SPS1: Students will investigate our current understanding of the atom.

SPS1.b: Compare and contrast ionic and covalent bonds in terms of electron movement.

Ionic Bonds

SPS2: Students will explore the nature of matter, its classifications, and its system for naming types of matter.

SPS2.a: Calculate density when given a means to determine a substance’s mass and volume.

Density Experiment: Slice and Dice
Density Laboratory
Density via Comparison
Determining Density via Water Displacement

SPS2.b: Predict formulas for stable binary ionic compounds based on balance of charges.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing
Dehydration Synthesis
Ionic Bonds

SPS2.c: Use IUPAC nomenclature for transition between chemical names and chemical formulas of

SPS2.c.1: binary ionic compounds (containing representative elements).

Ionic Bonds

SPS2.c.2: binary covalent compounds (i.e., carbon dioxide, carbon tetrachloride).

Covalent Bonds

SPS2.d: Demonstrate the Law of Conservation of Matter in a chemical reaction.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing
Limiting Reactants

SPS2.e: Apply the Law of Conservation of Matter by balancing the following types of chemical equations:

SPS2.e.1: Synthesis

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing
Dehydration Synthesis

SPS2.e.2: Decomposition

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SPS2.e.3: Single Replacement

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SPS2.e.4: Double Replacement

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SPS3: Students will distinguish the characteristics and components of radioactivity.

SPS3.a: Differentiate between alpha and beta particles and gamma radiation.

Nuclear Decay

SPS3.c: Explain the process half-life as related to radioactive decay.

Exponential Growth and Decay - Activity B

SPS3.d: Describe nuclear energy, its practical application as an alternative energy source, and its potential problems.

Nuclear Decay

SPS4: Students will investigate the arrangement of the Periodic Table.

SPS4.a: Determine the trends of the following:

SPS4.a.1: Number of valence electrons

Covalent Bonds
Dehydration Synthesis
Electron Configuration
Element Builder
Ionic Bonds

SPS4.a.3: Location of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids

Electron Configuration
Element Builder
Ionic Bonds

SPS4.a.4: Phases at room temperature

Electron Configuration
Phase Changes

SPS4.b: Use the Periodic Table to predict the above properties for representative elements.

Electron Configuration

SPS5: Students will compare and contrast the phases of matter as they relate to atomic and molecular motion.

SPS5.a: Compare and contrast the atomic/molecular motion of solids, liquids, gases and plasmas.

Boyle's Law and Charles' Law
Freezing Point of Salt Water
Phase Changes
Temperature and Particle Motion

SPS5.b: Relate temperature, pressure, and volume of gases to the behavior of gases.

Boyle's Law and Charles' Law
Temperature and Particle Motion

SPS6: Students will investigate the properties of solutions.

SPS6.a: Describe solutions in terms of

SPS6.a.3: concentration

Colligative Properties

SPS6.c: Demonstrate that solubility is related to temperature by constructing a solubility curve.

Solubility and Temperature

SPS6.d: Compare and contrast the components and properties of acids and bases.

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

SPS6.e: Determine whether common household substances are acidic, basic, or neutral.

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

SPS7: Students will relate transformations and flow of energy within a system.

SPS7.a: Identify energy transformations within a system (e.g. lighting of a match).

Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Period of a Pendulum

SPS7.b: Investigate molecular motion as it relates to thermal energy changes in terms of conduction, convection, and radiation.

Heat Transfer by Conduction
Temperature and Particle Motion

SPS7.c: Determine the heat capacity of a substance using mass, specific heat, and temperature.

Calorimetry Lab
Phase Changes

SPS7.d: Explain the flow of energy in phase changes through the use of a phase diagram.

Freezing Point of Salt Water
Phase Changes

SPS8: Students will determine relationships between force, mass, and motion.

SPS8.a: Calculate velocity and acceleration.

Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs
Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Uniform Circular Motion

SPS8.b: Apply Newton's three laws to everyday situations by explaining the following:

SPS8.b.1: Inertia

2D Collisions
Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Uniform Circular Motion

SPS8.b.2: Relationship between force, mass and acceleration

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Uniform Circular Motion

SPS8.b.3: Equal and opposite forces

2D Collisions
Air Track
Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Uniform Circular Motion

SPS8.c: Relate falling objects to gravitational force

Freefall Laboratory

SPS8.e: Calculate amounts of work and mechanical advantage using simple machines.

Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Pulley Lab
Torque and Moment of Inertia

SPS9: Students will investigate the properties of waves.

SPS9.a: Recognize that all waves transfer energy.

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Photoelectric Effect

SPS9.b: Relate frequency and wavelength to the energy of different types of electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves.

Earthquake - Recording Station
Photoelectric Effect

SPS9.c: Compare and contrast the characteristics of electromagnetic and mechanical (sound) waves.

Earthquake - Recording Station

SPS9.d: Investigate the phenomena of reflection, refraction, interference, and diffraction.

Laser Reflection
Ray Tracing (Lenses)

SPS9.f: Explain the Doppler Effect in terms of everyday interactions.

Doppler Shift
Doppler Shift Advanced

SPS10: Students will investigate the properties of electricity and magnetism.

SPS10.a: Investigate static electricity in terms of

SPS10.a.1: friction

Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Roller Coaster Physics

SPS10.b: Explain the flow of electrons in terms of

SPS10.b.2: the relationship between voltage, resistance and current.

Advanced Circuits

SPS10.b.3: simple series and parallel circuits.

Advanced Circuits

SB1: Students will analyze the nature of the relationships between structures and functions in living cells.

SB1.a: Explain the role of cell organelles for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including the cell membrane, in maintaining homeostasis and cell reproduction.

Cell Division
Paramecium Homeostasis

SB1.b: Explain how enzymes function as catalysts.

Collision Theory

SB2: Students will analyze how biological traits are passed on to successive generations.

SB2.a: Distinguish between DNA and RNA.

RNA and Protein Synthesis

SB2.c: Using Mendel’s laws, explain the role of meiosis in reproductive variability.

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

SB2.d: Describe the relationships between changes in DNA and potential appearance of new traits including

SB2.d.1: Alterations during replication.

SB2.d.1.a: Insertions

Building DNA

SB2.d.1.b: Deletions

Building DNA

SB2.d.1.c: Substitutions

Building DNA

SB2.d.2: Mutagenic factors that can alter DNA.

SB2.d.2.a: High energy radiation (x-rays and ultraviolet)

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

SB2.d.2.b: Chemical

Evolution: Mutation and Selection

SB2.e: Compare the advantages of sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction in different situations.

Cell Division

SB3: Students will derive the relationship between single-celled and multi-celled organisms and the increasing complexity of systems.

SB3.a: Relate the complexity and organization of organisms to their ability for obtaining, transforming, transporting, releasing, and eliminating the matter and energy used to sustain the organism.

Paramecium Homeostasis

SB3.b: Examine the evolutionary basis of modern classification systems. (six kingdoms)

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

SB4: Students will assess the dependence of all organisms on one another and the flow of energy and matter within their ecosystems.

SB4.b: Explain the flow of matter and energy through ecosystems by

SB4.b.1: Arranging components of a food chain according to energy flow.

Food Chain

SB4.b.2: Comparing the quantity of energy in the steps of an energy pyramid.

Food Chain

SB4.b.3: Explaining the need for cycling of major nutrients (C, O, H, N, P).

Cell Energy Cycle
Photosynthesis Lab

SB4.d: Assess and explain human activities that influence and modify the environment such as global warming, population growth, pesticide use, and water and power consumption.

Rabbit Population by Season
Water Pollution

SB4.e: Relate plant adaptations, including tropisms, to the ability to survive stressful environmental conditions.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks

SB4.f: Relate animal adaptations, including behaviors, to the ability to survive stressful environmental conditions.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection
Rainfall and Bird Beaks

SB5: Students will evaluate the role of natural selection in the development of the theory of evolution.

