ES.1: The Universe

ES.1.2: Describe the expanding universe theory, also known as the “Big Bang Theory,” based on observed astronomical evidence including: The Doppler Effect, red shift, Hubble's Law, and the cosmic microwave background.

Doppler Shift
Doppler Shift Advanced

ES.1.4: Differentiate between the life cycles of stars of different masses found on the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram. Differentiate between low, medium (including our sun), and high mass stars by what elements can be produced, and therefore whether or not they can achieve red giant phase or go supernova.

H-R Diagram

ES.2: The Solar System

ES.2.2: Describe the characteristics of the various kinds of objects in the solar system including planets, satellites, comets, asteroids, and protoplanets. Recognize that planets have been identified orbiting stars other than the sun, or exist outside of solar systems orbiting no sun at all. Describe the organization of our solar system including terrestrial and Jovian planets, asteroid belts, and the Oort Cloud.

Orbital Motion - Kepler's Laws

ES.2.5: Explain how scientific theory changes over time with the introduction of new information and observational data. Use works from ancient Greeks such as Ptolemy, and other astronomers including Copernicus, Brahe, Kepler, and Galileo to demonstrate the effect of observational data and scientific discussion on our understanding of the mechanics and motion of our solar system.

Orbital Motion - Kepler's Laws

ES.3: Earth Cycles and Systems

ES.3.1: Create flowcharts that show the exchange of carbon and oxygen between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere, including carbon dioxide and methane. Explain how human activities such as farming and industry, temperature change in oceans, and natural processes such as volcanic eruptions can speed or slow the cycling from reservoirs within the solid earth and oceans into the atmosphere.

Carbon Cycle
Pond Ecosystem

ES.4: The Atmosphere and Hydrosphere

ES.4.3: Create a presentation that demonstrates the process of the water cycle on both local and global scales. Illustrate the process of water cycling both from the solid earth to the atmosphere and around the solid earth. Examine the interaction of ground water, surface water, and ocean circulation. Illustrate the effects of human activity on water systems.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Pond Ecosystem

ES.4.5: Chart and explain the changes in weather as it relates to humidity, air pressure, and temperature. Explain how these factors result in local wind patterns and cloud cover. Explain the origin, life cycle, and behavior of weather systems, especially severe weather. Create an emergency plan for severe storms, both summer and winter.

Hurricane Motion - Metric

ES.4.7: Create diagrams or models to demonstrate the effect of the gravitational pull of the sun and moon on Earth's oceans. Explain the difference between daily (high and low) tides and monthly (spring and neap) tides. Explain how monthly tides relate to the revolution of the moon, and therefore, its phases.

Tides - Metric

ES.5: The Solid Earth

ES.5.6: Create models or diagrams to show how plate movement and sea level changes have changed continental land masses over time. Include the creation and destruction of inland seas, sedimentary rock formations including evaporites and biochemical formations, and the shaping and destruction of surface features.

Plate Tectonics

ES.6: Earth Processes

E.S.6.5: Create models that demonstrate different types of orogeny resulting from plate tectonics. Show how the interactions between oceanic and continental plates create different geological features (such as volcanic island arcs or high altitude plateaus) depending on what types of plates are involved in the motions along different plate boundaries.

Plate Tectonics

E.S.6.6: Create models and differentiate between shield, composite, and cinder cone volcanoes. Explain how volcanoes form, how the chemical composition of lava affects the type of volcanoes formed, and how the location (such as hot spots or along continental or oceanic margins) can affect the types of magma present.

Plate Tectonics

E.S.6.7: Use models, diagrams, and captions to explain how tectonic motion creates earthquakes and tsunamis. Using resources such as, analyze how close the school is to known faults and liquefaction potential. Differentiate between intraplate fault zones such as the Wabash Valley Fault System and the more commonly discussed faults along tectonic margins.

Plate Tectonics

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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