20-A: The Diversity of Matter and Chemical Bonding

1.1: Diversity and Matter

20-A.1: describe the role of modelling, evidence and theory in explaining and understanding the structure, chemical bonding and properties of ionic compounds. Skills

20-A.1.2: Performing and Recording

20-A1.2s: conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-A1.2s.1: draw electron dot diagrams

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

20-A1.2s.2: build models of ionic solids

Ionic Bonds

20-A1.2s.4: use the periodic table to make predictions about bonding and nomenclature

Covalent Bonds
Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds

20-A.1.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-A1.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-A1.3s.2: use data from various sources to predict the strength of bonds between ions

Ionic Bonds

20-A.1.4: Communication and Teamwork

20-A1.4s: work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results

20-A1.4s.1: use appropriate Système international (SI) units, fundamental and derived units and significant digits

Unit Conversions 2 - Scientific Notation and Significant Digits

20-A.2: describe the role of modelling, evidence and theory in explaining and understanding the structure, chemical bonding and properties of molecular substances. Science, Technology and Society (STS)

20-A2.2sts: explain that scientific knowledge and theories develop through hypotheses, the collection of evidence, investigation and the ability to provide explanations

20-A2.2sts.1: relate chemical properties to predicted intermolecular bonding by investigating melting and boiling points

Melting Points Skills

20-A.2.2: Performing and Recording

20-A2.2s: conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-A2.2s.1: build models depicting the structure of simple covalent molecules, including selected organic compounds

Covalent Bonds

20-A.2.4: Communication and Teamwork

20-A2.4s: work collaboratively in addressing problems and apply the skills and conventions of science in communicating information and ideas and in assessing results

20-A2.4s.1: analyze and evaluate, objectively, models and graphs constructed by others

Determining a Spring Constant
Seasons Around the World

20-B: Forms of Matter: Gases

2.1: Matter, Change and Energy

20-B.1: explain molecular behaviour, using models of the gaseous state of matter. Science, Technology and Society (STS)

20-B1.2sts: explain that the goal of science is knowledge about the natural world

20-B1.2sts.1: describe examples of natural phenomena and processes and products (such as breathing, diffusion, weather, hot air balloons, scuba diving equipment, automobile air bags, gas turbines and internal combustion engines) that illustrate the properties of gases.

Boyle's Law and Charles's Law
Diffusion Skills

20-B.1.1: Initiating and Planning

20-B1.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

20-B1.1s.1: state hypotheses and make predictions based on information about the pressure, temperature and volume of a gas

Boyle's Law and Charles's Law

20-B.1.2: Performing and Recording

20-B1.2s: conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-B1.2s.1: perform an experiment, in which variables are identified and controlled, to illustrate gas laws


20-B1.2s.2: use thermometers, balances and other measuring devices effectively to collect data on gases

Triple Beam Balance

20-B.1.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-B1.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-B1.3s.1: graph and analyze experimental data that relate pressure and temperature to gas volume

Boyle's Law and Charles's Law

20-B1.3s.2: identify the limitations of measurement

Unit Conversions 2 - Scientific Notation and Significant Digits

20-C: Matter as Solutions, Acids and Bases

3.1: Matter, Diversity, Systems and Change

20-C.1: investigate solutions, describing their physical and chemical properties Skills

20-C.1.1: Initiating and Planning

20-C1.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

20-C1.1s.2: design a procedure to determine the concentration of a solution containing a solid solute

Solubility and Temperature

20-C.1.2: Performing and Recording

20-C1.2s: conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-C1.2s.2: perform an experiment to determine the concentration of a solution


20-C1.2s.4: perform an investigation to determine the solubility of a solute in a saturated solution

Solubility and Temperature

20-C.1.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-C1.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-C1.3s.1: use experimental data to determine the concentration of a solution

Solubility and Temperature

20-C.2: describe acidic and basic solutions qualitatively and quantitatively. Science, Technology and Society (STS)

20-C2.2sts: explain that technological problems often require multiple solutions that involve different designs, materials and processes and that have both intended and unintended consequences

