SIMV: Scientific Inquiry: Science in Media

SIMV.01: explain how science-related information is presented in print and electronic media for different purposes and audiences;

1.1.1: Understanding Basic Concepts

SIM1.01: identify the ways in which scientific information is conveyed (e.g., product labels; graphic text in billboards, newspapers, instructions; graphs and tables in magazines, TV, posters; visual images in print and electronic media; vocabulary and dialogue in radio advertising or movies);

Electromagnetic Induction
Identifying Nutrients

SIMV.02: investigate science-related information presented in print and electronic media using appropriate research and reporting skills;

1.2.1: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

SIM2.04: organize and communicate information collected from lab investigations and information research using graphic organizers.


SIMV.03: evaluate claims and presentations of science-related information in media.

1.3.1: Relating Science to Technology, Society, and the Environment

SIM3.03: evaluate the investigation and suggest improvements (e.g., present and defend their findings);

Pendulum Clock

CIMV: Chemistry: Interactions of Common Materials

CIMV.01: understand how chemicals in common household and workplace materials interact;

2.1.1: Understanding Basic Concepts

CIM1.03: distinguish between chemical reactions (e.g., burning paper, reacting metals with acids) and physical processes (e.g., crumpling paper, making and diluting solutions), using appropriate scientific terminology (e.g., reactants, products, change of state, concentration, solute, solvent);

Chemical Changes

CIM1.04: identify the factors that alter the rate of physical processes and chemical reactions (e.g., temperature, surface area, concentration, presence of a catalyst/inhibitor).

Collision Theory

CIMV.02: investigate the types and rates of interactions between commonly used materials through laboratory activities;

2.2.1: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

CIM2.02: conduct experiments to investigate how materials can interact chemically (e.g., combine steel wool with oxygen, neutralize an acid with a base, combine copper chloride and aluminum foil);

Chemical Changes
Equilibrium and Concentration

CIM2.03: conduct experiments to investigate how materials can interact physically (e.g., calculate amounts needed for solutions, prepare and dilute solutions, prepare gels, foams, evaporate alcohol and water);

Solubility and Temperature

CIM2.04: conduct experiments to determine the factors affecting rates of chemical reactions and physical processes (e.g., temperature, surface area, concentration, presence of a catalyst/inhibitor);

Collision Theory

BLTV: Biology: Living Together

BLTV.01: explain the strategies that organisms use for successful coexistence in populations and communities;

3.1.1: Understanding Basic Concepts

BLT1.04: use appropriate scientific terminology related to concepts of organisms living together (e.g., species, population, community, colony, biodiversity).

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Food Chain

BLTV.02: investigate, using appropriate laboratory and research skills, the implications of organisms existing in communities;

3.2.1: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

BLT2.05: use a variety of research strategies to determine the roles of specific organisms within a community (e.g., different roles found in bee communities, in lion prides, schools of fish, migrating birds);

Food Chain

BLT2.06: explain and interpret observations by summarizing patterns obtained from graphing data, organizing information, and communicating orally and in writing.

Food Chain

PEEV: Physics: Using Electrical Energy

PEEV.01: explain the generation, measurement, and conversion of electricity;

4.1.1: Understanding Basic Concept

PEE1.02: define and describe electrical concepts (e.g., amps, volts, current, potential difference, energy and power) and their units (e.g., kWh, joules, watts);

Electromagnetic Induction

PEEV.02: investigate the factors that affect the generation and use of electricity;

4.2.1: Developing Skills of Inquiry and Communication

PEE2.05: communicate information using appropriate formats for specific purposes and audiences (e.g., orally explain the electrical device, use a table or chart for measurement, create a diagram for design)

Electromagnetic Induction

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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