PS: Physical Science

PS.1: Measurement and Symbolic Representation

PS.1.2: Gather and organize data in charts, tables, and graphs

Earthquakes 1 - Recording Station
Identifying Nutrients
Seasons Around the World

PS.1.3: Distinguish among symbols for atoms, ions, molecules, and equations for chemical reactions

Chemical Equations

PS.1.4: Name and write chemical formulas using symbols and subscripts

Chemical Equations

PS.2: Atomic Structure

PS.2.5: Identify the three subatomic particles of an atom by location, charge, and relative mass

Element Builder

PS.2.6: Determine the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons of elements by using the atomic number and atomic mass from the periodic table

Element Builder

PS.2.7: Describe the results of loss/gain of electrons on charges of atoms

Element Builder

PS.2.10: Identify the number of valence electrons of the first 20 elements based on their positions in the periodic table

Electron Configuration
Element Builder

PS.3: The Structure and Properties of Matter

PS.3.15: Using selected elements from atomic numbers 1 to 20, draw Bohr models

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Element Builder

PS.3.16: Name and write the formulas for simple ionic and covalent compounds

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

PS.3.17: Name and predict the bond type formed between selected elements based on their locations in the periodic table

Covalent Bonds
Electron Configuration
Ionic Bonds

PS.3.19: Analyze and interpret a graph that relates temperature and heat energy absorbed during phase changes of water

Phase Changes

PS.3.20: Predict the particle motion as a substance changes phases

Phase Changes

PS.4: Chemical Reactions

PS.4.21: Classify changes in matter as physical or chemical

Chemical Changes

PS.4.22: Identify evidence of chemical changes

Chemical Changes

PS.4.23: Classify unknowns as acidic, basic, or neutral using indicators

Mystery Powder Analysis
pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

PS.4.24: Identify balanced equations as neutralization, combination, and decomposition reactions

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations

PS.4.25: Determine the effect of various factors on reaction rate (e.g., temperature, surface area, concentration, agitation)

Collision Theory

PS.4.26: Illustrate the laws of conservation of matter and energy through balancing simple chemical reactions

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations

PS.4.27: Distinguish between endothermic and exothermic reactions

Chemical Changes

PS.5: Forces and Motion

PS.5.30: Compare the characteristics and strengths of forces in nature (e.g., gravitational, electrical, magnetic, nuclear)

Coulomb Force (Static)
Determining a Spring Constant
Gravitational Force
Pith Ball Lab

PS.5.31: Differentiate between speed and velocity

Golf Range
Shoot the Monkey

PS.5.32: Plot and compare line graphs of acceleration and velocity

Free-Fall Laboratory

PS.5.34: Demonstrate Newton’s three laws of motion (e.g., inertia, net force using F = ma, equal and opposite forces)

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics

PS.5.35: Describe and demonstrate the motion of common objects in terms of the position of the observer

Free-Fall Laboratory

PS.6: Energy

PS.6.36: Measure and calculate the relationships among energy, work, and power

Pulley Lab

PS.6.37: Model and explain how momentum is conserved during collisions

2D Collisions
Air Track

PS.6.38: Analyze diagrams to identify changes in kinetic and potential energy

Energy of a Pendulum

PS.6.40: Demonstrate energy transformation and conservation in everyday actions

Energy Conversion in a System
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

PS.7: Interactions of Energy and Matter

PS.7.41: Identify the parts and investigate the properties of transverse and compression waves

Longitudinal Waves
Ripple Tank
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

PS.7.43: Investigate and construct diagrams to illustrate the laws of reflection and refraction

Basic Prism

PS.7.45: Evaluate diagrams of series and parallel circuits to determine the flow of electricity

Advanced Circuits
Circuit Builder

PS.7.47: Explain how electricity and magnetism are related

Electromagnetic Induction
Magnetic Induction

PS.7.49: Describe the Doppler effect on sound

Doppler Shift
Doppler Shift Advanced

Correlation last revised: 5/11/2018

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