1: Students will develop Numeric Reasoning and an understanding of Number and Operations by solving problems in which there is a need to represent and model real numbers verbally, physically, and symbolically; to explain the relationship between numbers; to determine the relative magnitude of real numbers; to use operations with understanding; and to select appropriate methods of calculations from among mental math, paper-and-pencil, calculators, or computers.

1.1: Number sense

1.1.1: Use i = square root of -1 to develop an awareness of other number systems

Points in the Complex Plane

2: Students will develop Algebraic Reasoning and an understanding of Patterns and Functions by solving problems in which there is a need to recognize and extend a variety of patterns; to progress from the concrete to the abstract using physical models, equations, and graphs; to describe, represent, and analyze relationships among variable quantities; and to analyze, represent, model, and describe real-world functional relationships.

2.1: Patterns and change

2.1.2: Explore and analyze real world problem situations involving non-financial applications of rates

Earthquakes 1 - Recording Station

2.2: Representations

2.2.2: Understand the relationship between the zeros (roots) of a polynomial function and its factors

Polynomials and Linear Factors

2.3: Symbols

2.3.1: Use symbolic, numeric or graphical methods to solve systems of equations and/or inequalities involving linear and nonlinear contexts

Cat and Mouse (Modeling with Linear Systems)
Linear Programming
Solving Equations by Graphing Each Side
Solving Linear Systems (Matrices and Special Solutions)
Solving Linear Systems (Slope-Intercept Form)
Solving Linear Systems (Standard Form)
Systems of Linear Inequalities (Slope-intercept form)

2.3.2: Solve everyday problems that can be modeled using polynomial rational, exponential, logarithmic, and/or step functions, absolute value and square roots

Absolute Value with Linear Functions
Compound Interest
Exponential Functions
General Form of a Rational Function
Graphs of Polynomial Functions
Introduction to Exponential Functions
Logarithmic Functions
Polynomials and Linear Factors
Quadratics in Factored Form
Rational Functions
Translating and Scaling Functions

3: Students will develop Geometric Reasoning and an understanding of Geometry and Measurement by solving problems in which there is a need to recognize, construct, transform, analyze properties of, and discover relationships among geometric figures; and to measure to a required degree of accuracy by selecting appropriate tools and units.

3.2: Location and transformation

3.2.1: Explore and use other coordinate systems to describe directions and location

Points in the Coordinate Plane

3.2.2: Use perspective, proportionality, and patterning to explore real world geometric applications

Beam to Moon (Ratios and Proportions)

3.3: Measurement

3.3.1: Use indirect measurement to find missing lengths of geometric figures

Perimeters and Areas of Similar Figures
Similar Figures

4: Students will develop Quantitative Reasoning and an understanding of Data Analysis and Probability by solving problems in which there is a need to collect, appropriately represent, and interpret data; to make inferences or predictions and to present convincing arguments; and to model mathematical situations to determine the probability.

4.2: Represent

4.2.1: Apply and interpret z scores

Polling: City
Polling: Neighborhood

4.2.2: Interpret margin of error and confidence intervals

Polling: City
Polling: Neighborhood

4.4: Probability

4.4.1: Use conditional probabilities to solve problems from health, public policy, and other areas

Independent and Dependent Events

4.4.2: Use the normal distribution to calculate probabilities

Polling: City

Correlation last revised: 5/9/2018

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.