MW: Material World

MW.A: Matter

MW.A.1: Properties and characteristics of matter

MW.A.1.a: Classifies objects according to their properties (e.g. colour, shape, size, texture, smell)

Heat Absorption
Mineral Identification

MW.A.1.b: Classifies materials (e.g. fabrics, sponges, papers) according to their degree of absorption

Heat Absorption

MW.A.1.d: Distinguishes between translucent substances (transparent or coloured) and opaque substances

Heat Absorption

MW.A.1.f: Distinguishes between the mass (quantity of matter) of an object and its weight (gravitational force acting on the mass)

Weight and Mass

MW.A.1.g: Classifies solids according to their density (identical volumes and different masses or identical masses and different volumes)


MW.A.3: Solid, liquid, gaseous state, phase changes

MW.A.3.c: Describes the operations involved in changing water from one state to another (heating or cooling)

Phases of Water

MW.A.3.d: Determines the state of various objects and substances in his/her environment (e.g. glass, air, milk, plastic)

Phases of Water

MW.A.5: Changes in matter

MW.A.5.a: Demonstrates that physical changes (e.g. deforming, breaking, grinding, phase changes) do not change the properties of matter

Phases of Water

MW.B: Energy

MW.B.1: Forms of energy

MW.B.1.a: Describes different forms of energy (mechanical, electrical, light, chemical, heat, sound, nuclear)

Energy Conversions

MW.B.1.b: Identifies sources of energy in his/her environment (e.g. moving water, chemical reaction in a battery, sunlight)

Energy Conversions

MW.B.2: Transmission of energy

MW.B.2.g: Explains the motion of convection in liquids and gases (e.g. boiling water)

Conduction and Convection

MW.B.3: Transformation of energy

MW.B.3.d: Describes the transformations of energy from one form to another

Energy Conversions

MW.C: Forces and motion

MW.C.2: Magnetism and electromagnetism

MW.C.2.a: Recognizes the effects of magnetism on magnets (attraction and repulsion)


MW.C.2.b: Identifies situations in which magnets are used


MW.C.5: Characteristics of motion

MW.C.5.a: Describes the characteristics of motion (e.g. direction, speed)

Free Fall Tower
Measuring Motion

MW.D: Systems and interaction

MW.D.2: Simple machines

MW.D.2.a: Recognizes simple machines (lever, inclined plane, screw, pulley, winch, wheel) used in an object (e.g. lever in seesaw, inclined plane for an access ramp)


MW.D.2.b: Describes the uses of certain simple machines (to adjust the force required)


MW.D.4: How manufactured objects work

MW.D.4.a: Identifies the mechanical parts (e.g. gears, cams, springs, simple machines, connecting rods)


MW.E: Techniques and instrumentation

MW.E.1: Use of simple measuring instruments

MW.E.1.a: Appropriately uses simple measuring instruments (rulers, dropper, graduated cylinder, balance, thermometer, chronometer)

Measuring Trees
Measuring Volume
Weight and Mass

MW.E.2: Use of simple machines

MW.E.2.a: Appropriately uses simple machines (lever, inclined plane, screw, pulley, winch, wheel)


MW.F: Appropriate language

MW.F.2: Conventions and types of representations specific to the concepts studied

MW.F.2.a: Communicates using appropriate types of representations that reflect the rules and conventions of science and technology (e.g. symbols, graphs, tables, drawings, sketches, norms and standardization)

Graphing Skills

ES: Earth and Space

ES.A: Matter

ES.A.3: Transformation of matter

ES.A.3.a: Describes different types of precipitation (rain, snow, hail, freezing rain)

Observing Weather (Customary)

ES.A.3.c: Explains the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, precipitation, runoff and infiltration)

Water Cycle

ES.B: Energy

ES.B.1: Sources of energy

ES.B.1.a: Explains that the sun is the main source of energy on Earth

Energy Conversions

ES.B.1.b: Identifies natural sources of energy (sun, moving water, wind)

