30-A: Momentum and Impulse

1.1: Change and Systems

30-A.1: explain how momentum is conserved when objects interact in an isolated system. Skills

30-A.1.1: Initiating and Planning

30-A1.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

30-A1.1s.1: design an experiment and identify and control major variables; e.g., demonstrate the conservation of linear momentum or illustrate the relationship between impulse and change in momentum

Pendulum Clock
Real-Time Histogram

30-A.1.2: Performing and Recording

30-A1.2s: conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

30-A1.2s.1: perform an experiment to demonstrate the conservation of linear momentum, using available technologies; e.g., air track, air table, motion sensors, strobe lights and photography

2D Collisions
Air Track

30-A.1.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

30-A1.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

30-A1.3s.2: analyze, quantitatively, one- and two-dimensional interactions, using given data or by manipulating objects or computer simulations

2D Collisions
Air Track

30-A.1.4: Communication and Teamwork

30-A1.4s: work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results

30-A1.4s.1: use appropriate Système international (SI) units, fundamental and derived units and significant digits

Unit Conversions 2 - Scientific Notation and Significant Digits

30-B: Forces and Fields

2.1: Energy and Matter

30-B.1: explain the behaviour of electric charges, using the laws that govern electrical interactions Science, Technology and Society (STS)

30-B1.2sts: explain that scientific knowledge may lead to the development of new technologies, and new technologies may lead to or facilitate scientific discovery

30-B1.2sts.1: compare and contrast the experimental designs used by Coulomb and Cavendish, in terms of the role that technology plays in advancing science.

Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab Skills

30-B.1.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

30-B1.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

30-B1.3s.1: infer, from empirical evidence, the mathematical relationship among charge, force and distance between point charges

Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

30-B1.3s.2: use free-body diagrams to describe the electrostatic forces acting on a charge

Coulomb Force (Static)
Pith Ball Lab

30-B1.3s.3: use graphical techniques to analyze data; e.g., curve straightening (manipulating variables to obtain a straight-line graph)

Seasons Around the World

30-B.3: explain how the properties of electric and magnetic fields are applied in numerous devices. Science, Technology and Society (STS)

30-B3.1sts: explain that concepts, models and theories are often used in interpreting and explaining observations and in predicting future observations

30-B3.1sts.1: discuss, qualitatively, Lenz’s law in terms of conservation of energy, giving examples of situations in which Lenz’s law applies

Electromagnetic Induction

30-B3.2sts: explain that the goal of technology is to provide solutions to practical problems and that the appropriateness, risks and benefits of technologies need to be assessed for each potential application from a variety of perspectives, including sustainability

30-B3.2sts.1: evaluate an electromagnetic technology, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), transformers, alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) motors, AC and DC generators, speakers, telephones

Electromagnetic Induction Skills

30-B.3.2: Performing and Recording

30-B3.2s: conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

30-B3.2s.3: predict, using appropriate hand rules, the relative directions of motion, force and field in electromagnetic interactions

Electromagnetic Induction

30-C: Electromagnetic Radiation

3.1: Diversity and Matter

30-C.1: explain the nature and behaviour of EMR, using the wave model Skills

30-C.1.2: Performing and Recording

30-C1.2s: conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

30-C1.2s.1: perform experiments to demonstrate refraction at plane and uniformly curved surfaces


30-C1.2s.2: perform an experiment to determine the index of refraction of several different substances


30-C1.2s.3: conduct an investigation to determine the focal length of a thin lens and of a curved mirror

Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

30-C.1.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

30-C1.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

30-C1.3s.2: use ray diagrams to describe an image formed by thin lenses and curved mirrors

Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Ray Tracing (Mirrors)

30-C.2: explain the photoelectric effect, using the quantum model. Science, Technology and Society (STS)

30-C2.2sts: explain that concepts, models and theories are often used in interpreting and explaining observations and in predicting future observations

30-C2.2sts.1: investigate and report on the development of early quantum theory

Bohr Model of Hydrogen Skills

30-C.2.1: Initiating and Planning

30-C2.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

30-C2.1s.1: predict the effect, on photoelectric emissions, of changing the intensity and/or frequency of the incident radiation or material of the photocathode

Photoelectric Effect

30-C2.1s.2: design an experiment to measure Planck’s constant, using either a photovoltaic cell or a light-emitting diode (LED)

Photoelectric Effect

30-C.2.2: Performing and Recording

30-C.2.2.1: measure Planck’s constant, using either a photovoltaic cell or an LED

Photoelectric Effect

30-D: Atomic Physics

4.1: Energy and Matter

30-D.1: describe the electrical nature of the atom Skills

30-D.1.1: Initiating and Planning

30-D1.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

30-D1.1s.1: identify, define and delimit questions to investigate; e.g., “What is the importance of cathode rays in the development of atomic models?”

Pendulum Clock
Sight vs. Sound Reactions

30-D.2: describe the quantization of energy in atoms and nuclei Science, Technology and Society (STS)

30-D2.1sts: explain that scientific knowledge and theories develop through hypotheses, the collection of evidence, investigation and the ability to provide explanations

30-D2.1sts.1: investigate and report on the use of line spectra in the study of the universe and the identification of substances

Star Spectra

30-D2.1sts.2: investigate how empirical evidence guided the evolution of the atomic model

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction

30-D2.2sts: explain that scientific knowledge may lead to the development of new technologies, and new technologies may lead to or facilitate scientific discovery

30-D2.2sts.1: investigate and report on the application of spectral or quantum concepts in the design and function of practical devices, such as street lights, advertising signs, electron microscopes and lasers.

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Star Spectra Skills

30-D.2.1: Initiating and Planning

30-D2.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

30-D2.1s.1: predict the conditions necessary to produce line-emission and line-absorption spectra

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Star Spectra

30-D2.1s.2: predict the possible energy transitions in the hydrogen atom, using a labelled diagram showing energy levels

Bohr Model of Hydrogen

30-D.2.2: Performing and Recording

30-D2.2s: conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

30-D2.2s.1: observe line-emission and line-absorption spectra

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Star Spectra

30-D2.2s.2: observe the representative line spectra of selected elements

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Star Spectra

30-D.2.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

30-D2.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

30-D2.3s.1: identify elements represented in sample line spectra by comparing them to representative line spectra of elements

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Star Spectra

30-D.3: describe nuclear fission and fusion as powerful energy sources in nature Science, Technology and Society (STS)

30-D3.2sts: explain that the products of technology are devices, systems and processes that meet given needs and that the appropriateness, risks and benefits of technologies need to be assessed for each potential application from a variety of perspectives, including sustainability

30-D3.2sts.1: assess the risks and benefits of air travel (exposure to cosmic radiation), dental X-rays, radioisotopes used as tracers, food irradiation, use of fission or fusion as a commercial power source and nuclear and particle research

Nuclear Reactions Skills

30-D.3.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

30-D3.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

30-D3.3s.1: graph data from radioactive decay and estimate half-life values


30-D3.3s.2: interpret common nuclear decay chains

Nuclear Decay

30-D.4: describe the ongoing development of models of the structure of matter. Science, Technology and Society (STS)

30-D4.1sts: explain that concepts, models and theories are often used in interpreting and explaining observations and in predicting future observations

30-D4.1sts.1: research and report on the development of models of matter

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction Skills

30-D.4.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

30-D4.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

30-D4.3s.2: write β+ and β- decay equations, identifying the elementary fermions involved

Nuclear Decay

Correlation last revised: 11/17/2022

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