4.3: Students understand the basic concepts and principles of physical science.

4.3.4: Identify the effects forces may have when applied to objects (i.e., start, stop, change direction)

Force and Fan Carts

4.3.5: Describe how the path of light changes (i.e., reflected, absorbed, or allowed to pass through) when it encounters a variety of objects

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

4.4: Students understand the basic concepts and principles of life science.

4.4.3: Identify behaviors of animals as instinctive or learned

Reverse the Field

4.5: Students understand the basic concepts and principles of earth and space science.

4.5.5: Identify components of our solar system (e.g., planets, moons, Sun)

Solar System

Correlation last revised: 9/22/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.