StemScopes Grade 8 Physical Science

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this textbook. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.

1: Segment 1: Chemical Reactions 

1.2: Physical and Chemical Properties

Chemical Changes
Chemical and Physical Changes
Density Experiment: Slice and Dice
Density Laboratory
Density via Comparison
Determining Density via Water Displacement
Measuring Volume
Mystery Powder Analysis
Triple Beam Balance

1.4: Characteristics of Chemical Reactions

Chemical Changes
Chemical and Physical Changes

1.5: Modeling Conservation of Mass

Chemical Changes
Chemical Equations

2: Segment 2: Structure and Properties of Matter  

2.1: Heat and Matter

Phase Changes
Phases of Water

2.2: Changes in Energy on the Molecular Level

Phase Changes
Phases of Water
Temperature and Particle Motion

2.3: Thermal Energy in Chemical Reactions

Chemical Changes
Feel the Heat

3: Segment 3: Forces and Motion

3.1: Newton's Third Law of Motion

Crumple Zones

3.2: Changes in Force and Motion

Crumple Zones
Fan Cart Physics
Force and Fan Carts

3.3: Electric and Magnetic Forces

Charge Launcher
Electromagnetic Induction

3.4: Gravitational Forces

Gravitational Force
Gravity Pitch
Weight and Mass

4: Segment 4: Potential and Kinetic Energy

4.1: Kinetic Energy

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Roller Coaster Physics
Sled Wars

4.2: Potential Energy

Energy Conversion in a System
Energy of a Pendulum
Potential Energy on Shelves
Roller Coaster Physics
Sled Wars

5: Segment 5: Energy Transfer in Temperature 

5.1: Thermal Energy Transfer

Conduction and Convection
Feel the Heat
Heat Transfer by Conduction

5.2: Energy Transfer and Temperature

Conduction and Convection
Feel the Heat
Heat Transfer by Conduction

6: Segment 6: Waves and their Applications in Technologies and Information Transfer

6.1: Introduction to Properties of Waves


6.2: Modeling Waves Through Various Mediums

Earthquakes 1 - Recording Station
Longitudinal Waves

6.3: Properties of Visible Light

Basic Prism
Color Absorption
Eyes and Vision 1 - Seeing Color
Heat Absorption
Laser Reflection

6.4: Modeling Light Waves

Basic Prism
Laser Reflection
Ripple Tank

Content correlation last revised: 9/24/2021