats (e.g., electrical power, voltage, resistance; drawings, charts, graphs);

Household Energy Usage

AP.P.3.2: design, draw, and construct series and parallel circuits that perform a specific function (e.g., given light bulbs, wires, and batteries, produce circuits with: one light bulb on; two light bulbs of the same brightness; one light bulb disconnected and the other light bulb on);

Advanced Circuits

AP.P.3.3: use appropriate instruments to collect and graph data, and determine the relationship between voltage and current in a simple series circuit with a single resistor.

Distance-Time Graphs
Force and Fan Carts

AP.P.4: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

AP.P.4.1: describe and explain household wiring and its typical components (e.g., parallel circuits with switches, fuses, circuit breakers, outlets);

Advanced Circuits

AP.P.4.3: compare electrical energy production technologies, including risks and benefits (e.g., explain the advantages and disadvantages of using hydro, photovoltaic, wind, and tidal generators to produce electrical energy);

Advanced Circuits
Energy Conversions

Correlation last revised: 2/2/2010

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this province's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.