L.6: Life Science

DCI.L.6.1: Hierarchical Organization

(Framing Text): Living things are distinguished from nonliving things by several characteristics. All living things are comprised of one (unicellular) or more (multicellular) cells, which are the smallest units of life. Cells carry out life functions and undergo cell division using specialized structures that allow them to acquire energy and water, grow, reproduce, dispose of waste, and survive. Multicellular organisms are organized in a hierarchy of increasing complexity with related, specialized structures and functions.

L.6.1: Students will demonstrate an understanding that living things range from simple to complex organisms, are organized hierarchically, and function as whole living systems.

L.6.1.3: Develop and use models to explain how specific cellular components (cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, chloroplast, vacuole, and mitochondria) function together to support the life of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms to include plants, animals, fungi, protists, and bacteria (not to include biochemical function of cells or cell part).

Cell Structure

L.6.1.4: Compare and contrast different cells in order to classify them as a protist, fungus, plant, or animal.

Cell Structure

DCI.L.6.3: Ecology and Interdependence

(Framing Text): All organisms depend on biotic and abiotic factors for survival. When any environmental factor changes, a corresponding change in diversity and population of organisms will also occur. The environment and the organism in which it lives are therefore interdependent.

L.6.3: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among survival, environmental changes, and diversity as they relate to the interactions of organisms, populations, and the environment.

L.6.3.3: Analyze cause and effect relationships to explore how changes in the physical environment (limiting factors, natural disasters) can lead to population changes within an ecosystem.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Food Chain
Rabbit Population by Season

L.6.3.4: Investigate organism interactions in a competitive or mutually beneficial relationship (predation, competition, cooperation, or symbiotic relationships).

Food Chain
Prairie Ecosystem

L.6.3.5: Develop and use food chains, webs, and pyramids to analyze how energy is transferred through an ecosystem from producers (autotrophs) to consumers (heterotrophs, including humans) to decomposers.

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

P.6: Physical Science

DCI.P.6.6: Motions, Forces, and Energy

(Framing Text): Newton’s Laws describe forces and motion affecting substances in various environments and situations. Motion is determined by the amount of force applied. Focusing on magnetic, frictional, and gravitational forces will provide an understanding of the relationship between distance and contact forces.

P.6.6: Students will demonstrate an understanding of Newton’s laws of motion using real world models and examples.

P.6.6.3: Investigate and communicate ways to manipulate applied/frictional forces to improve movement of objects on various surfaces (e.g., athletic shoes, wheels on cars).

Force and Fan Carts
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

P.6.6.4: Compare and contrast magnetic, electric, frictional, and gravitational forces.

Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

P.6.6.6: Investigate forces (gravity, friction, drag, lift, thrust) acting on objects (e.g., airplane, bicycle helmets). Use data to explain the differences between the forces in various environments.

Force and Fan Carts
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

P.6.6.7: Determine the relationships between the concepts of potential, kinetic, and thermal energy.

Energy Conversion in a System

E.6: Earth and Space Science

DCI.E.6.8: Earth and the Universe

(Framing Text): The hierarchical organization of the universe is the result of complex structure and function. Current theories suggest that time began with a period of extremely rapid expansion. Presently, Earth’s solar system consists of the Sun and other objects that are held in orbit by the Sun’s gravitational force. The interactions of the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun have effects that can be observed on Earth. Various technologies have aided in our understanding of Earth’s place in the universe.

E.6.8: Students will demonstrate an understanding of Earth’s place in the universe and the interactions of the solar system (sun, planets, their moons, comets, and asteroids) using evidence from multiple scientific resources to explain how these objects are held in orbit around the Sun because of its gravitational pull.

E.6.8.4: Obtain and evaluate information to model and compare the characteristics and movements of objects in the solar system (including planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and meteors).

Phases of the Moon

E.6.8.6: Design models representing motions within the Sun-Earth-Moon system to explain phenomena observed from the Earth’s surface (positions of celestial bodies, day and year, moon phases, solar and lunar eclipses, and tides).

2D Eclipse
Phases of the Moon
Tides - Metric

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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