1: Life Science: Interactions within Ecosystems

1.1: Components of an Ecosystem

1.1.4: describe interactions between biotic and abiotic factors in an ecosystem

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Food Chain
Pond Ecosystem

1.1.5: identify the roles of producers, consumers, and decomposers in a local ecosystem and describe both their diversity and their interactions

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem

1.1.6: classify organisms as producers, consumers, and decomposers

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Cell Energy Cycle
Photosynthesis Lab

1.1.1: identify, delimit, and investigate questions related to a local ecosystem such as â??What types of species live in a particular ecosystem?â??

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem

1.1.2: use instruments effectively and accurately to investigate components of an ecosystem

Forest Ecosystem

1.1.3: organize and record data collected in an investigation of an ecosystem

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem

1.1.8: explain how biological classification takes into account the diversity of life on Earth, using the terms producer, consumer, and decomposer

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem

1.2: Food Webs

1.2.1: demonstrate the importance of choosing words that are scientifically appropriate by using these words in context:

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem

1.2.2: habitat

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem

1.2.3: population

Food Chain

1.2.5: ecosystem

Food Chain

1.2.6: identify and evaluate potential applications of the recycling of matter in an ecosystem

Carbon Cycle
Cell Energy Cycle

1.3: Decomposers

1.3.3: light

Food Chain

2: Earth and Space Science: Earthâ??s Crust

2.1: Geological Plate Tectonics and Time Scale

2.1.1: compare some of the catastrophic events, such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, that occur on or near Earthâ??s surface

Earthquakes 1 - Recording Station
Plate Tectonics

2.1.2: organize and analyse data on the geographical and chronological distribution of earth quakes and volcanoes to determine patterns and trends

Plate Tectonics

2.1.4: provide examples of ideas and theories used in the past to explain volcanic activity, earthquakes, and mountain building

Plate Tectonics

2.1.6: explain the processes of mountain formation and the folding and faulting of the Earthâ??s surface

Plate Tectonics

2.2: Rocks and Minerals

2.2.1: classify minerals on the basis of their physical characteristics by using a dichotomous key

Mineral Identification

2.3: The Rock Cycle

2.3.1: identify questions to investigate arising from the study of the rock cycle

Rock Cycle
Rock Classification
Rock Cycle

2.3.2: use tools and apparatus safely when modelling or simulating the formation of rock types

Rock Classification
Rock Cycle

2.3.3: classify rocks on the basis of their characteristics and method of formation

Rock Classification
Rock Cycle

2.4: Weathering

2.4.1: explain various ways in which rocks can be weathered

Rock Cycle

3: Physical Science: Heat

3.2: Temperature and Matter

3.2.1: explain how each state of matter reacts to changes in temperature

Phases of Water

3.2.2: explain changes of state, using the particle model of matter

Phases of Water

3.3: Heat Transfer

3.3.1: compare transmission of heat by conduction, convection, and radiation

Conduction and Convection
Heat Transfer by Conduction

3.3.4: compare, in qualitative terms, the heat capacities of some common materials

Heat Absorption

3.3.5: carry out a procedure to investigate how various surfaces absorb radiant heat and control major variables

Heat Absorption

3.3.7: identify, evaluate, and draw a conclusion about the relationship between colour and heat absorption in materials

Heat Absorption

3.3.8: communicate results of experiments and/or investigations related to colour and heat absorption by using language and a variety of tables, charts, and/or graphs

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

3.3.9: describe how various surfaces absorb radiant heat

Heat Absorption

4: Physical Science: Mixtures and Solutions

4.1: Mixtures

4.1.3: evaporation

Phases of Water

4.3: Concentration of Solutions

4.3.9: use a commercial or student-made hydrometer effectively and accurately for collecting data

Triple Beam Balance

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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