2: Analyze chemical and physical changes and interactions involving energy and forces that affect motion of objects.

2.a: Recognize that atoms of a given element are all alike but atoms of other elements have different atomic structures.

Element Builder

2.c: Investigate and describe the effects of forces acting on objects.

2.c.1: Gravity, friction, magnetism, drag, lift, and thrust

Force and Fan Carts
Free Fall Tower
Free-Fall Laboratory

2.c.2: Forces affecting the motion of objects

Force and Fan Carts

2.d: Investigate the mechanical and chemical forms of energy and demonstrate the transformations from one form to another.

2.d.2: Mechanical energy transformed to another form of energy (e.g., vibrations, heat through friction)

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy Conversions
Inclined Plane - Sliding Objects

2.d.3: Chemical energy transformed to another form of energy (e.g., light wands, lightning bugs, batteries, bulbs)

Energy Conversions

2.e: Apply the laws of reflection and refraction to explain everyday phenomena.

2.e.1: Properties of reflection, refraction, transmission, and absorption of light

Color Absorption
Heat Absorption

2.g: Predict and explain factors that affect the flow of heat in solids, liquids, and gases.

2.g.2: Conduction, convection, or radiation factors used to enhance the flow of heat

Conduction and Convection
Heat Absorption
Heat Transfer by Conduction
Herschel Experiment - Metric

3: Explain the organization of living things, the flow of matter and energy through ecosystems, the diversity and interactions among populations, and the natural and human-made pressures that impact the environment.

3.a: Describe and predict interactions (among and within populations) and the effects of these interactions on population growth to include the effects on available resources.

3.a.1: How cooperation, competition and predation affect population growth

Food Chain
Prairie Ecosystem

3.a.3: How natural selection acts on a population of organisms in a particular environment via enhanced reproductive success

Rainfall and Bird Beaks - Metric

3.b: Compare and contrast structure and function in living things to include cells and whole organisms.

3.b.1: Hierarchy of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems to their functions in an organism

Circulatory System
Digestive System

3.b.2: Function of plant and animal cell parts (vacuoles, nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall, chloroplast)

Cell Energy Cycle
Cell Structure

3.b.3: Vascular and nonvascular plants, flowering and non-flowering plants, deciduous and coniferous trees

Measuring Trees

3.c: Distinguish between the organization and development of humans to include the effects of disease.

3.c.1: How systems work together (e.g., respiratory, circulatory)

Circulatory System

3.c.2: Fertilization, early cell division, implantation, embryonic and fetal development, infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age

Cell Division

3.d: Describe and summarize how an egg and sperm unite in the reproduction of angiosperms and gymnosperms.

3.d.1: The path of the sperm cells to the egg cell in the ovary of a flower

Flower Pollination

3.d.2: The structures and functions of parts of a seed in the formation of a plant and of fruits

Flower Pollination

3.e: Construct a diagram of the path of solar energy through food webs that include humans and explain how the organisms relate to each other.

3.e.1: Autotrophs and heterotrophs, producers, consumers and decomposers

Food Chain
Forest Ecosystem
Prairie Ecosystem

4: Establish connections among Earth?s layers including the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

4.a: Compare and contrast the relative positions and components of the Earth?s crust (e.g., mantle, liquid and solid core, continental crust, oceanic crust).

Plate Tectonics

4.b: Draw conclusions about historical processes that contribute to the shaping of planet Earth.

4.b.1: Movements of the continents through time

Plate Tectonics

4.b.2: Continental plates, subduction zones, trenches, etc.

Plate Tectonics

4.d: Summarize the causes and effects of pollution on people and the environment (e.g., air pollution, ground pollution, chemical pollution) and justify how and why pollution should be minimized.

Coral Reefs 1 - Abiotic Factors

4.e: Explain the daily and annual changes in the Earth?s rotation and revolution.

4.e.1: How the positions of the moon and the sun affect tides

Tides - Metric

4.e.2: The phases of the moon (e.g., new, crescent, half, gibbous, full, waxing, waning)

Phases of the Moon

4.f: Differentiate between objects in the universe (e.g., stars, moons, solar systems, asteroids, galaxies).

Solar System

4.g: Research and cite evidence of current resources in Earth?s systems.

4.g.1: Resources such as fuels, metals, fresh water, wetlands, and farmlands

Carbon Cycle
Pond Ecosystem

4.g.3: Factors that contribute to and result from runoff (e.g., water cycle, groundwater, drainage basin (watershed)

Water Cycle

Correlation last revised: 9/16/2020

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