Energy Conversions

ES.B.3: Transformation of energy

ES.B.3.a: Describes what renewable energy is

Energy Conversions

ES.B.3.b: Explains that sunlight, moving water and wind are renewable sources of energy

Energy Conversions

ES.B.3.c: Describes the methods invented by humans to transform renewable sources of energy into electricity (hydroelectric dam, wind turbine, solar panels)

Energy Conversions

ES.C: Forces and motion

ES.C.1: Rotation of the Earth

ES.C.1.a: Associates the cycle of day and night with the rotation of the Earth

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

ES.D: Systems and interaction

ES.D.2: System involving the sun, the Earth and the moon

ES.D.2.a: Associates the sun with the idea of a star, the Earth with the idea of a planet and the moon with the idea a natural satellite

Solar System

ES.D.2.b: Describes the rotational and revolutionary motion of the Earth and the moon

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun

ES.D.2.c: Illustrates the phases of the lunar cycle (full moon, new moon, first and last quarters)

Phases of the Moon

ES.D.2.d: Illustrates the formation of eclipses (lunar, solar)


ES.D.4: Seasons

ES.D.4.a: Describes the changes to the environment throughout the seasons (temperature, amount of daylight, type of precipitation)

Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun
Summer and Winter

ES.E: Techniques and instrumentation

ES.E.2: Use of simple measuring instruments

ES.E.2.a: Appropriately uses simple measuring instruments (e.g. rulers, dropper, graduated cylinder, balance, thermometer, wind vane, barometer, anemometer, hygrometer)

Measuring Trees
Measuring Volume
Observing Weather (Customary)
Observing Weather (Metric)
Weight and Mass

ES.F: Appropriate language

ES.F.2: Conventions and types of representations specific to the concepts studied

ES.F.2.a: Communicates using appropriate types of representations that reflect the rules and conventions of science and technology (e.g. symbols, graphs, tables, drawings, sketches)

Graphing Skills

LT: Living Things

LT.A: Matter

LT.A.1: Characteristics of living things

LT.A.1.a: Explains the basic needs of the metabolism of living things (e.g. nutrition, respiration)

Plants and Snails

LT.A.1.e: Describes the types of sexual reproduction in plants (pistil, stamen, pollen, seed and fruit)

Flower Pollination

LT.A.2: Organization of living things

LT.A.2.a: Describes the functions of certain parts of the anatomy (e.g. limbs, head, heart, stomach)

Circulatory System

LT.A.2.e: Describes the anatomy of plants (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds)

Flower Pollination

LT.A.2.f: Associates the parts of a plant with their general functions (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds)

Flower Pollination

LT.A.2.g: Associates the parts and systems of the anatomy of animals with their general functions

Circulatory System

LT.A.3: Transformations of living things

LT.A.3.a: Names the basic needs for plant growth (water, air, light, mineral salts)

Growing Plants

LT.B: Energy

LT.B.1: Sources of energy for living things

LT.B.1.c: Associates familiar animals with their diet (carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous)

Prairie Ecosystem

LT.B.2: Transformation of energy in living things

LT.B.2.a: Illustrates a simple food chain (3 or 4 links)

Prairie Ecosystem

LT.D: Systems and interaction

LT.D.1: Interaction between living organisms and their environment

LT.D.1.e: Describes relationships between living things (parasitism, predation)

Prairie Ecosystem

LT.E: Techniques and instrumentation

LT.E.2: Use of simple measuring instruments

LT.E.2.a: Appropriately uses simple measuring instruments (e.g. rulers, dropper, graduated cylinder, balance, thermometer)

Measuring Trees
Measuring Volume
Weight and Mass

LT.F: Appropriate language

LT.F.2: Conventions and types of representations specific to the concepts studied

LT.F.2.a: Communicates using appropriate types of representations that reflect the rules and conventions of science and technology (e.g. symbols, graphs, tables, drawings, sketches)

Graphing Skills

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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