20-C2.2sts.1: provide examples of processes and products that use knowledge of acid and base chemistry (the pulp and paper industry, the petrochemical industry, food preparation and preservation, cleaning aids, sulfuric acid in car batteries, treating accidental acid or base spills using neutralization and dilution)

Titration Skills

20-C.2.1: Initiating and Planning

20-C2.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

20-C2.1s.2: design an experiment to differentiate between weak and strong acids and between weak and strong bases


20-C.2.2: Performing and Recording

20-C2.2s: conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-C2.2s.1: construct a table or graph to compare pH and hydronium ion concentration, illustrating that as the hydronium ion concentration increases, the pH decreases


20-C2.2s.2: use a pH meter to determine the acidity and/or alkalinity of a solution


20-C.2.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-C2.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-C2.3s.1: use indicators to determine the pH for a variety of solutions


20-D: Quantitative Relationships in Chemical Changes

4.1: Matter and Change

20-D.1: explain how balanced chemical equations indicate the quantitative relationships between reactants and products involved in chemical changes Science, Technology and Society (STS)

20-D1.1sts: explain that the products of technology are devices, systems and processes that meet given needs; however, these products cannot solve all problems

20-D1.1sts.1: analyze the chemical reactions involved in various industrial and commercial processes and products that use stoichiometric and chemical principles:

20-D1.1sts.1.c: fuel combustion

Chemical Equations Skills

20-D.1.1: Initiating and Planning

20-D1.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

20-D1.1s.1: plan and predict states, products and theoretical yields for chemical reactions

Equilibrium and Concentration
Limiting Reactants

20-D.1.2: Performing and Recording

20-D1.2s: conduct investigations into relationships among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-D1.2s.1: translate word equations for chemical reactions into chemical equations, including states of matter for the products and reactants

Chemical Equations

20-D1.2s.2: balance chemical equations for chemical reactions, using lowest whole-number coefficients

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations

20-D.1.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-D1.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-D1.3s.1: interpret stoichiometric ratios from chemical reaction equations

Chemical Equations
Limiting Reactants

20-D1.3s.2: perform calculations to determine theoretical yields

Limiting Reactants

20-D.2: use stoichiometry in quantitative analysis. Science, Technology and Society (STS)

20-D2.1sts: explain that scientific knowledge may lead to the development of new technologies, and new technologies may lead to or facilitate scientific discovery

20-D2.1sts.1: describe how industries apply principles of stoichiometry to minimize waste and maximize yield


20-D2.2sts: explain how the appropriateness, risks and benefits of technologies need to be assessed for each potential application from a variety of perspectives, including sustainability

20-D2.2sts.1: assess the significance of specific by-products from industrial, commercial and household chemical reactions

Chemical Equations
Equilibrium and Concentration Skills

20-D.2.1: Initiating and Planning

20-D2.1s: formulate questions about observed relationships and plan investigations of questions, ideas, problems and issues

20-D2.1s.1: design a procedure, using crystallization, filtration or titration, to determine the concentration of a solution


20-D2.1s.3: predict the approximate equivalence point for a strong monoprotic acid–strong monoprotic base titration and select an appropriate indicator


20-D.2.2: Performing and Recording

20-D2.2s: conduct investigations into relationships between and among observable variables and use a broad range of tools and techniques to gather and record data and information

20-D2.2s.1: perform a titration to determine the concentration of an acid or a base restricted to strong monoprotic acid–strong monoprotic base combinations


20-D2.2s.2: use probes and software to collect titration data


20-D.2.3: Analyzing and Interpreting

20-D2.3s: analyze data and apply mathematical and conceptual models to develop and assess possible solutions

20-D2.3s.1: calculate theoretical and actual yield and percent yield and error, and account for discrepancies between the theoretical and actual yields

Limiting Reactants

20-D2.3s.3: graph and analyze titration curves for acid-base experiments restricted to strong monoprotic acid–strong monoprotic base combinations


Correlation last revised: 11/17/2022

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