Gwinnett, GA: Physical Science

This correlation lists the recommended Gizmos for this textbook. Click any Gizmo title below for more information.

1: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information from the Periodic Table to explain the relative properties of elements based on patterns of atomic structure

1.a: develop and use models to compare and contrast the structure of atoms, ions, and isotopes (Properties are limited to: atomic number, atomic mass and the location and charge of electrons, protons, and neutrons)

Average Atomic Mass

1.c: analyze and interpret data to determine trends of the following: valence electrons, types of ions formed by main group elements, location and physical and chemical properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids (to include: reactivity, boiling point, melting point, malleability, conductivity) and phases at room temperature

Periodic Trends

1.d: use the Periodic Table as a model to predict the properties of main group elements

Periodic Trends

2: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain how atoms bond to form stable compounds

2.a: analyze and interpret data to predict properties of ionic and covalent compounds (properties include: binary ionic and 313binary covalent bonds, identify common chemical symbols and formulas, and conductivity)

Covalent Bonds
Electrons and Chemical Reactions
Ionic Bonds

2.b: develop and use models to predict formulas for stable, binary ionic compounds based on balance of charges

Ionic Bonds

3: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to support the Law of Conservation of Mass/Matter

3.a: plan and carry out investigations to generate evidence supporting the claim that mass is conserved during a chemical reaction (types of reactions limited to: synthesis, decomposition, simple/single replacement, and double replacement)

Chemical Changes

3.b: develop and use a model of chemical equation to illustrate how the total number of atoms and how mass is conserved during a chemical reaction/chemical change (limit to chemical equations that include binary ionic and covalent compounds and does include equations containing polyatomic ions)

Chemical Changes

4: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the changes in nuclear structure as a result of fission, fusion, and radioactive decay

4.a: develop a model that illustrates how the nucleus changes as a result of fission and fusion

Nuclear Decay
Nuclear Reactions

4.b: use mathematics and computational thinking to explain the process of half-life as it relates to radioactive decay (limit calculations to those with whole half-lives)


5: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to compare and contrast the phases of matter as they relate to atomic and molecular motion

5.a: compare and contrast models depicting the particle arrangement and motion in solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas

Phases of Water

5.b: plan and carry out investigations to demonstrate the relationships among temperature pressure, volume, and density of gases in closed systems

Boyle's Law and Charles's Law
Ideal Gas Law

6: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the properties of solutions

6.a: develop and use models to explain the properties of solutions, which focuses on solute/solvent, conductivity, and concentration- unsaturated, saturated, supersaturated

Colligative Properties

6.c: analyze and interpret data from a solubility curve to determine the effect of temperature on solubility

Solubility and Temperature

6.d: construct an explanation regarding the relationship between the structure and properties of acids and bases (e.g., pH and color change in the presence of an indicator - universal, litmus paper and cabbage juice)

pH Analysis
pH Analysis: Quad Color Indicator

6.e: plan and carry out investigations to detect patterns in order to classify common household substances as acidic, basic, or neutral

Mystery Powder Analysis

7: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain transformations and flow of energy within a system

7.a: construct explanations for energy transformations within a system (closed or open) including chemical, mechanical (potential and kinetic energy), electromagnetic, light, sound, thermal, electrical, and nuclear energies

Chemical Changes

7.b: use mathematics and computational thinking to identify the relationships between potential and kinetic energies as applied to the Law of Conservation of Energy

Roller Coaster Physics

7.c: plan and carry out investigations to describe how molecular motion relates to thermal energy changes in terms of conduction, convection, and radiation

Convection Cells
Temperature and Particle Motion

7.f: analyze and interpret data to explain the flow of energy during phase changes using heating/cooling curves (not to include triple point diagrams)

Conduction and Convection

8: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the relationships among force, mass, and motion

8.a: plan and carry out an investigation and analyze the motion of an object using mathematical and graphical models

Air Track
Distance-Time Graphs - Metric
Distance-Time and Velocity-Time Graphs - Metric
Fan Cart Physics
Golf Range
Roller Coaster Physics
Sled Wars

8.b: construct an explanation based on the relationships between force, mass, velocity, and acceleration to support the claims presented in Newton?s Three Laws of Motion

2D Collisions
Air Track
Crumple Zones
Fan Cart Physics
Force and Fan Carts
Gravitational Force

8.c: analyze and interpret data to identify the relationship between mass and gravitational force for falling objects

Free-Fall Laboratory

8.d: use mathematics and computational thinking to identify the relationships between work, mechanical advantage, and simple machines, i.e. calculate and give examples of the force-distance trade off that occurs when a machine is used

Ants on a Slant (Inclined Plane)
Inclined Plane - Simple Machine
Pulley Lab
Wheel and Axle

9: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the properties of waves

9.a: analyze and interpret data to identify the relationships among wavelength, frequency, and energy in electromagnetic waves and amplitude (loudness) and energy in mechanical waves (sound and seismic)

Earthquakes 1 - Recording Station
Earthquakes 2 - Determination of Epicenter
Hearing: Frequency and Volume
Longitudinal Waves
Ripple Tank
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

9.c: develop models based on experimental evidence that illustrate the phenomena of reflection, refraction, interference, and diffraction as applied to mechanical and electromagnetic waves

Ripple Tank
Sound Beats and Sine Waves

9.d: analyze and interpret data to explain how different media affect the speed of sound and light waves


9.e: develop and use models to explain the changes in sound waves associated with the Doppler Effect

Doppler Shift
Doppler Shift Advanced

10: obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain the properties of and relationships between electricity and magnetism

10.a: use mathematical and computational thinking to support a claim regarding the relationships between voltage, current, and resistance

Advanced Circuits
Circuit Builder

10.b: develop and use models to illustrate and explain the conventional flow (direct and alternating) of current and the flow of electrons in simple series and parallel circuits

Advanced Circuits

10.c: plan and carry out investigations using motors, generators, and electromagnets to determine the relationship between magnetism and the movement of electrical charge

Electromagnetic Induction

Content correlation last revised: 8/15/2018