2: Apply concepts relating to an understanding of chemical and physical changes, interactions involving energy, and forces that affect motion of objects.

2.a: Identify patterns found in chemical symbols, formulas, reactions, and equations that apply to the law of conservation of mass.

2.a.2: Mass of reactants before a change and products after a change

Chemical Equations

2.a.3: Balanced chemical equations such as photosynthesis and respiration

Balancing Chemical Equations
Cell Energy Cycle
Chemical Equations
Photosynthesis Lab

2.b: Predict the properties and interactions of given elements using the periodic table of the elements.

2.b.3: Chemical changes in matter (e.g., rusting [slow oxidation], combustion [fast oxidation], food spoilage)

Chemical Equations

2.c: Distinguish the motion of an object by its position, direction of motion, speed, and acceleration and represent resulting data in graphic form in order to make a prediction.

Free Fall Tower
Free-Fall Laboratory
Measuring Motion

2.e: Contrast various components of the electromagnetic spectrum (e.g., infrared, visible light, ultraviolet) and predict their impacts on living things.

Herschel Experiment - Metric

2.f: Recognize Newton?s Three Laws of Motion and identify situations that illustrate each law (e.g., inertia, acceleration, action, reaction forces).

Fan Cart Physics

3: Compare and contrast the structure and functions of the cell, levels of organization of living things, basis of heredity, and adaptations that explain variations in populations.

3.b: Compare and contrast the major components and functions of different types of cells.

3.b.1: Differences in plant and animal cells

Cell Structure

3.b.2: Structures (nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall, mitochondrion, and nuclear membrane)

Cell Structure

3.c: Describe how viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites may infect the human body and interfere with normal body functions.

Virus Lytic Cycle

3.d: Describe heredity as the passage of instructions from one generation to another and recognize that hereditary information is contained in genes, located in the chromosomes of each cell.

3.d.1: How traits are passed from parents to offspring through pairs of genes

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.d.2: Phenotypes and genotypes

Chicken Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.d.3: Hierarchy of DNA, genes, and chromosomes and their relationship to phenotype

Human Karyotyping

3.d.4: Punnett square calculations

Mouse Genetics (One Trait)
Mouse Genetics (Two Traits)

3.e: Explain energy flow in a specified ecosystem.

3.e.1: Populations, communities, and habitats

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Food Chain
Rabbit Population by Season

3.e.2: Niches, ecosystems and biomes

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

3.e.3: Producers, consumers and decomposers in an ecosystem

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors
Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem

4: Describe the Earth?s System in terms of its position to objects in the universe, structure and composition, climate, and renewable and nonrenewable resources.

4.a: Compare and contrast the lithosphere and the asthenosphere.

4.a.3: How the lithosphere responds to tectonic forces (faulting and folding)

Plate Tectonics

4.b: Describe the cause and effect relationship between the composition of and movement within the Earth?s lithosphere.

4.b.2: Volcanoes formed at mid-ocean ridges, within intra-plate regions, at island arcs, and along some continental edges

Plate Tectonics

4.b.3: Modern distribution of continents to the movement of lithospheric plates since the formation of Pangaea

Building Pangaea

4.c: Examine weather forecasting and describe how meteorologists use atmospheric features and technology to predict the weather.

4.c.1: Temperature, precipitation, wind (speed/direction), dew point, relative humidity, and barometric pressure

Hurricane Motion - Metric

4.d: Research the importance of the conservation of renewable and nonrenewable resources, including (but not limited to) Mississippi, and justify methods that might be useful in decreasing the human impact on global warming.

4.d.1: Greenhouse gases

Carbon Cycle
Greenhouse Effect - Metric

4.d.3: Relationships of the cycles of water, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen

Carbon Cycle
Cell Energy Cycle
Plants and Snails
Water Cycle

4.e: Explain how the tilt of Earth?s axis and the position of the Earth in relation to the sun determine climatic zones, seasons, and length of the days.

Seasons Around the World
Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Earth, Moon, and Sun
Seasons: Why do we have them?

4.h: Justify why an imaginary hurricane might or might not hit a particular area, using important technological resources including (but not limited to) the following:

4.h.3: The National Weather Service

Hurricane Motion - Metric

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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