2: Describe and explain how forces affect motion.

2.a: Demonstrate and explain the basic principles of Newton?s three laws of motion including calculations of acceleration, force, and momentum.

2.a.1: Inertia and distance-time graphs to determine average speed

Distance-Time Graphs - Metric
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs - Metric
Free-Fall Laboratory

2.a.2: Net force (accounting for gravity, friction, and air resistance) and the resulting motion of objects

Atwood Machine
Free-Fall Laboratory

2.a.3: Effects of the gravitational force on objects on Earth and effects on planetary and lunar motion

Orbital Motion - Kepler's Laws

2.a.4: Simple harmonic motion (oscillation)

Period of Mass on a Spring
Period of a Pendulum
Simple Harmonic Motion

2.b: Explain the connection between force, work, and energy.

2.b.1: Force exerted over a distance (results in work done)

Pulley Lab

2.b.3: Net work on an object which contributes to change in kinetic energy (work-to-energy theorem)

Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Pulley Lab

2.c: Describe (with supporting details and diagrams) how the kinetic energy of an object can be converted into potential energy (the energy of position) and how energy is transferred or transformed (conservation of energy).

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects
Roller Coaster Physics

2.d: Draw and assess conclusions about charges and electric current.

2.d.2: Elements in an electric circuit that are in series or parallel

Advanced Circuits
Circuit Builder

2.d.3: Conductors and insulators

Circuit Builder
Electromagnetic Induction

2.e: Cite evidence and explain the application of electric currents and magnetic fields as they relate to their use in everyday living (e.g., the application of fields in motors and generators and the concept of electric current using Ohm?s Law

Advanced Circuits

3: Demonstrate an understanding of general properties and characteristics of waves.

3.a: Differentiate among transverse, longitudinal, and surface waves as they propagate through a medium (e.g., string, air, water, steel beam).

Longitudinal Waves

3.b: Compare properties of waves (e.g., superposition, interference, refraction, reflection, diffraction, Doppler Effect) and explain the connection among the quantities (e.g., wavelength, frequency, period, amplitude, and velocity).

Basic Prism
Doppler Shift
Doppler Shift Advanced
Longitudinal Waves
Ripple Tank
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

3.c: Classify the electromagnetic spectrum?s regions according to frequency and/or wavelength and draw conclusions about their impact on life.

3.c.1: The emission of light by electrons when moving from higher to lower levels

Star Spectra

3.c.2: Energy (photons as quanta of light)

Photoelectric Effect

4: Develop an understanding of the atom.

4.a: Cite evidence to summarize the atomic theory.

4.a.1: Models for atoms

Bohr Model of Hydrogen
Bohr Model: Introduction
Element Builder

4.a.2: Hund?s rule and Aufbau process to specify the electron configuration of elements

Electron Configuration

4.c: Research the history of the periodic table of the elements and summarize the contributions which led to the atomic theory.

4.c.2: Technology (e.g., x-rays, cathode-ray tubes, spectroscopes)

Electromagnetic Induction

4.d: Utilize the periodic table to predict and explain patterns and draw conclusions about the structure, properties, and organization of matter.

4.d.1: Atomic composition and valence electron configuration (e.g., atomic number, mass number of protons, neutrons, electrons, isotopes, and ions)

Electron Configuration
Element Builder

4.d.2: Periodic trends using the periodic table (e.g., valence, reactivity, atomic radius)

Electron Configuration

4.d.3: Average atomic mass from isotopic abundance

Element Builder

4.d.5: Periodic properties of elements (e.g., metal/nonmetal/metalloid behavior, electrical/heat conductivity, electronegativity, electron affinity, ionization energy, atomic/covalent/ionic radius) and how they relate to position in the periodic table

Electron Configuration

5: Investigate and apply principles of physical and chemical changes in matter. a. Write chemical formulas for compounds comprising monatomic and polyatomic ions.

5.b: Balance chemical equations.

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations

5.c: Classify types of chemical reactions (e,g., composition, decomposition, single displacement, double displacement, combustion, acid/base reactions).

Balancing Chemical Equations
Chemical Equations
Dehydration Synthesis
Equilibrium and Concentration

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this state's curriculum standards. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.