S:ESS1:4:2: Composition and Features

S:ESS1:4:2.4: Given certain Earth materials (soils, rocks, or minerals) use physical properties to sort, classify, and/or describe them.

Mineral Identification

S:ESS1:4:6: Rock Cycle

S:ESS1:4:6.3: Identify minerals by their physical properties, such as color, texture and cleavage, and describe simple tests used in the identification process.

Mineral Identification

S:ESS2:4:1: Earth, Sun and Moon

S:ESS2:4:1.1: Explain that night and day are caused by the Earth's rotation on its axis; and that the Earth rotates approximately once, every 24 hours.

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

S:ESS2:4:2: Energy

S:ESS2:4:2.1: Recognize that the Sun provides the light and heat necessary to maintain the temperature of the Earth.

Energy Conversions

S:ESS2:4:3: Solar System

S:ESS2:4:3.1: Recognize that the Moon orbits the Earth.

Phases of the Moon

S:ESS2:4:3.2: Recognize that the Earth is one of a number of planets that orbit the Sun.

Gravity Pitch
Solar System

S:LS1:4:2: Living Things and Organization

S:LS1:4:2.1: Recognize that living organisms have certain structures and systems that perform specific functions, facilitating survival, growth and reproduction.

Flower Pollination

S:LS1:4:2.2: Identify and describe the function of the plant structures responsible for food production, water transport, support, reproduction, growth and protection.

Flower Pollination

S:LS1:4:2.4: Identify the basic needs of plants and animals in order to stay alive (i.e., water, air, food, space).

Growing Plants

S:LS1:4:3: Reproduction

S:LS1:4:3.1: Distinguish between plant and animal characteristics that are inherited, such as eye color in humans and the shape of leaves in plants, and those that are affected by their environment, such as grass turning brown due to lack of water.


S:LS1:4:3.3: Describe the reproductive process of plants, explaining some plants grow from seed, while others grow from the parts of other plants

Flower Pollination

S:LS2:4:2: Flow of Energy

S:LS2:4:2.1: Recognize that the transfer of energy through food is necessary for all living organisms and describe the organization of food webs.

Forest Ecosystem

S:LS2:4:3: Recycling of Materials

S:LS2:4:3.1: Recognize that plants and animals interact with one another in various ways besides providing food, such as seed dispersal or pollination.

Plants and Snails

S:LS2:4:3.2: Describe ways plants and animals depend on each other (e.g., shelter, nesting, food).

Growing Plants

S:LS3:4:1: Change

S:LS3:4:1.3: Using information (data or scenario), explain how changes in the environment can cause organisms to respond (e.g., survive there and reproduce, move away, die).


S:LS4:4:1: Behavior

S:LS4:4:1.2: Recognize that an individual organism's behavior is influenced by external cues, such as seasonal change; and describe how an organism might react, such as migrating or hibernating.


S:LS4:4:3: Human Identity

S:LS4:4:3.2: Distinguish between characteristics of humans that are inherited from parents (i.e., hair color, height, skin color, eye color) and others that are learned (e.g., riding a bike, singing a song, playing a game, reading).


S:PS1:4:2: Properties

S:PS1:4:2.1: Recognize that substances can be classified by observable properties.

Mineral Identification

S:PS1:4:2.2: Explain that some materials can exist in different states; and describe the distinct physical properties of each state of matter.

Phases of Water

S:PS1:4:2.3: Explain how some materials, such as water, can change from one state to another by heating or cooling.

Phases of Water

S:PS1:4:2.4: Make a prediction about what might happen to the state of common materials when heated or cooled; or categorize materials as solid, liquid, or gas.

Phases of Water

S:PS1:4:2.5: Collect and organize data about physical properties in order to classify objects or draw conclusions about objects and their characteristic properties (e.g., temperature, color, size, shape, weight, texture, flexibility).

Mineral Identification

S:PS2:4:1: Change

S:PS2:4:1.1: Recognize that energy has the ability to create change.

Phases of Water

S:PS2:4:3: Energy

S:PS2:4:3.1: Identify the various forms of energy, such as electrical, light, heat, sound.

Energy Conversions

S:PS2:4:3.3: Identify and describe the organization of a simple circuit.

Circuit Builder

S:PS2:4:3.4: Differentiate between objects and materials that conduct electricity and those that are insulators of electricity.

Circuit Builder

S:PS2:4:3.5: Explain that light travels in a straight line until it strikes an object; and describe how it can be reflected by a mirror, bent by a lens, or absorbed by the object.

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

S:PS2:4:3.7: Use observations of light in relation to other objects/substances to describe the properties of light (i.e., can be reflected, refracted, or absorbed).

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

S:PS2:4:3.8: Experiment, observe, or predict how heat might move from one object to another.

Heat Absorption

S:PS3:4:1: Forces

S:PS3:4:1.1: Recognize that magnets attract certain kinds of other materials; and classify objects by those magnets will attract and those they will not.


S:PS3:4:1.2: Recognize that magnets attract and repel each other.


S:PS3:4:1.3: Explain that electrically charged material pulls on all other materials and can attract or repel other charged materials.

Charge Launcher

S:PS3:4:1.4: Recognize that the Earth's gravitational force pulls any object toward it.

Gravity Pitch

S:PS3:4:1.5: Use observations of magnets in relation to other objects to describe the properties of magnetism (i.e., attract or repel certain objects or has no effect).


S:PS3:4:2: Motion

S:PS3:4:2.1: Use data to predict how a change in force (greater/less) might affect the position, direction of motion, or speed of an object (e.g., ramps and balls).

Force and Fan Carts

S:PS4:4:1: Design Technology

S:PS4:4:1.2: Recognize that products are made using a combination of technologies, such as how an escalator uses both a pulley system and an electrical motor.


Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.