C-2: Students will demonstrate an understanding of atomic structure and nuclear processes.

C-2.1: Illustrate electron configurations by using orbital notation for representative elements.

Electron Configuration

C-2.2: Summarize atomic properties (including electron configuration, ionization energy, electron affinity, atomic size, and ionic size).

Electron Configuration

C-2.3: Summarize the periodic table?s property trends (including electron configuration, ionization energy, electron affinity, atomic size, ionic size, and reactivity).

Electron Configuration

C-2.5: Compare alpha, beta, and gamma radiation in terms of mass, charge, penetrating power, and the release of these particles from the nucleus.

Nuclear Decay

C-2.6: Explain the concept of half-life, its use in determining the age of materials, and its significance to nuclear waste disposal.


C-2.8: Analyze a decay series chart to determine the products of successive nuclear reactions and write nuclear equations for disintegration of specified nuclides.

Nuclear Decay

C-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structures and classifications of chemical compounds.

C-3.1: Predict the type of bonding (ionic or covalent) and the shape of simple compounds by using Lewis dot structures and oxidation numbers.

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

C-3.2: Interpret the names and formulas for ionic and covalent compounds.

Covalent Bonds
Ionic Bonds

C-3.9: Classify polymerization reactions as addition or condensation.

Dehydration Synthesis

C-4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the types, the causes, and the effects of chemical reactions.

C-4.1: Analyze and balance equations for simple synthesis, decomposition, single replacement, double replacement, and combustion reactions.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations

C-4.3: Analyze the energy changes (endothermic or exothermic) associated with chemical reactions.

Chemical Changes

C-4.4: Apply the concept of moles to determine the number of particles of a substance in a chemical reaction, the percent composition of a representative compound, the mass proportions, and the mole-mass relationships.

Chemical Equations

C-4.5: Predict the percent yield, the mass of excess, and the limiting reagent in chemical reactions.

Limiting Reactants

C-4.6: Explain the role of activation energy and the effects of temperature, particle size, stirring, concentration, and catalysts in reaction rates.

Collision Theory

C-4.9: Summarize the concept of chemical equilibrium and Le Châtelier?s principle.

Equilibrium and Concentration
Equilibrium and Pressure

C-4.10: Explain the role of collision frequency, the energy of collisions, and the orientation of molecules in reaction rates.

Collision Theory

C-5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the structure and behavior of the different phases of matter.

C-5.1: Explain the effects of the intermolecular forces on the different phases of matter.

Phase Changes

C-5.2: Explain the behaviors of gas; the relationship among pressure, volume, and temperature; and the significance of the Kelvin (absolute temperature) scale, using the kinetic-molecular theory as a model.

Temperature and Particle Motion

C-5.3: Apply the gas laws to problems concerning changes in pressure, volume, or temperature (including Charles?s law, Boyle?s law, and the combined gas law).

Boyle's Law and Charles' Law

C-5.5: Analyze the energy changes involved in calorimetry by using the law of conservation of energy as it applies to temperature, heat, and phase changes (including the use of the formulas q = mc delta T [temperature change] and q = mLv and q = mLf [phase change] to solve calorimetry problems).

Energy Conversion in a System

C-6: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the nature and properties of various types of chemical solutions.

C-6.3: Illustrate the colligative properties of solutions (including freezing point depression and boiling point elevation and their practical uses).

Freezing Point of Salt Water

C-6.8: Use the hydronium or hydroxide ion concentration to determine the pH and pOH of aqueous solutions.

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

C-6.9: Explain how the use of a titration can determine the concentration of acid and base solutions


C-6.10: Interpret solubility curves to determine saturation at different temperatures.

Solubility and Temperature

C-6.13: Use the calculated molality of a solution to calculate the freezing point depression and the boiling point elevation of a solution.

Freezing Point of Salt Water

Correlation last revised: 5/24/2018

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