3.1: Biological Sciences

3.1.12.A1: Common Characteristics of Life


3.1.12.A1.1: Relate changes in the environment to various organisms’ ability to compensate using homeostatic mechanisms.


3.1.12.A5: Form and Function

3.1.12.A5.1: Analyze how structure is related to function at all levels of biological organization from molecules to organisms.

Circulatory System
Digestive System

3.1.12.A8: Unifying Themes

3.1.12.A8.1: Describe and interpret dynamic changes in stable systems.

Equilibrium and Concentration

3.1.12.C1: Natural Selection

3.1.12.C1.1: Analyze how natural selection leads to speciation.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks - Metric

3.2: Physical Sciences: Chemistry and Physics

3.2.12.A1: Properties of Matter

3.2.12.A1.1: Compare and contrast colligative properties of mixtures.

Freezing Point of Salt Water

3.2.12.A2: Structure of Matter

3.2.12.A2.3: Explain how light is absorbed or emitted by electron orbital transitions.

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Star Spectra

3.2.12.A5: Unifying Themes

3.2.12.A5.2: Predict the shift in equilibrium when a system is subjected to a stress.

Equilibrium and Concentration

3.2.12.B1: Force & Motion of Particles and Rigid Bodies

3.2.12.B1.1: Analyze the principles of rotational motion to solve problems relating to angular momentum and torque.

Torque and Moment of Inertia

3.2.12.B2: Energy Storage and Transformations: Conservation Laws

3.2.12.B2.2: Demonstrate how the law of conservation of momentum and conservation of energy provide alternate approaches to predict and describe the motion of objects.

2D Collisions
Air Track
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

3.2.12.B4: Electrical and Magnetic Energy

3.2.12.B4.1: Describe conceptually the attractive and repulsive forces between objects relative to their charges and the distance between them.

Coulomb Force (Static)
Gravitational Force
Pith Ball Lab

3.2.12.B6: Unifying Themes

3.2.12.B6.1: Compare and contrast motions of objects using forces and conservation laws.

2D Collisions
Air Track
Atwood Machine
Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Feed the Monkey (Projectile Motion)
Free-Fall Laboratory
Golf Range
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

3.3: Earth and Space Sciences

3.3.12.A1: Earth Features and the Processes that Change It

3.3.12.A1.2: Analyze the processes that cause the movement of material in the Earth’s systems.

Carbon Cycle
Cell Energy Cycle

3.3.12.A3: Earth’s History

3.3.12.A3.1: Describe the absolute and relative dating methods used to measure geologic time, such as index fossils, radioactive dating, law of superposition, and crosscutting relationships.


3.3.12.A6: Weather and Climate

3.3.12.A6.1: Explain how the unequal heating of the Earth’s surface leads to atmospheric global circulation changes, climate, local short term changes, and weather.

Seasons Around the World
Seasons in 3D

3.3.12.A7: Unifying Themes

3.3.12.A7.2: Infer how human activities may impact the natural course of Earth’s cycles.

Carbon Cycle

3.3.12.A7.3: Summarize the use of data in understanding seismic events, meteorology, and geologic time.

Earthquakes 1 - Recording Station

3.4: Technology and Engineering Education

3.4.12.B1: Effects of Technology

3.4.12.B1.1: Analyze ethical, social, economic, and cultural considerations as related to the development, selection, and use of technologies.

DNA Analysis

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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