SB5.a: Trace the history of the theory.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

SB5.b: Explain the history of life in terms of biodiversity, ancestry, and the rates of evolution.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

SB5.c: Explain how fossil and biochemical evidence support the theory.

Human Evolution - Skull Analysis

SB5.d: Relate natural selection to changes in organisms.

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Natural Selection

SB5.e: Recognize the role of evolution to biological resistance (pesticide and antibiotic resistance).

Evolution: Mutation and Selection
Human Evolution - Skull Analysis
Natural Selection

SC1: Students will analyze the nature of matter and its classifications.

SC1.a: Relate the role of nuclear fusion in producing essentially all elements heavier than helium.

Element Builder

SC1.b: Identify substances based on chemical and physical properties.

Mystery Powder Analysis

SC1.c: Predict formulas for stable ionic compounds (binary and tertiary) based on balance of charges.

Dehydration Synthesis
Ionic Bonds

SC1.d: Use IUPAC nomenclature for both chemical names and formulas:

SC1.d.1: Ionic compounds (Binary and tertiary)

Dehydration Synthesis
Ionic Bonds

SC1.d.2: Covalent compounds (Binary and tertiary)

Covalent Bonds

SC1.d.3: Acidic compounds (Binary and tertiary)

Covalent Bonds
Dehydration Synthesis
Ionic Bonds

SC2: Students will relate how the Law of Conservation of Matter is used to determine chemical composition in compounds and chemical reactions.

SC2.a: Identify and balance the following types of chemical equations:

SC2.a.1: Synthesis

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing
Dehydration Synthesis

SC2.a.2: Decomposition

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SC2.a.3: Single Replacement

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SC2.a.4: Double Replacement

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SC2.a.5: Combustion

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equation Balancing

SC2.c: Apply concepts of the mole and Avogadro's number to conceptualize and calculate

SC2.c.1: Empirical/molecular formulas,


SC2.c.2: Mass, moles and molecules relationships,

Dehydration Synthesis
Ionic Bonds

SC2.c.3: Molar volumes of gases.

Density Laboratory

SC2.d: Identify and solve different types of stoichiometry problems, specifically relating mass to moles and mass to mass.


SC2.e: Demonstrate the conceptual principle of limiting reactants.

Limiting Reactants

SC3: Students will use the modern atomic theory to explain the characteristics of atoms.

SC3.a: Discriminate between the relative size, charge, and position of protons, neutrons, and electrons in the atom.

Electron Configuration
Element Builder
Nuclear Decay

SC3.b: Use the orbital configuration of neutral atoms to explain its effect on the atom’s chemical properties.

Electron Configuration

SC3.c: Explain the relationship of the proton number to the element’s identity.

Element Builder
Nuclear Decay

SC3.d: Explain the relationship of isotopes to the relative abundance of atoms of a particular element.

Element Builder

SC3.e: Compare and contrast types of chemical bonds (i.e., ionic, covalent).

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

SC3.f: Relate light emission and the movement of electrons to element identification.

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Element Builder

SC4: Students will use the organization of the Periodic Table to predict properties of elements.

SC4.a: Use the Periodic Table to predict periodic trends including atomic radii, ionic radii, ionization energy, and electronegativity of various elements.

Electron Configuration

SC4.b: Compare and contrast trends in the chemical and physical properties of elements and their placement on the Periodic Table.

Electron Configuration

SC5: Students will understand that the rate at which a chemical reaction occurs can be affected by changing concentration, temperature, or pressure and the addition of a catalyst.

SC5.b: Investigate the effects of a catalyst on chemical reactions and apply it to everyday examples.

Collision Theory

SC6: Students will understand the effects motion of atoms and molecules in chemical and physical processes.

SC6.a: Compare and contrast atomic/molecular motion in solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas.

Boyle's Law and Charles' Law
Freezing Point of Salt Water
Phase Changes
Temperature and Particle Motion

SC6.b: Collect data and calculate the amount of heat given off or taken in by chemical or physical processes.

Calorimetry Lab

SC6.c: Analyzing (both conceptually and quantitatively) flow of energy during change of state (phase).

