L.7: Life Science

DCI.L.7.3: Ecology and Interdependence

(Framing Text): The emphasis is on predicting consistent patterns of interactions among different cycling systems in terms of the relationships between organisms and abiotic components within ecosystems. Rearrangement of food molecules through chemical processes in cellular respiration and photosynthesis is an important part of energy cycling in all life systems. Preservation of biodiversity and consideration of human impacts are themes in maintaining ecosystem services.

L.7.3: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the importance that matter cycles between living and nonliving parts of the ecosystem to sustain life on Earth.

L.7.3.1: Analyze diagrams to provide evidence of the importance of the cycling of water, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen through ecosystems to organisms.

Cell Energy Cycle

L.7.3.3: Use models to describe how food molecules (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins) are processed through chemical reactions using oxygen (aerobic) to form new molecules.

Cell Energy Cycle

P.7: Physical Science

DCI.P.7.5: Organization of Matter and Chemical Interactions

(Framing Text): Matter and its interactions can be distinguished by investigating physical properties (e.g., mass, density, solubility) using chemical processes and experimentation. Changes to substances can either be physical or chemical.

P.7.5A: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the physical and chemical properties of matter.

P.7.5A.1: Collect and evaluate qualitative data to describe substances using physical properties (state, boiling/melting point, density, heat/electrical conductivity, color, and magnetic properties).

Circuit Builder
Color Absorption
Heat Absorption
Mineral Identification

P.7.5A.3: Compare and contrast chemical and physical properties (e.g., combustion, oxidation, pH, solubility, reaction with water).

Mineral Identification

(Framing Text): Atoms are the basic building blocks of ordinary elements. Compounds are substances composed of two or more elements. Chemical formulas can be used to describe compounds. The periodic table orders elements horizontally by the number of protons in the atom’s nucleus and places those with similar chemical properties in columns. The element position on the periodic table can also be used to predict the type of bonding that most commonly occurs between the elements.

P.7.5C: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the proper use of the periodic table to predict and identify elemental properties and how elements interact.

P.7.5C.1: Develop and use models that explain the structure of an atom.

Element Builder

(Framing Text): Changes to substances can either be physical or chemical. Many substances react chemically with other substances to form new substances with different properties. Substances (such as metals or acids) are identified according to their physical or chemical properties. Some chemical reactions release energy and others store energy.

P.7.5D: Students will demonstrate an understanding of chemical formulas and common chemical substances to predict the types of reactions and possible outcomes of the reactions.

P.7.5D.2: Design and conduct scientific investigations to support evidence that chemical reactions (e.g., cooking, combustion, rusting, decomposition, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration) have occurred.

Chemical Changes

P.7.5D.4: Build a model to explain that chemical reactions can store (formation of bonds) or release energy (breaking of bonds).

Chemical Changes

(Framing Text): In a chemical process, the atoms that make up original substances are regrouped into different molecules, and these new substances have different properties from those of the reactants. The total number of each type of atom is conserved, and the mass does not change. As these chemical combinations take place, substances react in various ways, yet matter is always conserved in a reaction.

P.7.5E: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the law of conservation of mass.

P.7.5E.1: Conduct simple scientific investigations to show that total mass is not altered during a chemical reaction in a closed system. Compare results of investigations to Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier’s discovery of the law of conservation of mass.

Chemical Changes

E.7: Earth and Space Science

DCI.E.7.9: Earth’s Systems and Cycles

(Framing Text): Complex patterns in the movement of air and water in the atmosphere are major determinants of local weather. Global movements of water and its changes in form are propelled by sunlight and gravity. Variations in temperature drive a global pattern of interconnected currents. Interactions between sunlight, oceans, atmosphere, ice, landforms, and living things vary with latitude, altitude, and local and regional geography. Weather is difficult to predict; however, large scale patterns and trends in global climate, such as the gradual increase in average temperature, are more easily observed and predicted.

E.7.9A: Students will demonstrate an understanding of how complex changes in the movement and patterns of air and water molecules caused by the sun, winds, landforms, ocean temperatures, and currents in the atmosphere are major determinants of local and global weather patterns.

E.7.9A.3: Interpret atmospheric data from satellites, radar, and weather maps to predict weather patterns and conditions.

Weather Maps - Metric

(Framing Text): The tilt of Earth’s spin axis with respect to the plane of its orbit around the sun is important for a habitable Earth. The Earth’s spin axis is tilted 23.5 degrees. Earth’s axis points in the same direction in space no matter where Earth is in relation to the sun. The seasons are a result of this tilt and are caused by the differential intensity of sunlight on different areas of Earth across the year.

E.7.9C: Students will demonstrate an understanding that the seasons are the direct result of the Earth’s tilt and the intensity of sunlight on the Earth’s hemispheres.

E.7.9C.1: Construct models and diagrams to illustrate how the tilt of Earth’s axis results in differences in intensity of sunlight on the Earth’s hemispheres throughout the course of one full revolution around the Sun.

Seasons: Why do we have them?
Summer and Winter

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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