1: Gases

1.1: Chemical properties of gases

1.1.1: Reactivity

Equilibrium and Concentration

1.2: Physical properties of gases

1.2.1: Kinetic theory of gases

Boyle's Law and Charles's Law
Temperature and Particle Motion

1.2.2: General gas law

Boyle's Law and Charles's Law

1.2.3: Ideal gas law

Boyle's Law and Charles's Law

1.2.4: Dalton?s law

Equilibrium and Pressure

2: Energy changes in reactions

2.1: Energy diagram

Chemical Changes

2.3: Enthalpy change

Reaction Energy

2.4: Molar heat of reaction

Chemical Equations

3: Reaction rate

3.1: Factors that influence reaction rate

3.1.1: Nature of reactants

Collision Theory

3.1.2: Concentration

Collision Theory
Solubility and Temperature

3.1.3: Surface area

Collision Theory

3.1.4: Temperature

Collision Theory

3.1.5: Catalysts

Chemical Changes
Collision Theory

4: Chemical equilibrium

4.1: Factors that influence the state of equilibrium

4.1.1: Concentration

Equilibrium and Concentration

4.1.3: Pressure

Equilibrium and Concentration
Equilibrium and Pressure

4.2: Le Chatelier?s principle

Equilibrium and Concentration
Equilibrium and Pressure

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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