Freezing Point of Salt Water
Phase Changes

SC7: Students will characterize the properties that describe solutions and the nature of acids and bases.

SC7.a: Explain the process of dissolving in terms of solute/solvent interactions:

SC7.a.4: Relate molality to colligative properties.

Colligative Properties
Freezing Point of Salt Water

SC7.b: Compare, contrast, and evaluate the nature of acids and bases:

SC7.b.4: pH

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

SP1: Students will analyze the relationships between force, mass, gravity, and the motion of objects.

SP1.a: Calculate average velocity, instantaneous velocity, and acceleration in a given frame of reference.

Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs
Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Uniform Circular Motion

SP1.b: Compare and contrast scalar and vector quantities.

Atwood Machine

SP1.c: Compare graphically and algebraically the relationships among position, velocity, acceleration, and time.

Distance-Time Graphs
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs
Fan Cart Physics
Freefall Laboratory
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Uniform Circular Motion

SP1.d: Measure and calculate the magnitude of frictional forces and Newton’s three Laws of Motion.

2D Collisions
Air Track
Atwood Machine
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Roller Coaster Physics

SP1.e: Measure and calculate the magnitude of gravitational forces.

Gravitational Force
Pith Ball Lab

SP1.f: Measure and calculate two-dimensional motion (projectile and circular) by using component vectors.

Golf Range!
Uniform Circular Motion

SP1.h: Determine the conditions required to maintain a body in a state of static equilibrium.

Atwood Machine
Fan Cart Physics
Pith Ball Lab
Uniform Circular Motion

SP2: Students will evaluate the significance of energy in understanding the structure of matter and the universe.

SP2.b: Explain how the instability of radioactive isotopes results in spontaneous nuclear reactions.

Nuclear Decay

SP3: Students will evaluate the forms and transformations of energy.

SP3.a: Analyze, evaluate, and apply the principle of conservation of energy and measure the components of work-energy theorem by

SP3.a.1: describing total energy in a closed system.

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Roller Coaster Physics

SP3.a.2: identifying different types of potential energy.

Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Period of a Pendulum
Roller Coaster Physics
Simple Harmonic Motion

SP3.a.3: calculating kinetic energy given mass and velocity.

Air Track
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Period of a Pendulum
Roller Coaster Physics
Simple Harmonic Motion

SP3.a.4: relating transformations between potential and kinetic energy.

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Rolling Objects
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Period of a Pendulum
Roller Coaster Physics
Simple Harmonic Motion

SP3.b: Measure and calculate the vector nature of momentum.

2D Collisions
Air Track

SP3.c: Compare and contrast elastic and inelastic collisions.

2D Collisions

SP3.d: Demonstrate the factors required to produce a change in momentum.

2D Collisions
Air Track

SP3.e: Analyze the relationship between temperature, internal energy, and work done in a physical system.

Pulley Lab

SP4: Students will analyze the properties and applications of waves.

SP4.a: Explain the processes that results in the production and energy transfer of electromagnetic waves.

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Photoelectric Effect

SP4.b: Experimentally determine the behavior of waves in various media in terms of reflection, refraction, and diffraction of waves.

Laser Reflection
Ray Tracing (Lenses)

SP4.c: Explain the relationship between the phenomena of interference and the principle of superposition.

Sound Beats and Sine Waves

SP4.d: Demonstrate the transfer of energy through different mediums by mechanical waves.

Earthquake - Determination of Epicenter
Earthquake - Recording Station

SP5: Students will evaluate relationships between electrical and magnetic forces.

SP5.a: Describe the transformation of mechanical energy into electrical energy and the transmission of electrical energy.

Advanced Circuits
Energy Conversion in a System
Household Energy Usage
Simple Harmonic Motion

SP5.b: Determine the relationship among potential difference, current, and resistance in a direct current circuit.

Advanced Circuits

SP5.c: Determine equivalent resistances in series and parallel circuits.

Advanced Circuits

Correlation last revised: 11/2/2009

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